Ask me about my fanboy energy!

Max Hoberman was the father of Halo's multiplayer as the multiplayer lead for Halo CE and 2, and led Halo 3's development until he left in 2006 to make his own studio with his colleagues.
- Made the Blastacular Map Pack DLC for Halo 2
- Made the Defiant Map Pack DLC for Halo Reach
- Remade the Halo CE multiplayer in Halo Reach engine for Halo CEA
- Designed the Halo 4 forge and designed some of the maps
- Remade the Halo 2 multiplayer in Halo 4 engine for Halo 2A and remade 6 maps
From 26:58 they discussed how Certain Affinity helped with Halo 2A multiplayer for Halo MCC

Halo Franchise - Certain Affinity
Halo and Certain Affinity share a 15+ year relationship! Delve into our history with this legendary franchise: the remasters, the feature development, the maps and more!

And now they are developing a new PvPvE mode for Halo Infinite
They are also working on a Monster Hunter inspired game for Xbox(Monster Hunter in space? Isn't Monster Hunter inspired by Phantasy Star Online?)
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