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cats suck


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
sometimes i feel like the only idiot who likes both cats and dogs. it's like when you get one or the other you have to pick a side.
Nah, you're cool. Although I'm somewhat biased towards cats, it's mostly because I'm lazy. I love dogs too, especially wolf-like dogs like Siberians, Samoyeds, German and Belgium Shepards. Dogs just require more work and attention than cats, so I'm too lazy to have a dog as a pet, but I love seeing all the beautiful dogs in my neighbor when they're out on their walks.
cat owners suck too. at least around here.

I live in Los Angeles and there are about a billion cats that roam the streets. my dumbass neighbors keep feeding the strays, and they keep killing every fucking bird, lizard, etc. in the neighborhood. did you know that cats kill 2.4 billion birds in the USA alone every year? and that they contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species?

Oh bugger off!
Cats are important pest control.

Also pet cats are surplus killers, i.e. they are lazy and only kill animals already weakened by disease, starvation or old age. Feral cats on the other hand have a much higher hunting drive, but in the US and Europe they don't really thrive considering they have strong competition and other native predators.

So no, pet cats are not responsible for bird genocide and there is no issue with letting them go outside. If anything, they keep your suburban areas clean of vermin. Rats are far-worse vectors of human disease than cats. Plus, rats are predators themselves, and given their numbers are probably as much if not more of a threat to wildlife than are cats.


LA? Not surprised. The entire state of California has gone to literal shit. I'm afraid nothing will be done about it, so if you really can't stand it, you will need to move to a more sensible state. Anyplace that lets stray cats or dogs run around out of control is 3rd world.


I prefer these kind of cats

Big Cat GIF by Nature on PBS


Gold Member
I like cats but the outdoor thing gets easily abused by some people especially in cities (cats out in the country can chill most of the time without worry minus racoons etc.). But if your cat is out of the house in a city or busy suburb and you basically leave it there 24/7, frankly it isn’t your fucking cat anymore period.

The other statistic too is that outdoor cats have an average lifespan of 2-5 years outdoors and 14+ indoors.

Where I am every fucking spring/end of winter ends with the snow piles melting into a bunch of dead cats, and volunteering for the Humane Society was even more sobering. There is no ‘forever’ home for an outdoor cat …and it’s fucking heartbreaking but it is what it is, I went numb several euthanasia’s in. The dogs usually had a chance, the cats were almost always hopeless because they were near feral.
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Sounds like OP is just bitter an awesome looking cat game will soon be out, meanwhile Nintendo refuses to release a new Nintendogs.

Cat Game GIF by Annapurna Interactive

As for me, I like cats, and dogs, err I like them to a degree, but it wasn’t no cat that nearly mauled me when I was a kid and was hanging with a friend in her backyard and my friend’s pet’s chain broke loose and I got tackled to the ground by an animal twice my size. Thank god her mom was right there to instantly grab him and all I got were some scratches, but regardless the most horrifying moment in my life. Needless to say my parents forced my friend’s mom to start putting that dog in a separate room if I was to ever go over there again.

A mean cat will just make it clear you need to fuck off and if you fail to listen you’ll only receive a few scratches. A mean dog however? Those fuckers are legit dangerous. Also, I couldn’t believe one time I was with a friend and we briefly went to some party his dad was having, and his dad was like, “okay, my dog can bite you, but leave him alone and don’t get nervous around him and you’ll be fine.” I was just staring in disbelief thinking, “bruh, if I just switch off my anxiety like that, well, I would never be anxious ever!” Thankfully I was able to mostly avoid the dog and we weren’t there super long.

Also, my current best friend has two dogs and two cats, and the two dogs constantly make a lot of noise, get extremely whiny if you DARE to focus on anything but them (my friend has to basically tell them to stop when we’re trying to watch a movie/show or play a game), fight with each other over their chew toys despite having like a dozen of them, etc. Meanwhile the two cats are chill and will just occasionally walk by and rub against our legs.

Just saying, in my experience, cats have done far more to win me over than dogs have.


Lol, cat owners don't go around bitching about shitty owners of other animals. So you sound a bit more like a bitch than any cat owner I've known, OP.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Oh bugger off!
Cats are important pest control.

Also pet cats are surplus killers, i.e. they are lazy and only kill animals already weakened by disease, starvation or old age. Feral cats on the other hand have a much higher hunting drive, but in the US and Europe they don't really thrive considering they have strong competition and other native predators.

So no, pet cats are not responsible for bird genocide and there is no issue with letting them go outside. If anything, they keep your suburban areas clean of vermin. Rats are far-worse vectors of human disease than cats. Plus, rats are predators themselves, and given their numbers are probably as much if not more of a threat to wildlife than are cats.

Going to have to disagree with this post. And I do so as a cat owner myself. Cats won't just go for sick animals and are not lazy predators. I'd go as far to say that cats are one of nature's perfect predators.

Cats will kill anything they can catch and are a problem to the environment. I live in the UK, but there was an interesting study conducted recently in Australia that estimated a single pet cat kills 110 native animals every year, including birds and reptiles. As the article pints out, this means.

Domestic cats are killing an estimated 230m native Australian birds, reptiles and mammals every year


some other figures form this article from other areas of the world.


We can't blame cats. They're just following they're prey drive and will kill anything they can catch. That's they're natural behaviour. However, we also can't pretend that it's not a problem to the environment.



Neighbours from Hell
Cats are territorial. They see all the human shit all over the place in San Fran and are marking their territory in LA with their own shit before the humans have a chance to spread their feces there too. Actually a smart tactic from the cat community. Glad to see some living organism in California is being proactive about something for a change.


I'm indifferent to them. I don't want one, but I sort of like crossing paths with cats when I'm walking around town.

What bugs me are the people who say stuff like "I like _______(insert animal) more than people."
That's fine, but then say it to the animal, not other people - that's weird.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Cats were the inspiration for the musical Cats.

Yeah cats can all go burn in hell.


Some cats are super sweet and adorbs
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cat owners suck too. at least around here.

I live in Los Angeles and there are about a billion cats that roam the streets. my dumbass neighbors keep feeding the strays, and they keep killing every fucking bird, lizard, etc. in the neighborhood. did you know that cats kill 2.4 billion birds in the USA alone every year? and that they contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species?

they shit everywhere. and the fucking cat food these idiots leave out attract rats. the cats kill the rats, so now there are dead rats and rotting cat food everywhere.

the cat owners are almost as insufferable. literally every week you see a post on next door about some idiot who is crying due to a coyote eating their cat. there are a fuckload of coyotes in Southern California, you can see them almost every night, next door is filled with stories of people having their cats getting killed by coyotes, yet you're somehow shocked a coyote killed your cat?

the cat owners get all defensive when people tell them to keep their cats indoors, saying shit like "but my cat really wants to go outside!" no shit, it wants to go out and kill other animals for no goddamn reason.

if you own cats and keep them inside, that's fine (I still think cat people are kinda weird tbh). but if you (a) feed strays or (b) let your cat outside, you suck.

thank you for your time.
The cats are just a symptom. Sounds more like you should blame the shithole you live in.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I Agree Barack Obama GIF by The Democrats

Don't want cats anywhere around me. I have them that walk near my house all the time.


cat owners suck too. at least around here.

I live in Los Angeles and there are about a billion cats that roam the streets. my dumbass neighbors keep feeding the strays, and they keep killing every fucking bird, lizard, etc. in the neighborhood. did you know that cats kill 2.4 billion birds in the USA alone every year? and that they contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species?

they shit everywhere. and the fucking cat food these idiots leave out attract rats. the cats kill the rats, so now there are dead rats and rotting cat food everywhere.

the cat owners are almost as insufferable. literally every week you see a post on next door about some idiot who is crying due to a coyote eating their cat. there are a fuckload of coyotes in Southern California, you can see them almost every night, next door is filled with stories of people having their cats getting killed by coyotes, yet you're somehow shocked a coyote killed your cat?

the cat owners get all defensive when people tell them to keep their cats indoors, saying shit like "but my cat really wants to go outside!" no shit, it wants to go out and kill other animals for no goddamn reason.

if you own cats and keep them inside, that's fine (I still think cat people are kinda weird tbh). but if you (a) feed strays or (b) let your cat outside, you suck.

thank you for your time.



Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Cats are territorial. They see all the human shit all over the place in San Fran and are marking their territory in LA with their own shit before the humans have a chance to spread their feces there too. Actually a smart tactic from the cat community. Glad to see some living organism in California is being proactive about something for a change.

The kittehs tried but it's too late. Humans have shit all over Los Angeles too.
Going to have to disagree with this post. And I do so as a cat owner myself. Cats won't just go for sick animals and are not lazy predators. I'd go as far to say that cats are one of nature's perfect predators.

Cats will kill anything they can catch and are a problem to the environment. I live in the UK, but there was an interesting study conducted recently in Australia that estimated a single pet cat kills 110 native animals every year, including birds and reptiles. As the article pints out, this means.

Domestic cats are killing an estimated 230m native Australian birds, reptiles and mammals every year


some other figures form this article from other areas of the world.


We can't blame cats. They're just following they're prey drive and will kill anything they can catch. That's they're natural behaviour. However, we also can't pretend that it's not a problem to the environment.

You really think your lazy, obese and overfed pet cat is such a successful hunter?

From your own article:

Feral cats are a significant threat to Australia’s native animals but less is known about the hunting habits of pet cats.

There are about 2.1m feral cats in Australia, with numbers almost tripling during wet periods, said Legge.

Understanding the impact of Australia’s pet cats has been harder to track than feral cats.

Much analysis of the eating habits of feral cats is based on analysis of the stomachs of killed cats.

The new analysis on pet cats drew on recent studies that had used a range of techniques to understand their hunting habits, including GPS trackers, video collars, analysis of scats and surveys of owners.

The study found each feral cat kills an average 576 native birds, mammals and reptiles per year, while pet cats kill an average of 110 native animals every year – 40 reptiles, 38 birds and 32 mammals.

So pet cats hunt less and kill way less animals than feral cats. Also pet cats usually hunt in town and village areas, where wildlife is usually sparse. That means the stuff they hunt are usually rats, pigeons and other vermin and not protected species who wouldn't thrive in densely populated areas anyway. Especially in Australia where human population is concentrated to a few places, which pet cat goes hunting in the outback?

Lastly, we cannot simply compare countries like that. Wildlife in the US is different from the eco systems in Europe or Asia. In places like New Zealand, cats pose a bigger threat for example. The US has a relatively robust chain of predators that are much bigger and stronger than your regular cat. I'd say urban sprawl is a much much bigger threat to wildlife and our eco systems than frikkin' pet cats.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
You really think your lazy, obese and overfed pet cat is such a successful hunter?

From your own article:

So pet cats hunt less and kill way less animals than feral cats. Also pet cats usually hunt in town and village areas, where wildlife is usually sparse. That means the stuff they hunt are usually rats, pigeons and other vermin and not protected species who wouldn't thrive in densely populated areas anyway. Especially in Australia where human population is concentrated to a few places, which pet cat goes hunting in the outback?

Lastly, we cannot simply compare countries like that. Wildlife in the US is different from the eco systems in Europe or Asia. In places like New Zealand, cats pose a bigger threat for example. The US has a relatively robust chain of predators that are much bigger and stronger than your regular cat. I'd say urban sprawl is a much much bigger threat to wildlife and our eco systems than frikkin' pet cats.

Why are you so aggressive? My cat is in perfect health and physical shape.

I'm not going to pick your post apart. You've cherry picked information and have some odd arguments. Wildlife is sparse in a village? I live in a village and the wildlife isn't sparse. Especially when it comes to the variety of wild birds.

Yes, human civilization has an impact on the environment, but we're talking about pet cats.
I'm a cat lover and owner, but the evidence that they kill wildlife and have a damaging impact on biodiversity incontrovertible.
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Resident Cheap Arse
Going to agree with OP, although with a caveat that most of the issues come from a lot of cat owners being lazy, entitled and selfish when it comes to managing their pet and taking care of it.

I've spent an unfathomable amount of money and time dealing with cats over the years. They are a pest like no other, leaving shit in flower beds, pots and any open ground they can find, as well as throwing up and leaving vomit lying out in the open because of all the shit they eat. Then there is the wildlife issue - they devastate the local wildlife and bird populations and are an absolute pain to deter from any area where you're trying to encourage wildlife and feed birds. Nothing worse than going into your garden only to find feathers strewn everywhere or having to rush out to try and stop one that's attacking a larger bird or chasing a fledgling and wrecking your garden in the process.

But then you get the real problem - the cat owners. Entitled prats who take great offense to anyone even so much as trying to deter their precious feline from going wherever it likes and expect others to forfeit their own gardens and activities in the name of giving their cats freedom to do as they please. Even doing something so little as chasing the cat out of the garden with a simple "shoo!" will result in indignation from many owners and I've actually had some demand I and other dog owners not let out dogs in our own gardens lest they might chase their darling cats. If you're letting your cat out to wander, nobody is responsible for it's wellbeing and what may befall it other than you. And I say this as someone who does his best not to harm them and has tried all sorts of deterrents including building coyote rollers on the fences and buying electronic scarers, specialist plants, prickle strips and natural deterrents such as brambles just to fence off areas.

If you want a pet keep it in the house. Other people shouldn't have to deal with your cat's shit and vomit in their gardens, seeing their local wildlife slaughtered, or put up with your entitled and easily triggered offence to their attempts to deter a pest from their property.
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