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Challenge of the Superfriends DVD

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There was a discussion for the Batman one, but how about we go retro...

Well not much of a review exactly, I hate doing formal reviews, but some thoughts on it.

The show seems to have aged decently not that great since Justice League is IMO leaps and bounds better, but then again it's to be expected. Other than the fact that the shows are almost 25 years apart, it was a different times back then. One thing, I didn't notice as a kid, and didn't notice until it was pointed out in one of the featurettes is that they weren't allowed to throw punches in the cartoon. Now I could go on a rant about that, but it's for a later days, so they were forced to come up with more creative ways to have actual fights on the show. In retrospective, it makes the battles better since they had to be more creative than just punches and kicks, but sometimes you like a good ole fashioned slobberknocker.

The animation on that show till holds up pretty much decently. Except that some of the characters have changed origins and/or characterizations since then. Such as Batman being a time player and o so clummy, and well Green Lantern is no longer Hal jordan, and Luthor is a cunning businessman instead of a mad scientist, but it's till fun to watch.

The premise of the series is basic enough and doesn't seem to deviate from that formula muc for the 16 episodes so you get what you pay for, if you liked the formula.

The extras aren't numerous, and I haven't gotten around to the commentaries yet, but I did enjoy the Featurette I forget what it's called something like "Super Friends, Slumber Bags and Saturday Morning" it featured different people in the comic book industry as well as the cartoons talking about watching the cartoon when they were growing up. It was cool, and not just one of those love fest.

All in all, I think it's a great set at a nice price, especially if you were a fan of the show. And hopefully, it's encourages them to release the rest of the Superfriends on DVD if it sells well enough.

The series also has a charm to it, which you have to ignore logic for some time.
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