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Chaffetz convinced constituents who owned him were actually paid protesters.

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Chaffetz said the crowd that filled the auditorium at Brighton High School in Cottonwood Heights and spilled over into a protest outside included people brought in from other states to disrupt the meeting.

"Absolutely. I know there were," he said, suggesting it was "more of a paid attempt to bully and intimidate" than a reflection of the feelings of his 3rd District constituents.

Asked who would foot the bill to fill the audience with outside agitators, Chaffetz said, "do some reporting" and described how one participant made it a point to say he was not being paid by a national Democratic organization.


Soros did it again!

This time... funding a huge protest in.... a Utah's district won by Republicans by 50 points last year.

The Jews must have unlimited funds.

Jason, 30% of Utah is hardcore progressives and you're the worst person in America, of course you're going to get the shit booed out of you at an event when you're going "vaccines, they might cause autism."


Soros is gonna be one broke motherfucker after even a year of this administration. Not sure how he's not living on the streets already after financing the largest day of protests in or country's history.



Soros did it again!

This time... funding a huge protest in.... a Utah's district won by Republicans by 50 points last year.

The Jews must have unlimited funds.

Jason, 30% of Utah is hardcore progressives and you're the worst person in America, of course you're going to get the shit booed out of you at an event when you're going "vaccines, they might cause autism."

They can try to spin this as paid protesting all they want, they cannot magically wish away real people with real complaints with that.


The most powerful man alive at it again.

Shame Soros somehow couldn't get enough illegals to vote for Hillary even though he can successfully organize millions around the world.



Soros did it again!

This time... funding a huge protest in.... a Utah's district won by Republicans by 50 points last year.

The Jews must have unlimited funds.

Jason, 30% of Utah is hardcore progressives and you're the worst person in America, of course you're going to get the shit booed out of you at an event when you're going "vaccines, they might cause autism."

These people and the mental gymnastics they must go through to think that people aren't actually protesting them because they don't like them, instead, they are paid to be there.

My own Father thinks protestors are paid. My God, I had half the mind to ask him where I need to pick up my check but I didn't want to start a family war on facebook with an old man.
This seems to be the GOP's go-to excuse for explaining protests. There's no one actually upset, just actors. Everything is fine, everyone is happy!


I'm glad to see republicans realize the GOP is fucking with their lives. They need to step up and fight too.


I have a feeling Chaffetz knows this is false and it's just saying it because it's become the go-to line for the GOP to feed their constituents, and I'm not sure if this makes it worse.


These people and the mental gymnastics they must go through to think that people aren't actually protesting them because they don't like them, instead, they are paid to be there.

My own Father thinks protestors are paid. My God, I had half the mind to ask him where I need to pick up my check but I didn't want to start a family war on facebook with an old man.
You probably should. I know I would with my parents. It's absolutely ridiculous reasoning that should be called out.
I doubt it is Republicans. That lot are too far gone the rabbit hole.

Well, some mormon Republicans if there are any any republicans complaining. There's a contingent that are like McMullen in that they are not fans of Trump or the actions of the Republican congress during his term so far.


Is Soros posting ads on Craigslist? Where is he covertly finding tens/hundreds of thousands of people to protest? And he has all they're contact info to mail them their checks, right? God, this sounds like a logistical nightmare.
Soros said he'd pay me on Thursday. Still haven't gotten my check. He did give me a nice coupon for a free breakfast sandwich at McDonald's though.

Chaffetz is pushing this narrative. He doesn't believe it. He knows Utahns have been extremely active in demonstrating over the last month. Let's not give him the credit playing the moron card (Yes. He's awful).

The GOP will keep pushing this narrative to vie for more power and dismiss dissenters. This is why we need to show some restraint in town halls. I'm all for the demonstrations outside (I was outside protesting), and grilling him inside. Booing will just fuel the power-hungry GOP conspiracy.

Velcro Fly

Easier to say this than to admit people are actually made at him for being a piece of shit I suppose.

Democracy? It's dead.


"Paid protesters" are officially This is Fine for republicans right now.

My Mom legitimately tried to convince me that there were significant numbers of protesters at the women's march and the protest at the airport when the ban went into place. She legitimately thought the airport protest was me, my friends and a bunch of shills, and we were just suckers who were being deceived.


Is Soros posting ads on Craigslist? Where is he covertly finding tens/hundreds of thousands of people to protest? And he has all they're contact info to mail them their checks, right? God, this sounds like a logistical nightmare.

The Illuminati has been recruiting sleeper protestors for years and when the horn of Gabriel sounded to announce Hillary's ascension, all of the sleeper agents were activated simultaneously along with hoards of illegal Mexican voters and multistate voters.

Luckily we MAGA'ed in spite of the Antichrist arising in the east and west on our coastlines. By the power of Jesus, Trump died to three days of fake news polls calling for his death by Islamabomb and became a shining beacon of hope that we can see through the coal cloud fog and will guide us into the port of Liberty.
Of course he has to say they were paid protestors.

The alternative is that he's a loser whose constituents hate him because he sucks ass at his job.


I want to know how these noble paid protestors, who seem to have no meaningful political or moral leanings, all perfectly keep the secret that they've been paid to do this. Trump's White House leaks like a sieve but all of Mr. Soros's hired goons have a perfect track record of professional discretion.
I want to know how these noble paid protestors, who seem to have no meaningful political or moral leanings, all perfectly keep the secret that they've been paid to do this. Trump's White House leaks like a sieve but all of Mr. Soros's hired goons have a perfect track record of professional discretion.

Soros would be a much better president than Trump, Soros actually hires the best people!


The GOP are so incredibly dangerous. They are outright trying to warp reality into the shape of pure bullshit.

They gotten power under Obama by doing it for 8 straight years and now they have a President that physically memories that warped reality.

They aren't going to stop now. It actually shows how scared they are of actually governing because they have completely forgotten how.


remember me
Fuck this slimy piece of shit. He's obviously learned nothing, and just ensured the turnout at the next one will be even bigger, though I doubt he'll bother having another one. Utahns are pissed right now. Trump won the state, but with a pathetic 46%. He is not popular, and Chaffetz covering for him is not making Chaffetz popular.There's been a protest or march almost every weekend lately. The Women's March here was huge (by Utah standards)



"It was an angry mob of anarchists. It wasn't just Trump. They hated everything," Peay said. "The behavior at the meeting was a hundred times worse than anything ever out of Trump's mouth."

Translation: Holding someone accountable is 100x worse than bragging about sexual assault


Yeah, I know someone who believes this sort of thing. He said something similar about all the marches right after the inauguration, that no one would have shown up on their own and they were all getting paid.

So, how much would you have to pay someone to take a whole day out of their normal schedule and go do your thing? I'm thinking at least a hundred bucks. I don't see people going through all that for five or ten bucks, especially with the weather and all. So multiply that times... 1.5 million people? That's apparently $150,000,000 (in cash) that some magical entity spent just to make Trump look bad for one day. And that's just the demonstrations in Washington.

I don't care who your enemies are, that's just not believable, not feasible, and frankly, not really possible.


You'd think they would have file lawsuits with all the evidence they have by now.

They don't actually have evidence. Those youtube video peoples were already caught trying to pay protesters to cause violence/ block bridges/ stoke riots just to make dems look bad. Although they have high gop mindshare as propagandists they have no real world credibility which is why nothing ever comes of these claims.

Caja 117

Hope this get a lot of coverage in Utah just so protest just grow larger in number, Republicans are right now living in Alternate facts world and you can do this just for long until the tides turn.
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