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Chain Chronicle |OT| Funding Valkyria Chronicles 4 One IAP At A Time


While Morgan has one of the best DPS of Knights she it's at her best when using gunner teams with 3 gunners and no healer. In that case you want to let enemies come at you instead of going to them (except if they have shields) so Lexida is better.

Soul Siphon is not great by itself for Hannya since it doesn't heal on criticals, I plan to give her a lifesteal on critical kizuna to compensate.

Does it not heal at all on criticals, or does it just not take critical damage into account? I agree that a lifesteal on crit kizuna would be a good complement either way.
Hmm, so do you think there's a better weapon for Hannya, or I should stick with the Siphon + crit lifesteal kizuna?
I would wait until we get the kizuna update to check if the crit lifesteal kizune fits your party (and make sure that you don't have better kizunas).

PD: I just MLB Hannya at level 185!!! :):):)
I am not sure if I will ever bother again to reach to such high levels until they implement the stopping system to guarantee MLB, spending so many hours for a "may be" is exhausting.


I just give him the event sword. I doubt I will use him outside of the tank role in colo. Selene seems to be more useful just because of the wave heal.

grats on MLB!


I would wait until we get the kizuna update to check if the crit lifesteal kizune fits your party (and make sure that you don't have better kizunas).

PD: I just MLB Hannya at level 185!!! :):):)
I am not sure if I will ever bother again to reach to such high levels until they implement the stopping system to guarantee MLB, spending so many hours for a "may be" is exhausting.

Congrats...I can't seem to 1-orb anymore after Lv. 150...so I'm getting close to my limit.
Holding on to all of my b-rank weapons, since they should be bringing in weapon slots sometime soon.


I would wait until we get the kizuna update to check if the crit lifesteal kizune fits your party (and make sure that you don't have better kizunas).

PD: I just MLB Hannya at level 185!!! :):):)
I am not sure if I will ever bother again to reach to such high levels until they implement the stopping system to guarantee MLB, spending so many hours for a "may be" is exhausting.

Congrats. I've gotten 8 copies so far including the guaranteed two, which means I'll probably end up with LB1 Aggdra.
I just give him the event sword. I doubt I will use him outside of the tank role in colo. Selene seems to be more useful just because of the wave heal.

grats on MLB!
Thanks :), I want her as third soldier team member after MLB Ronda and MLB Selene since I don't have other soldiers with 8K+ of attack.
Congrats...I can't seem to 1-orb anymore after Lv. 150...so I'm getting close to my limit.
Holding on to all of my b-rank weapons, since they should be bringing in weapon slots sometime soon.
Thanks :). I did 1 orb until 151 (except the ones finishing in 0) by 181 I had to use 3 orbs and revival fruits (I have like 70 of them from the Gauntlet). Regarding B-Rank weapons they are in the ring shop now so no need to worry about not being able to equip an A-Rank weapon immediately if needed.
Congrats. I've gotten 8 copies so far including the guaranteed two, which means I'll probably end up with LB0 Aggdra.
Thanks :), I don't care about Aggdra anymore specially since her cost is 22 vs 17 of Hannya which means I would have to limit the use of kizunas.


Thanks :), I want her as third soldier team member after MLB Ronda and MLB Selene since I don't have other soldiers with 8K+ of attack.

For some reason I kept thinking I only have room for 2 soldiers - Selene + Coro - probably because I always run a rainbow team whenever possible (for the comrade mission)

You certainly don't need Aggdra if you have Ronda with that huge Ae.


Yeah, I don't have Ronda, so I'm going to want to replace LB0 Yoshitsugu with Aggdra for my AOE attack. I'll be replacing Lindsey with Hannya.


So - anyone still need a demon to MLB? I can send mine to you as I cannot reliably one shot mine anymore (lv104). I already MLB mine I am just looking to finish 120.
I think I have the worst luck this event.
All those Demon coins and I'm at L38 in the raid, but I yet to obtain Hannya.

Upside, I did managed to recruit Freya.


I think I have the worst luck this event.
All those Demon coins and I'm at L38 in the raid, but I yet to obtain Hannya.

Upside, I did managed to recruit Freya.

You can get past level 100 in a demon raid and not get any extra copies. That has happened to most of us, and probably more than once.


I'm not going to bother this DR. Got to lvl 60 and decided to stop. I'm only in it for collecting purposes so one is enough.

Are there any upcoming Knight DR?


I think I have the worst luck this event.
All those Demon coins and I'm at L38 in the raid, but I yet to obtain Hannya.

Upside, I did managed to recruit Freya.

I have reached over 120 in three previous Demon raid and not a single extra copy. I am pretty sure there are people at 150+ without a single. So yours is nothing in comparison.


I'm not going to bother this DR. Got to lvl 60 and decided to stop. I'm only in it for collecting purposes so one is enough.

Are there any upcoming Knight DR?

This should be the next one assuming global does not get the crossover DR.

ATK 8660
HP 10020

2 mana line AE w/ knock back
5% damage reduction, wave heal all 12%
blocking is 20% more effective, after blocking twice increase normal attack by 50%, , movement speed by 60% for 18 seconds



Just clearing my demon coin and my last 30K gave me 3 copies of Hannya (in addition to the 2 copies I already got from coin). This has literally never happened before as I have never gotten more than 3 demon from coin. Total 3 gold chest and 5 from coin, totally a record.

Unfortunately those are just like rings. Getting ready for LB1 Aggdra now.


So you know that "free" Rolo we're getting? Yeah, he's part of a Level 80/50-Wave dungeon, so I hope you have a lot of Revive Fruit!


So you know that "free" Rolo we're getting? Yeah, he's part of a Level 80/50-Wave dungeon, so I hope you have a lot of Revive Fruit!

Or rings to buy them! Now to wait first ones to tell how hard it is / how many rev fruits it takes to clear.


Or rings to buy them! Now to wait first ones to tell how hard it is / how many rev fruits it takes to clear.
Yeah, I'm just happy I abused the ring loop as much as I did. :/

I'm hoping, with my Knight/Gunner team, that things aren't too difficult. There seems to be a mix of enemies so it's difficult to say. I'm waiting too, so I can purchase/stock up on multiple Revival Fruit before I attempt. I have something like 35 right now, but if it's super difficult I might just purchase another 15 just to be safe.

Edit: Actually, maybe Warrior/Lilith might be safer. Lilith is pretty over-powered, and I have a lot of MLB Soldiers to use [Selene, Lindsey, Sulstan, Monette, Rinuya, Hannya, etc.].


Malik quest has poor chest drop rate. Level 45 and no point to use Nimpha.
Took 6 runs to get all 4 chests, didnt use Nimpha at all.


Malik quest has poor chest drop rate. Level 45 and no point to use Nimpha.
I've been experiencing the same. :/

I think my final team for Rolo will be:

Liam [full-screen AOE to take care of all of the enemies when things get crazy]


I might switch out Aracne for Frau for mana control. Not entirely sure yet.


Would it be a good idea to use those with wave boosts for the Rolo quest? Thinking of using Parchelle(2.5% less damage, max 50%), Symphonia(+3% attack and move speed, max 100%), Hatifas(+5.5% attack, max 50%) and Lilith for healing. Thoughts?
Yeah, I'm just happy I abused the ring loop as much as I did. :/

I'm hoping, with my Knight/Gunner team, that things aren't too difficult. There seems to be a mix of enemies so it's difficult to say. I'm waiting too, so I can purchase/stock up on multiple Revival Fruit before I attempt. I have something like 35 right now, but if it's super difficult I might just purchase another 15 just to be safe.

Edit: Actually, maybe Warrior/Lilith might be safer. Lilith is pretty over-powered, and I have a lot of MLB Soldiers to use [Selene, Lindsey, Sulstan, Monette, Rinuya, Hannya, etc.].
Took me 4 revival fruits, I recommend Knight/gunners since the bosses are Golems there are tons of enemies that freeze and explode. You should probably bring Lilith either way since you wont be able to avoid damage. Only Rolo at the end causes blind.


Took me 4 revival fruits, I recommend Knight/gunners since the bosses are Golems there are tons of enemies that freeze and explode. You should probably bring Lilith either way since you wont be able to avoid damage. Only Rolo at the end causes blind.
Nice, thanks for the advice. Maybe:


Bleh, I'll see. I'll give it a try later when I'm more alert. Need sleep now. :/


Malik quest has poor chest drop rate. Level 45 and no point to use Nimpha.
Took 6 runs to get all 4 chests, didnt use Nimpha at all.

To each his own i guess, as it took me only 2 tries to get him.

For Rolo quest, used 5 fruits total. Lilith is a must for this.

Lilith for overall survivability
Parchelle for wave tank/heal
Morgan for buff, 2nd tank/dps
Nikolai for main dps


I dont know if my team is optimized, but i planned for Survival.

EDIT: Rolo's skill is a lie! It's not all enemies, but enemies at the vanguard.


Would it be a good idea to use those with wave boosts for the Rolo quest? Thinking of using Parchelle(2.5% less damage, max 50%), Symphonia(+3% attack and move speed, max 100%), Hatifas(+5.5% attack, max 50%) and Lilith for healing. Thoughts?

Hmmmmm keep in mind that when you whipe (notice there's no if, since most players probably will) and revive, all your bonuses will be lost. Per kill bonuses are usually better here since most waves have a lot of enemies horsing around and you can re-stack them on key characters, while reviving during the last stages won't let you benefit from per-wave bonuses at all (since they are usually the hardest).

The again, if you avoid using RF it's all good, and per-wave bonuses definitely help you reach the harder stages without RF. Just keep in mind that lvl80 dungeons aren't tailored to per-wave units, even if they have an edge early on.


Used 6 fruits, no longer care.

I used 4-5 for Rolo, but that's what Gauntlet is for.

No festival gatcha this week...not even tavern rate up? (Haven't been in for a few hours, but there wasn't one up this morning.)
I think Gumi forgot to do something.
Gumi tends to forget how to overwrite previously uploaded content and they tend to upload things that are work in progress. Because this I reset the game cache every week (just before the new content activates) to avoid issues so I saw that Ice Dragon with the correct name when I got it.


I got Rolo. I was so close to using zero Revival Fruit. I made it to the final wave and he only had a few thousand HP left. Oh well, worth it I suppose. I used:



I got Malik too which is surprising, given my luck with chests. Now to work on the remaining quests. So many chest drops, I don't look forward to it. :/


Damn gumi. Spent prysma doing colo and i didn't even receive any rewards.
Happened to me the first week of Colo. Thankfully I didn't spend any Prysma, but it was upsetting to not receive the items I rightfully earned. My condolences. :/

That's why I tend not to do it anymore, I just run Gauntlet as at least the Prysma/items you win you actually receive.


Happened to me the first week of Colo. Thankfully I didn't spend any Prysma, but it was upsetting to not receive the items I rightfully earned. My condolences. :/

That's why I tend not to do it anymore, I just run Gauntlet as at least the Prysma/items you win you actually receive.

If it was before the updated colo, i wouldn't mind as i don't need to spend prysma. But now it's a different story. Borderline scam because prysma = $$$. Over at CF a some also did not receive their reward.

Spent over a hundred prysma for nothing. Damn.


If it was before the updated colo, i wouldn't mind as i don't need to spend prysma. But now it's a different story. Borderline scam because prysma = $$$. Over at CF a some also did not receive their reward.

Spent over a hundred prysma for nothing. Damn.

Gumi Support, upper right corner "Submit a Request". It wont take long and usually Gumi is fast to answer and if that answer is poor you can just answer to answer and demand better answer. Been there done that (many times).
Solo is finally coming, but doesn't seems to be useful unless you are running a mono yellow team?
True but we are supposed to get color specific time attack missions in the near future (unless Gumi fucks up the 2.1.0 update) so him and 3 gunners should be pretty good (until we get more UR gunners). In the end is only about 100 rings to MLB him using arcana coins (by using challenge recruit and not selling him).


Should I pull for one copy of Rinuya for kizuna/other purposes, or is she not really needed? I didn't bother getting the last FR pull char, either.
Should I pull for one copy of Rinuya for kizuna/other purposes, or is she not really needed? I didn't bother getting the last FR pull char, either.
She has the best kizuna for Nimpha (I read that kizuna is the only way to increase your total drop rate since only your best character drop rate gets applied). So one is enough unless you ring looped and don't care anymore about rings. You might not have Nimpha now but you could get her in the future but Rinuya is now or never.


Should I pull for one copy of Rinuya for kizuna/other purposes, or is she not really needed? I didn't bother getting the last FR pull char, either.
It's worth getting one for sure, as a kizuna for Nimpha [as already mentioned]. If you don't have Nimpha, she's also a great pull [for the treasure chest drop increase]. I wouldn't bother MLB'ing her, though. I did at the time, since the ring loop was active so I could easily replace what was spent, but I wouldn't do it now where rings are more difficult to obtain.

Also, that final Premium Ticket quest was pretty surprising. I had to pull out my Soldier/Lilith team. If anyone needs Lilith, let me know and I'll make her my leader. I currently have Morgan, but having Lilith for the PT quest essentially makes you invulnerable, assuming you can keep the HoT buff active.
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