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Chaos Rings II |OT|


What's the order this series goes in?
1 > Omega > 2? Or is Omega first?
Omega then 1, I'm not sure about 2 since I haven't played it yet, downloading!

Is Omega worth getting? I heard it's shorter than the first game.
It's about 7 hours long. After you beat it a whole new mode unlocks where you go around dungeons collecting items and beating new super powerful bosses and things.


I played this for about an hour or so before going to bed...
I really like how it looks and sounds, really top notch graphics and music here. The pre-drawn backgrounds are gorgeous too, they make me very nostalgic of PS1 SE RPGs, and in fact, when I play this game I feel like I'm playing Chrono Cross for some reason.
The story so far doesn't seem connected to Chaos Rings/Omega but maybe I'm wrong, and while it doesn't seem connected it does have a very similar setting.
Besides the addition of the charge gauge the battles feel pretty much the same except prettier, and I don't get why genes aren't genes anymore but maybe they reveal or explain that later on; currently I'm after you meet Lessica for the first time.
Anyone else playing this? Aside from Goli? :p

I just got to the first decision point.
I was all set to not care very much about whoever was sacrificed, since I haven't felt much for any of the characters thus far... but then the game made me swipe across the screen to perform the killing blow. Trite, I know, but it worked for me. Of course, the game didn't let me off the whiny kid... oh well, I'm sure he'll get his chance at some point.

The backgrounds are gorgeous, and I'm really liking the music... with the exception of that goddamn shopping song. So thrilled that it's made it unscathed into a third game. =/


I've been sick and pretty much on bed all day since Sunday (luckily I think I'll be fine tomorrow, YAY) which has meant me skip uni these two days... but it also meant me finally getting to play more of this game!
I'm a bit after you choose who will become the second pillar (not counting Orlando)but before that person ACTUALLY becoming the pillar. *trying not to spoil things*
Anyone else playing this? Aside from Goli? :p

I just got to the first decision point.
I was all set to not care very much about whoever was sacrificed, since I haven't felt much for any of the characters thus far... but then the game made me swipe across the screen to perform the killing blow. Trite, I know, but it worked for me. Of course, the game didn't let me off the whiny kid... oh well, I'm sure he'll get his chance at some point.

The backgrounds are gorgeous, and I'm really liking the music... with the exception of that goddamn shopping song. So thrilled that it's made it unscathed into a third game. =/

So who did you mur---sacrifice? I
chose Conor too at first but the game doesn't let you at that point, so I sacrificed Araki instead. Never liked him anyway. Now I'm stuck at the boss fight before killing Conor which will be the second one I sacrifice, Li-Hua <3. Famine is giving me a lot of trouble with that attack where it changes your couple's attributes to deal massive damage to them, not to mention the status ailments...

By the way, the game's official site has been open for a while now: http://www.chaosrings.com/2/en/index.html
It also confirms the official English name for Kakusansei Million Arthur, which'll be Diffusion Million Arthur, which should be coming out on the App Store soon, assuming SE doesn't have it rejected for the third time, ohohoho.
So who did you mur---sacrifice? I
chose Conor too at first but the game doesn't let you at that point, so I sacrificed Araki instead. Never liked him anyway. Now I'm stuck at the boss fight before killing Conor which will be the second one I sacrifice, Li-Hua <3. Famine is giving me a lot of trouble with that attack where it changes your couple's attributes to deal massive damage to them, not to mention the status ailments...

I did the opposite and
whacked Li Hua first. Not cause I didn't like her, but I wanted to see if maybe Darwin and Araki would get a little bromance going get to understand each other better. I guess they kinda do (I finished a playthrough of the game), but it's nothing special.

I don't think Famine gave me too much trouble. I forget which boss it was, but there's one that gets two attacks per turn and can do things like take away your Attack command, or your Sopia command--that fight was fairly annoying.
So is this game any good? Only thing I know that's different is there are limit breaks and summons now.

Does it still have those god awful puzzles from the first 2?


I did the opposite and
whacked Li Hua first. Not cause I didn't like her, but I wanted to see if maybe Darwin and Araki would get a little bromance going get to understand each other better. I guess they kinda do (I finished a playthrough of the game), but it's nothing special.

I don't think Famine gave me too much trouble. I forget which boss it was, but there's one that gets two attacks per turn and can do things like take away your Attack command, or your Sopia command--that fight was fairly annoying.

How long did it take you to finish it?
Does it have any post-ending content?

So is this game any good? Only thing I know that's different is there are limit breaks and summons now.

Does it still have those god awful puzzles from the first 2?

No, those awful puzzles are gone, fortunately. Instead now each character has a field skill which allows you to access new/hidden areas. For example, Li-Hua can punch walls, Marie can move platforms and so forth.
So is this game any good? Only thing I know that's different is there are limit breaks and summons now.

Does it still have those god awful puzzles from the first 2?

No, thankfully. The only "puzzles" are in the sense that every character has a unique ability to move across terrain (e.g., breaking down a particular barrier or moving a particular type of block to create a path), and some areas of levels are blocked off such that you need one particular party member to cross whatever terrain is there. So, not really puzzles at all. The map even color codes the areas in question for you.

Honestly, it's an OK game, but after one playthrough, which lasted about 10 hours, I'm not finding myself motivated to pick it back up. There are alternate endings (two main ones, and there may be a hidden one if you complete all the sidequests--not positive on that, though) and you can take different pathways through the game by choosing
the order in which you sacrifice your fellow party members
, so it does have replay value.


Is there still that item that allows you to disable random encounters?

And is... the item shop music in this?

Yes, there's a Sopia (Gene) skill that allows you turn off encounters and yes, the awful shop music is back, and so is Piu Piu and his cutouts.


I was interested in making Chaos Rings 1 my first iphone purchase. Is it a good place to start or are there better RPGs/JRPGs that aren't ports of SNES games.


It's not a bad game, but I think is more oriented to iPad than to iPhone. I feel not comfortable with these controls on a small touch screen :(


^ No, and I would think they would do an Omega version for this first since there are some things that still need clarification.
The whole series is on sale right now. Does anyone know if the version on the US store has full Japanese language support like the original? (Not just voice acting, everything.)


Thank you very much! I try to play my JRPGs in Japanese but at the moment I've got more dollars than yen to spend in the App Store.

In case you're wondering, most of SE's games (all of them I think) on the App Store have the option of playing in full Japanese.

Anyways, I'm glad to see this bumped since today I *finally* finished Chaos Rings II. I got it at the time of release but stopped playing a bit before the second sacrifice since as I said in my earlier post
was giving me too much trouble + general lack of time; so I started a new game this weekend and got the true ending, the only thing left for me to do is the
fourth and final chapter, the one with the rest of Piu-Piu's P.U.B. requests.

My somewhat messy final thoughts:
I have to say I'm quite surprised with this game, at first I took it as a decent-ish Chaos Rings cash-in with different names for things (Sopia and genes, etc.) but I've realized this is, in fact, a full fledged Chaos Rings sequel (I guess &#937; now has the "decent-ish Chaos Rings cash-in" title) that fixes many things that were wrong with CR while still having a few issues of its own.
The story is what I think made me fall in love with the game, but also what put me off, at the beginning at least. During the first sacrifice I had no real attachment to any of the characters so I just tried to get rid of the one I thought was the most annoying, but from the second onwards I really felt sad when
cutting them down, props to the devs for coming up with you *actually* having to swipe to kill them, it really made the emotional impact that much more profound to me.
Killing Marie was probably the moment of highest emotional impact in the whole game, and the build-up with her kissing Darwing was so touching ;-;, it also reminded me of FFX's Macalania Woods scene what with Celestial Diva playing and all that, and the fight against Marie's Ophan was great too, only because of the atmosphere during it.
While I thought the story would really end after sacrificing everyone (and well, it can end if you choose not to sacrifice the world when Lessica asks you) the plot-twist with the Four Horsemen being actually the Herald + the Herald and Amon/Bachs/The Creator just harvesting prayers to continue existing and organizing the whole thing to write a new Reckoning for people to fear/believe in them in the new world created after Neron destroys it + have the Nominator basically become a Jesus of sorts after being brainwashed was really really great and I actually didn't expect ANY of that, instead I was expecting Neron to just be another Qualia or something (specially after the Tentacle fight). In that sense, it's fun to see how Chaos Rings II seems to draw heavy inspiration from the Bible (hehe, Darwin) while Chaos Rings was all about evolutionism. Something I liked and disliked at the same time was how hidden in a completely optional area of the Allseeing Eye was the link between CR and CRII, in one of those books it says previously an ancient ritual where only those with the strongest genes prevailed was used as a means of creating a new world but now "it only remains in memory"… it made me feel like everything done in Chaos Rings &#937; and Chaos Rings was… meaningless, but well, I guess that's just how sequels to seeming one-shot games are. Despite that I felt it all wrapped up quite nicely, and I also feel Chaos Rings is done now, any sequels would probably feel shoe-horned. Now I'd say my favorite characters are Li-hua and Lessica. I liked how Li-hua wasn't just the typical muscle-headed woman and how Lessica wasn't the typical robot girl that ends up falling for one of the characters. For the gameplay… with the break gauge getting gimped and the limit breaks/Awakenings + Ophan summoning replacing the constant "Break!" situations of &#937; and I, in the end I felt they didn't change as much as the devs intended. It was like just having another Sopia skill and nothing more.
Also I still don't get how the heck the levelling/monster scaling mechanic works since my level 60 characters can defeat level 101 monsters without problems but oh well. The music was good and the graphics were excellent, pre-rendered/drawn background <33333.
I really welcomed not having to do every single dungeon a thousand times unlike in CR, and the field skills each character has brought a nice distraction while not being as bothersome as CR and &#937;'s puzzles.
I can't wait to see what the Chaos Rings people do next, but like I said, I think Chaos Rings is done now and I'd like to see what they come up next with for smartphone gaming.
Other miscellaneous spoilery thoughts about the game:
·Amon's second form and the whole battle background clearly are inspired by Safer Sephiroth.
·Marie and Darwin's embrace in the true ending is a clear nod to FFVIII's logo, even the way the camera frames them is nearly identical.
·I liked how in previos Rites of Resealing records you can see there was once a Nominator called Escher and a Candidate named Eluca, I love those in-game-series nods.
·Cupidos/Pandas' experience drops were greatly decreased, I noticed. It made the thrill of finding them and killing them without having them escape lost.
·While I enjoyed the game's story I really would have liked to see CR's scenario writer back.
Wooo back to this game. Getting my ass kicked on like the first 'boss' though lol. Think it was some fire element dragon.

Problem is I don't have any watchacallthem, monster gems that are water element, which = me getting my ass kicked each time T_T.
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