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cats suck


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact post before. If not from this OP, then from another.

jump GIF
Love the way it does a scared backwards jump over its todd that its dropped.


always chasing the next thrill
cat owners suck too. at least around here.

I live in Los Angeles and there are about a billion cats that roam the streets. my dumbass neighbors keep feeding the strays, and they keep killing every fucking bird, lizard, etc. in the neighborhood. did you know that cats kill 2.4 billion birds in the USA alone every year? and that they contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species?

they shit everywhere. and the fucking cat food these idiots leave out attract rats. the cats kill the rats, so now there are dead rats and rotting cat food everywhere.

the cat owners are almost as insufferable. literally every week you see a post on next door about some idiot who is crying due to a coyote eating their cat. there are a fuckload of coyotes in Southern California, you can see them almost every night, next door is filled with stories of people having their cats getting killed by coyotes, yet you're somehow shocked a coyote killed your cat?

the cat owners get all defensive when people tell them to keep their cats indoors, saying shit like "but my cat really wants to go outside!" no shit, it wants to go out and kill other animals for no goddamn reason.

if you own cats and keep them inside, that's fine (I still think cat people are kinda weird tbh). but if you (a) feed strays or (b) let your cat outside, you suck.

thank you for your time.
Fuck you


the cat owners get all defensive when people tell them to keep their cats indoors, saying shit like "but my cat really wants to go outside!" no shit, it wants to go out and kill other animals for no goddamn reason.

if you own cats and keep them inside, that's fine (I still think cat people are kinda weird tbh). but if you (a) feed strays or (b) let your cat outside, you suck.
Oh yeah, fuck you.
Not sure if you people did any sort of lockdown, if so, did you like that?


Wouldn’t be a fan of cats. Next door posts in my area are littered with people crying about their cat disappearing or getting run over by a car.

U.K. law doesn’t require a driver to stop and report a cat being hit by a car, because they are viewed as fair game on the roads! If you hit a dog you are required by law to stop and report the accident.

Cat owners letting their cats roam free around cities, shitting everywhere, spraying everywhere, and causing RTAs need to stop doing this.


Actually all our cats have been indoors, outdoors on leash only, works just fine. If you don't do that, you are just a lazy owner that can't be bothered.

Cats take to a leash just as well, if not better, than most dogs.
It depends. Do you have a private garden? Then you're a piece of shit.
You don't have a private garden? Then that's completely reasonable.
It only depends on you options.
I have a friend who does the same as you, he gets his cat on a leash and they go for walks in the countryside/beaches.
Myself, I got about three hectares of land behind my (parents') house in the countryside, so my cat's are free to go in and out of the house as they please. Free. Not slaves.
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Gold Member
I have two cats.

One is the most anger inducing pooping everywhere scratches everything cat.

The other one is the most loveliest, caring, gentle, beautiful, chill creature.

They are the devil and the angel in one package.


It depends. Do you have a private garden? Then you're a piece of shit.
You don't have a private garden? Then that's completely reasonable.
It only depends on you options.
I have a friend who does the same as you, he gets his cat on a leash and they go for walks in the countryside/beaches.
Myself, I got about three hectares of land behind my (parents') house in the countryside, so my cat's are free to go in and out of the house as they please. Free. Not slaves.

Not thinking about the freedom bit, more that free roaming pet cats, that are fed at home, still kill billions of critters in our country side, without need.

If you are a responsible pet owner, you do not want your pets to cause damage to local fauna, most of which is allready stressed.

And since we are 2000 years in domestication, the sooner more people walk their cats, the better.

All of ours love it, and so do people we meet. People still find it wierd, and are fascinated that they are so good on it. Most often they are fine just walking alongside you, with no leash, personally I love going on forest walks with them, without the leash on. Most dogs I have will give chase if they see something, the cats are more cool and go "meh", if they see a rabbit/squirrel/bird.

Its really a cool companionship, and makes you realize that cats view us differently than dogs.

A added bonus is that most of our cats have lived to atleast 20, none caught by predators or gotten run over.

Just realized our current ones are going to our next to last set, if we live to 90..:0 will invest in the last ones, norwegians and savannahs, big, healthy breeds, that need discipline. :)

(As a added bonus, the lot have always been excellent at defending "the pack" whenever a moron walks up with a "my dog is nice and have never bitten anyone!" sort of dog, that all of a sudden spazzes out and want to attack our dogs or cats.

The cats tag team the shit out of them. Pitbulls, german shepherds, bulldogs all get sent yelping. So hilarious to watch. Our dogs know they are safe and just watch the action).
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Gold Member
Cats are wannabe tigers who lick their ass all day.
Documentaries are too prudish to show you tigers licking their own asshole for a good part of their wake time.
But they do, just as cats do.

Cats take to a leash just as well, if not better, than most dogs.
I once tried to leash a cat.
Houdini woulda been amazed at how quickly and skillfully the cat freed itself from the leash.


I once tried to leash a cat.
Houdini woulda been amazed at how quickly and skillfully the cat freed itself from the leash.
Unlike dogs, cats will only do what they want, so, you have to make it a game. Its a game to get out, so the solution is the leash, just have to play with it.


Biggest Trails Stan
Sounds like OP is just bitter an awesome looking cat game will soon be out, meanwhile Nintendo refuses to release a new Nintendogs.

Cat Game GIF by Annapurna Interactive

As for me, I like cats, and dogs, err I like them to a degree, but it wasn’t no cat that nearly mauled me when I was a kid and was hanging with a friend in her backyard and my friend’s pet’s chain broke loose and I got tackled to the ground by an animal twice my size. Thank god her mom was right there to instantly grab him and all I got were some scratches, but regardless the most horrifying moment in my life. Needless to say my parents forced my friend’s mom to start putting that dog in a separate room if I was to ever go over there again.

A mean cat will just make it clear you need to fuck off and if you fail to listen you’ll only receive a few scratches. A mean dog however? Those fuckers are legit dangerous. Also, I couldn’t believe one time I was with a friend and we briefly went to some party his dad was having, and his dad was like, “okay, my dog can bite you, but leave him alone and don’t get nervous around him and you’ll be fine.” I was just staring in disbelief thinking, “bruh, if I just switch off my anxiety like that, well, I would never be anxious ever!” Thankfully I was able to mostly avoid the dog and we weren’t there super long.

Also, my current best friend has two dogs and two cats, and the two dogs constantly make a lot of noise, get extremely whiny if you DARE to focus on anything but them (my friend has to basically tell them to stop when we’re trying to watch a movie/show or play a game), fight with each other over their chew toys despite having like a dozen of them, etc. Meanwhile the two cats are chill and will just occasionally walk by and rub against our legs.

Just saying, in my experience, cats have done far more to win me over than dogs have.
Huge fan of dogs and cats.

I got Stray off of Steam recently


Gold Member
Documentaries are too prudish to show you tigers licking their own asshole for a good part of their wake time.
But they do, just as cats do.

I once tried to leash a cat.
Houdini woulda been amazed at how quickly and skillfully the cat freed itself from the leash.
Tigers can fuck up an adult lion, they can do the fuck they want and still look cool.
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cat owners suck too. at least around here.

I live in Los Angeles and there are about a billion cats that roam the streets. my dumbass neighbors keep feeding the strays, and they keep killing every fucking bird, lizard, etc. in the neighborhood. did you know that cats kill 2.4 billion birds in the USA alone every year? and that they contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species?

they shit everywhere. and the fucking cat food these idiots leave out attract rats. the cats kill the rats, so now there are dead rats and rotting cat food everywhere.

the cat owners are almost as insufferable. literally every week you see a post on next door about some idiot who is crying due to a coyote eating their cat. there are a fuckload of coyotes in Southern California, you can see them almost every night, next door is filled with stories of people having their cats getting killed by coyotes, yet you're somehow shocked a coyote killed your cat?

the cat owners get all defensive when people tell them to keep their cats indoors, saying shit like "but my cat really wants to go outside!" no shit, it wants to go out and kill other animals for no goddamn reason.

if you own cats and keep them inside, that's fine (I still think cat people are kinda weird tbh). but if you (a) feed strays or (b) let your cat outside, you suck.

thank you for your time.
Amen. I fucking hate them too. Killing machines we raise breed and feed. Brutal on the environment


Cats are one step below cane toads IMO. There is a storm water drain way near where I live and the amount of fucking cats eyes at night, Jesus. RIP native species.


Cats are very efficient killers in a 1v1 scenario. Excellent if you have a rodent problem, but historically they were even respected for their ability to keep you safe from venomous snakes.


the cat owners get all defensive when people tell them to keep their cats indoors, saying shit like "but my cat really wants to go outside!" no shit, it wants to go out and kill other animals for no goddamn reason.

if you own cats and keep them inside, that's fine (I still think cat people are kinda weird tbh). but if you (a) feed strays or (b) let your cat outside, you suck.
Incredibly strange reading about it, everywhere in France I never see a cat outdoor. I have a cat and we let her sit on the terrace of the apartment building, but that's it.

Having said that if you live in the city and you decide to have a dog - fuck you. Not only is he unhappy, I have to navigate between dog poo on the street. It took my cat 10 minutes to learn where to do her thing in the litter box.
it sounds more like an issue with the OP's neighbors more than the cats. and as a cat person (I still like dogs too), I do agree that there need to be some restrictions, especially with the cat food. in my complex just a few doors down from my unit, I saw cat food and water left outside the door just the other day and a few cats in the area. but there was also a skunk there eating the cat food too, so I definitely understand some of the OP's point. thou I think the OP is overreacting a little on the subject.
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