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Casual marijuana use causes brain abnormalities in the young: study

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You can say the exact same thing in reverse by your logic.. The thing is, I'm 27, life is flying by. No one is getting younger. I find people are living their lives based too much on what the new miracle food/exercise/sitting vs standing etc the list goes on and on. Weed has been around long enough to know it's not going to make me brain dead. I'm going to enjoy what little time I have here actually living instead of worrying.

When all is said and done your entire life is going to be meaningless, unless you make a very significant contribution society, which is highly unlikely. The fear mongering needs to stop.

"In the early 1900's people believed that radioactivity was good for you. Radioactive items were sold including radium pendants for rheumatism, uranium blankets for arthritis, anti-aging radioactive cosmetics, radioactive water, and more.

Radioactive water became particularly popular when radiation was found in well-known hot springs that people thought had healing properties.

Thinking radiation was natural in water, radioactive drinks were marketed to the public. Eben Byers, a well known industrialist, claimed to drink three bottles a day. His death inspired the 1932 Wall Street Journal headline "The Radium Water Worked Fine Until His Jaw Came Off".

Things change all the time. Look at history, people are always wrong. Marijuana is still in the early phases of testing.


I smoked casually in my later years in high school/early years in college. I definitely think it messed with me. I became more paranoid and anxious after stopping. I did have a great time smoking though.


Who are they to call the brain after smoking pot abnormal? Maybe that's what the brain is supposed too look like when it is truly normal. Maybe all the other brains are abnormal, ever think about that? So it changes the volume, shape and density of the brain? oh yeah? So I guess that must means that exercise and a low-carb diet must be bad too, because it changes the density, volume and shape of fat in people's bodies. Right doctors?

You're high right now, aren't you? Maybe your fingernail is the universe and that little speck is its own planet, and on it there's a guy who's stoned wondering if he lives in a universe made of God's fingernail and if we all see the same color blue.


Look at history, people are always wrong.

How would that work exactly? I'm pretty sure the ancient Greeks measured the size of the earth accurately, Pythagorean's theorems still hold and the, Newtons Calculus is what we still teach in schools. More often theories are refined not thrown out so a blanket 'all people are wrong' statement seems to be inaccurate and more than a little pessimistic
How would that work exactly? I'm pretty sure the ancient Greeks measured the size of the earth accurately, Pythagorean's theorems still hold and the, Newtons Calculus is what we still teach in schools. More often theories are refined not thrown out so a blanket 'all people are wrong' statement seems to be inaccurate and more than a little pessimistic

You're incorrect and wrong.

No, I didn't mean it like that. People have always been misinformed about drugs or what is healthy for the human body. Remember when using leeches was considered healthy, smoking tabacoo was praised as "god's herb" capable of curing all sorts of ailments. Sound familiar?
Yeah, that's what everyone likes to tell themselves, and then before they know it they're going broke for it swearing they're not addicted.

Yeah and then they start stealing things from friends/family and prostituting themselves on the street. No wait that's crack.

Addiction is a real thing, but as a general rule pot is about as hard to quit as coffee (at least you don't get headaches). If it's harder you probably have other mental health issues. I do (depression/anxiety underlying my former extreme habit) and it was easier for me to quit that than coffee.


do... do you know that the majority of strains smell nothing like skunks?

this has nothing to do with the inside reference I was making, but no I have no knowledge of pot or weed or green and would not ever recognize the smell of one strain or another because I do not do pot.


You're incorrect and wrong.

No, I didn't mean it like that. People have always been misinformed about drugs or what is healthy for the human body. Remember when using leeches was considered healthy, smoking tabacoo was praised as "god's herb" capable of curing all sorts of ailments. Sound familiar?

Slow down a tad, leeches are stilled used and nicotine is used to treat several illnesses.


You're incorrect and wrong.

No, I didn't mean it like that. People have always been misinformed about drugs or what is healthy for the human body. Remember when using leeches was considered healthy, smoking tabacoo was praised as "god's herb" capable of curing all sorts of ailments. Sound familiar?

So things like the Mediterranean diet are not healthy, aspirin and penicillin do not work? All I'm saying is that approaching medicine and health research with the ideas that they are inherently wrong is not helpful. Look at the actual research and make your own determination, don't just dismiss things out of hand because the people in white coats are scary.

Slow down a tad, leeches are stilled used and nicotine is used to treat several illnesses.

Cocaine is also used medically, ironically for a chronic bloody nose.
This study fits with pretty much every recent study on marijuana and the brain, although it was a little surprising to me that 1 joint a week leads to brain abnormalities.
People who support legalization need to come to grips with the fact that more and more studies are showing the dangers of pot to the brain. It's not a benign drug. The legalization movement needs to be honest.


This study fits with pretty much every recent study on marijuana and the brain, although it was a little surprising to me that 1 joint a week leads to brain abnormalities.
People who support legalization need to come to grips with the fact that more and more studies are showing the dangers of pot to the brain. It's not a benign drug. The legalization movement needs to be honest.

troll post.
This study fits with pretty much every recent study on marijuana and the brain, although it was a little surprising to me that 1 joint a week leads to brain abnormalities.
People who support legalization need to come to grips with the fact that more and more studies are showing the dangers of pot to the brain. It's not a benign drug. The legalization movement needs to be honest.

I hope you are not serious. If so...yikes.


No, but what do you care? You don't smoke. Our brains are pristine akira.

plenty of "recent studies" have had different results that challenge the decades ole "it rots your brain" claim. This one finds that "growing brains are changing and those changes might be bad, we're really not sure. But we think it might make you unmotivated and more prone to having sex with minorities", doesn't exactly break new ground.

NIDA says weeds are bad is not a huge surprise. It's kind of their cash cow, raisin d'etra.

also, there's no way that you're not a massive, massive pothead bulbo. just look at your avatar.
"Marijuana leads to lack of motivation"
-No shit

I'm sick of people trying to validate weed's placement as an illegal drug. It's one of the least harmful drugs out there and has a bunch of benefits. Can it be abused? Probably. But so can pretty much every other substance in the world.
I'm a daily smoker but I'm not addictive to weed, I have had horrible addiction before, so I know if I'm addictive or not.

If I don't feel like smoking for the day/week/month, I can always stop and be fine with it.

Money isn't a problem because I have a super low tolerance that a pinch of weed can get me pretty blaze.


Will Eat Your Children
Those guys that turn into zombies, are you smoking indica's or something? Try some sativa like haze or something and then come back to me!
A good Sativa is always better (although I liked some hybrids too), but even then with daily smoking it can get you down and lazy after a while (especially if you are barely active in the first place)
plenty of "recent studies" have had different results that challenge the decades ole "it rots your brain" claim. This one finds that "growing brains are changing and those changes might be bad, we're really not sure. But we think it might make you unmotivated and more prone to having sex with minorities", doesn't exactly break new ground.

NIDA says weeds are bad is not a huge surprise. It's kind of their cash cow, raisin d'etra.

also, there's no way that you're not a massive, massive pothead bulbo. just look at your avatar.
Prior studies have looked at chronic users and found very similar findings by MRI. It's also been found in animal models. This is merely the first time at looking at casual users. Like I said, not very surprising. Attack the science if you have problems, not some imaginary guy with raisins.

Hey, I was a pothead. Let that be a lesson to all of you.
different strains smell different. i've had bud smell like cat piss, and i've had some smell like fruit loops.

All the weed I've ever smell pretty much smelled like weed once it's smoke in the air.

"Marijuana leads to lack of motivation"
-No shit

I'm sick of people trying to validate weed's placement as an illegal drug. It's one of the least harmful drugs out there and has a bunch of benefits. Can it be abused? Probably. But so can pretty much every other substance in the world.

I don't think it should be illegal but at the same time I'm not crazy about the common stance that it couldn't possibly have some negative side effects if you're not careful.

People act like it's harmless. Not the least harmful. There's a difference.
Never really had anything against people who smoke marijuana, so long as they don't reek of it.

My god whoever thinks this stuff smells good needs to have their sinuses checked out.

Though I do find it interesting that science has proved that pot heads are in fact lazy bums.
Never really had anything against people who smoke marijuana, so long as they don't reek of it.

My god whoever thinks this stuff smells good needs to have their sinuses checked out.

Though I do find it interesting that science has proved that pot heads are in fact lazy bums.

I beg to differ.

I used to be lazier before i burned. I burned a lot too. I only consume edibles on weekends now. It's great. Eat a weed cookie and go mow my lawn and clean my house cranking porcupine tree.


I beg to differ.

I used to be lazier before i burned. I burned a lot too. I only consume edibles on weekends now. It's great. Eat a weed cookie and go mow my lawn and clean my house cranking porcupine tree.

I agree, but arguing to some is a lost cause. The media has already made up their minds for them.
I don't think it should be illegal but at the same time I'm not crazy about the common stance that it couldn't possibly have some negative side effects if you're not careful.

People act like it's harmless. Not the least harmful. There's a difference.

I agree, and it should be common sense that changing the way your mind works will change the way your brain works. If you're high all the time, your mind adapts. If you then quit smoking, guess what, it's not going to be the way it was before you were high all the time. You open 1 door, another door closes.

I find that beyond the research that supports marijuana helping physical ailments, it can be good psychologically for some people. And when you get into psychological territory, you have to realize how different it can affect one person to the next. A lot of close-minded people who think people should get the death sentence for smoking weed, for example, would probably better themselves by smoking some.

Edit: more to the point, I don't like the research that tries to prove weed bad because there are so many obvious signs that it is less bad than most drugs. It should be researched, sure, but it should be made legal first. The biggest harm marijuana does right now is put people in jail.
I agree, but arguing to some is a lost cause. The media has already made up their minds for them.

I'm curious about how strains affect people differently. Indica is more seditive and promoted couch potatoness. Stativs was always more uppity for me. Good for weekend chores and daytime activities.


Man, I really would love to meet all these pro-active, super-motivated and educated stoners that you all seem to be hanging out with.
I beg to differ.

I used to be lazier before i burned. I burned a lot too. I only consume edibles on weekends now. It's great. Eat a weed cookie and go mow my lawn and clean my house cranking porcupine tree.
Basing personal experience off people I know. And what with living in San Francisco, I can easily say that of the four people I know who smoke it on a regular basis, I wouldn't trust any of them to get anything meaningful done.

I'm not saying that everyone who smokes it instantly turns into a lazy bum who can't ever get stuff done, for heavens sake I'm only basing this off four people, but to say it doesn't happen is a tad silly.


Pot smokers aren't known for their attentive skills.
Love you!

They like and trust science, until it comes to a conclusion that they don't like - and then it's the standard 'attack the messenger' that groups like the anti-vaxxers and climate science deniers like to use.

Personally, I'd like to see far more studies done on the effects of cannabis on people. Researchers have been reluctant (or downright unable) to do this due to legality issues, but with the ever-increasing decriminalization/legalization efforts throughout the US, I'm hoping that leads to more serious study by a wide variety of research groups, without fear of prosecution.

I'd rather we know all the good (and the bad) about cannabis, especially in regards to youth, no matter what the results may be. If we get all the cards out on the table, it makes it easier to determine the best legalization framework, and will lead to further/faster acceptance of cannabis within society. If that means that states set the legal smoking age to 24 or 25 instead of 21, then so be it.


Basing personal experience off people I know. And what with living in San Francisco, I can easily say that of the four people I know who smoke it on a regular basis, I wouldn't trust any of them to get anything meaningful done.

I'm not saying that everyone who smokes it instantly turns into a lazy bum who can't ever get stuff done, for heavens sake I'm only basing this off four people, but to say it doesn't happen is a tad silly.

As a dude who used to smoke and was friends with a bunch of people who smoked, we were all lazy and stupid when we smoked. Not a one of us would get amped after hitting the bong.
I love watching stoner comedy movies like Smiley Face and shows like Getting Doug with High, but that's an appreciation from afar where I wouldn't ever touch the stuff. Familiarising and educating myself with exotic things. Kinda like watching gun videos on youtube, even though I'm very afraid of them (not to say I'm afraid of marijuana, just won't partake).
Man, I really would love to meet all these pro-active, super-motivated and educated stoners that you all seem to be hanging out with.

You probably know some and have no clue.

A lot of close-minded people who think people should get the death sentence for smoking weed, for example, would probably better themselves by smoking some.

This is probably the pothead in me talking, but I've said most people should burn for a while. I obviously don't think everyone should, but the world would be a happier more open minded and welcoming place. There's a weekly story about some dude getting drunk and starting a fight or beating his wife. I haven't heard too many instances about a dude smoking a dooby and doing the same.

Basing personal experience off people I know. And what with living in San Francisco, I can easily say that of the four people I know who smoke it on a regular basis, I wouldn't trust any of them to get anything meaningful done.

I'm not saying that everyone who smokes it instantly turns into a lazy bum who can't ever get stuff done, for heavens sake I'm only basing this off four people, but to say it doesn't happen is a tad silly.

I wouldn't make such a claim. I'm a realistic pothead. I think part of the issue at hand is the high naturally attracts lazy people.

In personally know people who fit both descriptions.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Man, I really would love to meet all these pro-active, super-motivated and educated stoners that you all seem to be hanging out with.

Two of my friends who are regular stoners are both high school teachers. They are certainly not what I would call motivated individuals, their weekends are mostly spent getting high and doing nothing, they never want to go out and do much of anything else anymore, but during the week they teach children.


That's exactly it. More people are smoking than you know, but don't talk about it because of the social stigma. I mean, people don't just go around telling everyone they smoke (aside from message boards).

Ya, nobody knows because they spend all night in their basements eating cheetos and watching South Park and Spongebob.

I'm mostly kidding
what could matter more than being a motivated cog?

Ya, nobody knows because they spend all night in their basements eating cheetos and watching South Park and Spongebob.

I'm mostly kidding

i like to switch it up with regular show and the old cosmos
That's exactly it. More people are smoking than you know, but don't talk about it because of the social stigma. I mean, people don't just go around telling everyone they smoke (aside from message boards).

I'm pretty vocal on this board, but if I wasn't i don't think anyone wold have a clue.

The only reason my family knows is because I'm 33 and don't give a shit anymore. Lol

My entire office smokes. Including my manager. I live in Cali though. Perceptions are different out here.

I remember tripping the first time I went to a dispensary. So many people from all walks of life were in there. Prior to that my only experience was dealers and young kids.


Did I miss the causation between the abmoralities and negative effects? Seems like the researchers quit before coming up with the money results. Must have gotten a contact high!


I'm pretty vocal on this board, but if I wasn't i don't think anyone wold have a clue.

The only reason my family knows is because I'm 33 and don't give a shit anymore. Lol

My entire office smokes. Including my manager. I live in Cali though. Perceptions are different out here.

I remember tripping the first time I went to a dispensary. So many people from all walks of life were in there. Prior to that my only experience was dealers and young kids.

Yeah, only once you start smoking are you able realize how many other people do too. It's like when you get a new car, you start to see that car everywhere.

Funniest part, I used to be very against it. Obviously, from everything I was told and heard, it's bad shit right? Going to turn me into some sort of lethargic moron. Now I'm almost preachy but I just hate to see people judging something that they've never experienced. Especially when their only knowledge is what they've read, seen or been told. You really do have to try it to judge.


Did I miss the causation between the abmoralities and negative effects? Seems like the researchers quit before coming up with the money results. Must have gotten a contact high!

Most studies of this type don't attempt to find casual reasons for the links as that would likely require a completely different set of researchers.


Did I miss the causation between the abmoralities and negative effects? Seems like the researchers quit before coming up with the money results. Must have gotten a contact high!

Exactly, it's all summed up in this sentence.

"Our hypothesis from this early work is that these changes may be an early sign of what later becomes amotivation, where people aren't focused on their goals," he said.

Not sure how they could be less certain about it.
3. Then you need twin for every medical research.......

Nope. You really don't. Most studies like this you could test things first on lab animals to establish the principle of the disorder and then move to clinical testing after that concept was proven. Also, the rest of a human body is fairly well studied with a huge number of clinical cases to back up research.

You'd need twins for this study because it's researching a correlation between brain development (which really is mainly in the theoretical sciences) and an active choice. Neuroscience is just at the beginning of research (comparatively) and there's still a lot that isn't known about how it works. We do know that the brain makes choices, though. If a "decision making" center change in the brain in a still developing brain shows a correlation with marijuana use, we don't know if this is because marijuana changes the development of the brain or because people who have this anomaly in their brain are more likely to smoke marijuana and also indulge in a handful of other risky behaviors.

And since the sample they were studying consisted of a group of people who's brain would have been undergoing changes anyways, it's important to have a clonal population to verify what the cause of these changes are.

It's similar to when they used to say marijuana could cause psychotic breaks. No, it can't. However, for people with a history of schizophrenia in their family, if they smoke marijuana, will typically suffer their first episode while under the influence due to a number of other factors. But it's something that would have happened regardless of drug use.
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