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Casual marijuana use causes brain abnormalities in the young: study

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Nyoro SF


(Reuters) - Young, casual marijuana smokers experience potentially harmful changes to their brains, with the drug altering regions of the mind related to motivation and emotion, researchers found.

The study to be published on Wednesday in the Journal of Neuroscience differs from many other pot-related research projects that are focused on chronic, heavy users of cannabis.

The collaborative effort between Northwestern University's medical school, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School showed a direct correlation between the number of times users smoked and abnormalities in the brain.

"What we're seeing is changes in people who are 18 to 25 in core brain regions that you never, ever want to fool around with," said co-senior study author Dr. Hans Beiter, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University.

In particular, the study identified changes to the nucleus accumbens and the nucleus amygdala, regions of the brain that are key to regulating emotion and motivation, in marijuana users who smoke between one and seven joints a week.

Rest of the article at the source.

I believe this is the first written article I've seen on this subject in a while, though I remember the Discovery Channel running a similar item showing brain abnormality development due to pot use.


I'm a weirdo who doesn't smoke and thinks weed smells like hot garbage but cigarette smoke makes me super nostalgic because my parents smoked around me all the time when I was younger. I hate that I feel this way but it is what it is.


I wish they'd say grams or some other more precise measurement.

I don't know many people that smoke all of their pot as joints. If anything they are a rarity. An entire joint to yourself in particular.

7 joints a week to me depending on the size of a joint wouldn't be considered a casual smoker. That's borderline stoner.


That's why you aren't allowed to use it until you're 21. Like booze.
I don't why, but I thought this was already known? Or am I thinking of a stereotype?

pretty much. they've been telling us it dissolved our braincells for decades, but I guess since they decided to do some science, they discovered it really isn't good for young children to do drugs.

the more you know...


Well, don't give it to kids. Relegate it to the same category as booze, spanking, full contact football and military service, fine for consenting adults but not allowed for children.


I seem to be doing ok. And I say the same thing in every thread like this - if some of you had any idea the number of people in important positions that smoke pot and or did as a kid....

For example, at least 2 of our last 3 presidents.


In before anecdotal evidence stating that they're fine after years of smoking.
Frankly who knows how any of us fucked ourselves up over the years by doing whatever. The people who screwed themselves up the least probably wouldn't even be posting here.


Super Sleuth
I seem to be doing ok. And I say the same thing in every thread like this - if some of you had any idea the number of people in important positions that smoke pot and or did as a kid....

For example, at least 2 of our last 3 presidents.

Bush did coke so he definitely smoked.


Frankly who knows how any of us fucked ourselves up over the years by doing whatever. The people who screwed themselves up the least probably wouldn't even be posting here.

I'm sure.

I'm not anti marijuana, but I always find it funny when studies like come out and you have people post anecdotal evidence about their experience, like it's scientific.

Just own your habit and stop rationalizing that it has no bad side effects. It comes with territory with all drugs.


Yeah, I'm sure. Just another study trying to scare people. They should really wait until a bigger study is done before trumpeting this.
I don't smoke, but I think it smells great.

I would have to imagine you are in the minority (only regarding non-smokers of course)

And yeah, too late for me. I do very well in school (junior in college) and still smoke anywhere from 1-10 bowls a day, but I would be lying if I claimed that my early marijuana use did not affect me in a negative way. Started around 12 years old and I was a foolish and ignorant piece of shit until my first psychedelic experience. That's definitely not to say I wasn't still a total fool after my first trip, but it helped me realize that there was more to life than being a vandal and a thief.

I also abused a wide variety of other drugs starting shortly after (or before?) my 12th birthday, including frequently snorting my buddy's ADD medicine, so it is difficult to see marijuana as the sole perpetrator in this case. But when it's all said and done, I don't see any reason someone should smoke ze chronic at such a young age. Though assigning a concrete age restriction seems rather arbitrary in such a case, 16 seems to be a reasonable age to have your first toke, depending on one's maturity.

I agree. Absolutely nasty.

Yeah, well...


According to this, 21 still puts you in the range of having your brain fucked.

oh. then..that's bullshit.

who funded the study? oh the anti-drug dudes who've been telling us for years that pot destroys brain cells and saps our motivation. Surprise surprise, their studies show that they were right.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
How are they getting the numbers a week, self reporting?

How much weed have you smoked this week?

Real Answer: All Day ERRY DAY

Answer for doctor: Three joints at most

Seth C

I'm not a doctor and I don't have any studies to back me up, but I'm just going to go ahead and assume that administering any drug that effect brain chemistry while said brain is still developing is going to lead to abnormalities. Let's just call it a hunch.

I'd love to see a similar study in the case of, say, ADHD medications. I can also guess how that one would go.


Well, don't give it to kids. Relegate it to the same category as booze, spanking, full contact football and military service, fine for consenting adults but not allowed for children.

Study is for 18-25 year olds.

ITT: people who smoke pot will be upset. The study isn't telling you to stop, it is just giving objective data.
I also abused a wide variety of other drugs starting shortly after (or before?) my 12th birthday, including frequently snorting my buddy's ADD medicine,

Holy shit. What was the effect? Wouldn't that just make you feel like total shit (took meds for ADHD in college and felt like my heart would explode)?
At this point we should know that one study on anything means nothing. Until this study is repeated multiple times this is nothing more than conjecture.


oh. then..that's bullshit.

who funded the study? oh the anti-drug dudes who've been telling us for years that pot destroys brain cells and saps our motivation. Surprise surprise, their studies show that they were right.

Exactly, just like the prohibitionist types funding studies on alcohol.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Read the rest of the article

In particular, the study identified changes to the nucleus accumbens and the nucleus amygdala, regions of the brain that are key to regulating emotion and motivation, in marijuana users who smoke between one and seven joints a week.

The researchers found changes to the volume, shape and density of those brain regions. But more studies are needed to determine how those changes may have long-term consequences and whether they can be fixed with abstinence, Beiter said.

"Our hypothesis from this early work is that these changes may be an early sign of what later becomes amotivation, where people aren't focused on their goals," he said.

The study, which was funded in part by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, comes as access to pot is expanding following 2012 votes in Washington state and Colorado to legalize its recreational use. The drug remains illegal under federal law.

Medical pot is allowed in 20 U.S. states.

Pot legalization advocates make the argument that marijuana is safer than alcohol a central part of their campaigns.

Other research has found drinking alcohol alters the brain, Beiter said. But while researchers do not know exactly how the mental rewiring seen in pot users affects their lives, the study shows it physically changes the brain in ways that differ from drinking, he said.

This latest study fits with other research showing marijuana use has significant effects on young people because their brains are still developing, and Beiter said he has become convinced that marijuana should only be used by people under 30 if they need it to manage pain from a terminal illness.

Changes, not abnormalities.

Guesses, Guesses everywhere.

Also I'd like to see Hans Gruber come out against anyone younger than 30 drinking alchohol.
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