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Cecil the lion's brother, Jericho, is alive and well

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Meanwhile, in Texas:

*insert trophy wife joke here*


Neo Member
The worst part about these kinds of occurrences is the morally superior sages who come in and proclaim "you only care now!!11!1 this was happening before!1! children dying! people starving!" as if it somehow falsifies the outrage people are expressing.

Newsflash - the public is not aware of most of the issues that go on in the world, and that is a fact. You can blame the media if you want, but it doesn't mean your average joe's anger is somehow less impactful because you know about more of the world's problems than he does. If any news story every brings attention to these issues, it is CATEGORICALLY a GOOD thing. Yes, there are tons of other horrible things happening on the planet, but that doesn't mean people cant be angry about this one thing they DO know about.

crossing my fingers!

Not trying to be a douche, but I bet the vast majority of individuals raging over this stuff couldn't find Zimbabwe on a map to save a lion's life.

No one 'cared' about Ebola until it was on Fox and in America. Same shit, different story.

wait people aren't allowed to care unless they can find the related country on a map or know about the issue before it hits televised media?

I blame the media more then I blame the general public. They are just out for the hits, as soon as the ebola outbreak got old they moved on. This then leads to the a lot of the general public thinking all is well or simply forgetting about it. People have to remember not every one has the time to browse the net every day to see what is happening. If it wasn't for GAF I wouldn't have heard hardly anything about the recent shootings in America and many other things.


Valtýr;173772282 said:
We didn't care until it was reported in America to Americans on American news? I'd imagine that's how most of Americans obtain world news.

no you see unless you started caring approximately 12 hours after the first report (this can change based on time of day and timezone), your relative potential care-value diminishes 1-2% each day that passes before you care


Not trying to be a douche, but I bet the vast majority of individuals raging over this stuff couldn't find Zimbabwe on a map to save a lion's life.

No one 'cared' about Ebola until it was on Fox and in America. Same shit, different story.

We didn't care until it was reported in America to Americans on American news? I'd imagine that's how most of Americans obtain world news.
Not trying to be a douche, but I bet the vast majority of individuals raging over this stuff couldn't find Zimbabwe on a map to save a lion's life.

No one 'cared' about Ebola until it was on Fox and in America. Same shit, different story.
What point are you trying to make?

How can you measure how much someone cared about an issue?

Are you angry you knew about Zimbabwe before the rest of the world did?
He was protecting cecils 24 cubs from the other males :(

From what I understood wildlife experts were expecting Jericho to eventually pull a Scar and destroy Cecil's pride...?

From a CNN article:
Fears for Cecil's cubs

Cecil's death is likely to have a damaging effect on his pride, officials said.

"The saddest part of all is that, now that Cecil is dead, the next lion in the hierarchy, Jericho will most likely kill all Cecil's cubs so that he can insert his own bloodline into the females," the Zimbabwe Conservation Force said.

"This is standard procedure for lions," it warned.

Compounding the problem, "the females of the pride could die trying to defend those young," said Jeff Flocken, the North American regional director for the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
What point are you trying to make?

How can you measure how much someone cared about an issue?

Are you angry you knew about Zimbabwe before the rest of the world did?

Not at all, just think this is outrage culture. People will stop caring about this as soon as the next situation rolls in.

I blame the media more then I blame the general public. They are just out for the hits, as soon as the ebola outbreak got old they moved on. This then leads to the a lot of the general public thinking all is well or simply forgetting about it. People have to remember not every one has the time to browse the net every day to see what is happening. If it wasn't for GAF I wouldn't have heard hardly anything about the recent shootings in America and many other things.

Because people don't give a shit unless it is being shoved in their face, that is entirely my point.

wait people aren't allowed to care unless they can find the related country on a map or know about the issue before it hits televised media?

I find it hard to believe that people didn't know about exotic game hunting, poaching, etc. before this. It just wasn't in their face 24hrs a day, because of that they really didn't concern themselves with it.


Not trying to be a douche, but I bet the vast majority of individuals raging over this stuff couldn't find Zimbabwe on a map to save a lion's life.

No one 'cared' about Ebola until it was on Fox and in America. Same shit, different story.

I'm torn down, literally torn down over how right and wrong you are.

thing is. People should be outraged about things. You talk about outrage culture, but people are being constantly milked and drained of their outrage, their will to stand and fight for themselves and what they believe in. and then they are just tools and drones. Fight for whatever you tell them to, and will think whatever you put in their heads.


From what I understood wildlife experts were expecting Jericho to eventually pull a Scar and destroy Cecil's pride...?

From a CNN article:
It's a possibilty, but there was also the assumption that he might raise the cups as his own.

Meanwhile, Cecil's cubs are likely to survive, even in the wake of the animal's death, according to one scientist who had been studying the lion.

The cubs are alive and are likely to be defended by Cecil's brother, Jericho, who may have fathered some cubs himself, said professor David Macdonald, director of Oxford's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit.

The cubs are not being tracked, and conservationists would have to find the adult females to find the cubs, Macdonald said.

Male coalitions -- often brothers -- oversee prides of females in lion society, and any threat is posed by external, incoming male lions, Macdonald said.

With a new alpha male that's not related to the cups at all that would be pretty unlikely to happen


If Obama wants an easy late-presidency victory, introducing some kind of international police presence in designated areas to protect endangered animals from poachers seems like something even Republicans might want their name attached to, given the traction these stories have received thus far.

Doing that would probably cause tension between the US and wherever they're extending their influence into that the next person can use as leverage to say "LOOK HOW BAD OBAMA FUCKED UP!"
I'm pretty sure this is not the solution. The United states introducing an international police force, no matter what the purpose, is not a good idea.

I'm not saying have the U.S. do it unilaterally, but making a speech urging such a thing from the UN might give it traction.

I'm all for non-intervention in matters human, but animals don't deserve to suffer because of human failures (read: imperialistic colonialism) that have resulted in the countries responsible for their stewardship being far too poor to adequately protect them from poaching assholes.


Because people don't give a shit unless it is being shoved in their face, that is entirely my point.
People can only give a shit when they actually know about it tho. A person will never know everything that is going on in the world it is impossible. I see people being annoyed/ outraged at bad things happening in the world as a good thing. It brings attention to the problem and it can also help (even if it is only a little bit).


The Birthday Skeleton
Not at all, just think this is outrage culture. People will stop caring about this as soon as the next situation rolls in.

Because people don't give a shit unless it is being shoved in their face, that is entirely my point.

I find it hard to believe that people didn't know about exotic game hunting, poaching, etc. before this. It just wasn't in their face 24hrs a day, because of that they really didn't concern themselves with it.

You know that there are phases in the outrage or handling bad news or in handling the things that bother us, right? If people would be constantly outraged at the same level for everything that happen to then during their whole life there wouldn't be any mentally same human on this planet.


And regarding posts about not caring if it is not in media etc. For example i am familiar with many issues around the world. From police brutality against black people in US, to serious rape issues in Inda, or lack of food and water in many African countries, suicide bombings and constant fear in Middle East, fire hazards in Australia, big issues with corrupted governments around the world etc. But in many cases most of us can't do too much like in this case with Cecil.

Last year here in my country and neighbor countries flooding was serious issue and many families lost their homes. I went to Red Cross and offered my help, i donated food and other things that they told me, i was in team that delivered food and water in my city, my friends were helping too etc. When we can do something to help most of us will do it. Other times we will comment on news where we can't help.
lol at some people here telling us not to be outraged. Good job. The fact that this shit keeps happening is because no one fucking gives a shit and you want people to continue not giving a fuck about preservation?

It's fine if you don't feel anything for other animals but not giving a fuck about humans just getting rid of other species just for fucking fun is just disgusting.

Why shouldn't people get upset? Because they care about something you don't give a shit about?
I just don't get that. This is not the 19th century. Who's impressed by a dolt that shoots large mammals? Seems like one of those over compensating things.
It is more like "Look at my mastery over all the animals!" Alpha macho bullshit fueled largely in part by a colonialist I can and will do fuck I want anywhere mentality and also fueled in part by self esteem issues regarding micropenis.
The universe has a morbid sense of humor. It's kind of funny if you think about it. Everyone is outraged and just to show that nothing matters, his brother is killed too.
So you hate yourself ?

This is sad but I don't understand all of the "i hate humanity/humans are trash" posts. Why judge yourself based on the crimes of others ?

Pretty sure people who are saying "I hate humanity/humans are trash post" aren't going around killing endangered animals. So no, posters don't hate themselves, they hate the parts of humanity that are more savage than the animals they hunt.

I for one find this disgusting, I hope Jericho is alright.

It is more like "Look at my mastery over all the animals!" Alpha macho bullshit fueled largely in part by a colonialist I can and will do fuck I want anywhere mentality and also fueled in part by self esteem issues regarding micropenis.

I'm no psychologist but this sounds like a legit reason why so called people hunt for "sport." Look I killed these beasts! I'm so powerful! I hope these trophies overshadow my insecurities.


I'm no psychologist but this sounds like a legit reason why so called people hunt for "sport." Look I killed these beasts! I'm so powerful! I hope these trophies overshadow my insecurities.
It's not an accident that these trophy hunters are high-powered business-people - they're known to be hugely insecure, which fuels the "more more more" stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Well shit. I just heard on the news this morning that this lion might actually be protecting the cubs. Guess they doomed now.
Or maybe somebody doesn't understand how a forum works and what a topic is and how the habit is usually to comment on the said topic.

You can always make a thread to enlighten people in regards with the difficult truth.

Person makes post about how the death penalty should be used in response to this. I enlighten that person as to how backwards their thinking is and how little it will do to solve the root of the problem.

Where's the issue?


You're supposed to dig up.

The person poached. This doesn't mean they deserve death or to be put in a cage or a zoo.

Actually putting them in an old timey zoo would be kind of ironic. Maybe a circus, act, too. I dunno, I think it's high time the world's justice systems looked at lion-themed punishments as more than just lobbing Christians into dens.
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