I'm going off what you said.
Disproportionate attention in the title.
Not enough distraught given to the police officers proportionally.
That these indicate a lesser level of concern for police officers. I get what you're saying that it can be perceived that way, especially as snippets taken away from the context of the entire piece. What I'm asking is if that's a fair judgement and does that invalidate his overarching message or the legitimacy of it?
I'm fully aware of what I typed 2 hours ago lol
You used the terms I didn't use such as "silence is compliance" , which is an entirely different thing. I was pretty clear in my initial post.
His rant was heavily racial in tone. I don't believe Chappelle is being entirely honest if he thinks police brutality is a primary issue affecting black Americans to the degree he makes it out to be in his rant.
Whether or not there's an extended special, I'm commenting on what he expressed within that segment at least.
Path of least resistance to give you the most reach to get that paper. There are plenty of people I don't agree with that I respect their position (being well informed is a good base to earn that respect) but Dave Rubin definitely doesn't fit in that category. My exposure to Candice is far more limited. Maybe I spoke out of turn on her.
You think being a conservative, let alone a gay or black conservative, is the path of least resistance? I strongly disagree, especially within this current political and cultural landscape.
I think Dave Rubin is well informed, and that stems from his willingness to actually sit down and have civil discourse with people of different backgrounds and political leanings.
An approach that I very much prefer to see more of and see as a productive means to reaching understanding within society.