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Chappelle: You People Are Stupid !

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Chappelle lets rude crowd have it

By JIM CARNES, Sacramento Bee

(June 17, 9:04 am PDT) - Dave Chappelle got so angry with the crowd Tuesday night at Sacramento's Memorial Auditorium that the stand-up comic walked off the stage for nearly two minutes. Upon his return, he told the audience, "You people are stupid."

What got the comic so riled up? According to Chappelle, it was audience members who wouldn't "shut up and listen - like you're supposed to."

Chappelle is the creator and star of the No. 1-rated show on Comedy Central. It's that fame that helped the comic sell out the nearly 4,000-seat Memorial Auditorium weeks in advance of the show. And that popularity also caused the frustration for the performer, as audience members continually shouted a character's catchphrase from "Chappelle's Show" - it starts, "I'm Rick James ..." and ends with the b-word.

"The show is ruining my life," Chappelle told the crowd. Besides requiring him to work "20 hours a day," he said, it has made him a "star," which has resulted in the inability of fans to treat him as an individual.

"This (stand-up) is the most important thing I do, and because I'm on TV, you make it hard for me to do it," he said.

"People can't distinguish between what's real and fake. This ain't a TV show. You're not watching Comedy Central. I'm real up here talking."

Shouts continued to interrupt Chappelle's routine until he stopped to give a lecture on "how comedy usually works: I say something. You mull it over and decide whether you want to laugh or not, and then you do or not. Then I say something else, and you think about that.

"It's worked well all across the country, but you people ..."

Performing in Sacramento, the comic said, might turn out "to be a bad idea - like chocolate-covered fish."

Chappelle told the crowd he knew why they liked his sketch-comedy show: "Because it's good. You know why my show is good? Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong.

"You people are stupid."

Much of Chappelle's act - with its jokes about genitals,and sex talk, tales of strip-club escapades and frequent use of the n-word - is unprintable in a family newspaper. But that's not the best part, anyway. Chappelle is most effective when he ventures into social commentary - race, poverty, the cult of personality.

One of his better rants had to do with children and at what age they might be responsible for their own lives. Elizabeth Smart, the 15-year-old Utah girl who was kidnapped from her home, figured prominently in the commentary. He contrasted her case - she was discovered about nine months after her abduction only a few miles from her home - with that of 7-year-old Erica Pratt, who gnawed through her duct tape bindings to free herself from kidnappers in Philadelphia and was responsible for the arrest of the two men who had taken her. Pratt is African American, and her story received much less attention than did Smart's.

Then Chappelle placed Smart's case in opposition to that of Lionel Tate of Florida, who was convicted of murder in the death of a 6-year-old neighbor. Smart, at 15, was considered a child. But at 14, two years after the crime, Tate was sentenced as an adult to life in prison without parole. (A previously rejected plea bargain was later accepted, and he is now free.)

"When is a 15-year-old a kid and a 12-year-old an adult?" he asked, indicating it might be because one was white and one was not.

Chappelle said race relations are at such a low point in America that, "You can't say anything real when it comes to race. That's why Bill Cosby's in such trouble for saying black folks have got to take responsibility for their own lives.

"I spoke at my high school last week," he said, "and I told them, 'You've got to focus. Stop blaming white people for your problems.' "

He then added, sarcastically, " 'Learn to play basketball, tell jokes or sell crack. That's the only way I've seen people get out.' "

Chappelle's harshest words were addressed to those audience members who worship entertainers and athletes.

"Stop listening to celebrities," he said. "They do what they do for money - that's all. I don't even know why you're listening to me. I've done commercials for both Coke and Pepsi. Truth is, I can't even taste the difference, but Pepsi paid me last, so there it is."

Celebrity worship harms the object of affection as well, Chappelle said. "One day people love you more than they've ever loved anything in the world. And the next, you're in front of a courthouse dancing on top of a car."

In case the audience didn't get the reference to Michael Jackson, he said, "You know why Michael Jackson's had so many surgeries? He wanted you to like him more."

Chappelle, obviously, will not pander to his fans. "You guys are the worst listeners in the country," he told the Sacramento audience. "It's like 'The Silence of the Lambs.' Without the silence."


Respect x 10 after reading this.


keep your strippers out of my American football
lol...Dayum, Dave owned that crowd. But seriously, if it was only 4,000 people there, security should have come and escorted the offending parties out or atleast told them to shut the fuck up. But then again, it is Sacramento. The only city that had a problem with fans throwing stuff on the court during the NBA playoffs. So maybe they are a bit too rowdy in that town.

But as far as everything else Dave said as well. He was speaking the truth, totally.


I forgot to get tickets to his upcoming show in my town. Now I think they're sold out.

-1 procrastination


Don't want people to repeat your catch phrases ad nauseum? Don't invent them in the first place. Eat a dick, Chappelle.


Banstick Emeritus
Outstanding. Good for him.
Willco said:
Or don't be a retard.
Yeah. Whatever happened to acting in a civil manner at a show? Or does that not apply because he has a catchy catchphrase? People need to grow the fuck up and act like they've been out in public before. :rolleyes
Yea, I agree with the crowd being distruptive part, but when you have one of the most popular television shows on at the moment, you're life is going to change somewhat.


evil ways said:
I feel bad for him, I hope this doesn't mean he won't come back for a 3rd Season.

I know it took quite a bit of begging to get him to come back for a second season. And with stuff like this right at the time when he's making his decision for another....I doubt it.


Hollywood Square
Idle Will Kill said:
Yea, I agree with the crowd being distruptive part, but when you have one of the most popular television shows on at the moment, you're life is going to change somewhat.

Popularity is no excuse. People didn't do this shit to Jerry Seinfeld. This is retarded. People need to learn some manners and I'm glad Chappelle put them in their place.


Man, I'd be cheering about this story if I hadn't seen his stand-up in Columbia, SC. It was mostly a bunch of wank jokes, nothing edgy. I was looking forward to some thought-provoking stuff. Ah well!
Willco said:
Popularity is no excuse. People didn't do this shit to Jerry Seinfeld. This is retarded. People need to learn some manners and I'm glad Chappelle put them in their place.

Yea, I know, that's why I said the crowd disruption parts were wrong.

but he's complaining about working long hours and people not treating him as a individual. Well welcome to being a popular television star.


Hollywood Square
Idle Will Kill said:
Yea, I know, that's why I said the crowd disruption parts were wrong.

but he's complaining about working long hours and people not treating him as a individual. Well welcome to being a popular television star.

20 hours a day is a lot to ask from any individual. And usually, the more popular you get, the less hours you have to put into production. You pay people to do that for you. Chappelle sounds like kind of a control freak with that statement and if he is, that's fine. He will have to get used to that, though.

Lil' Dice

Sacramento is a hick town. When the Kings were a decent team all you would see there were "Kobe Sucks", "Fuck Shaq", "LA ain't Shit!", "Fuck off Jackson", not a single "Go Kings!" shirt.....Fuck Sacramento. The only thing good about Sacramento is that it's in California....
Plus i've never seen so many black men with white girls in my life....not that there's anything wrong with that...(ain't that right dad).


Good for Dave. I'm glad he did that. The sad thing is that there are people here where I live that still say 'I'm Rick James bitch'.
I don't even know why you're listening to me. I've done commercials for both Coke and Pepsi. Truth is, I can't even taste the difference, but Pepsi paid me last, so there it is."

Ahhh, the refreshing taste of honesty. I admire Dave.
Major kudos to Dave. Especially for:
You know why my show is good? Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong.

"You people are stupid."
Takes a big pair to let your audience in on how stupid they are.

Respect +100


Unconfirmed Member
Shit I wanted to post this. I read it in the bee this afternoon and I was like OMG I am going to get to post a chapelle thread; guaranteed Replies Get! ;) heh. Are you another Sactowner Rabid Wolverine, or did you run across this by other means?

I can imaging this happening at any city, and I am glad the author looked past it and still pointed out the bright spots in the routine and his comedy in general, usually you will get an author try to go all hero and slam the comedian/actor whoever. Also props for chapelle coming back out and talking about it, a dipshit would have ended the show.

golem said:
sacto sux
Eat my nutsack golem ;P


I've always liked Chappelle, but when there were hecklers in the crowd (everyone gets them, yes even Jerry Seinfeld), he used to clown on them. I think this was something that he was bottling up inside and this audience happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back. He speaks the truth, though. If he decides to stop doing the show and go back on the stand up circuit full time, I wouldn't lose respect for him, I'd gain some more.


Hollywood Square
Rorschach said:
I've always liked Chappelle, but when there were hecklers in the crowd (everyone gets them, yes even Jerry Seinfeld), he used to clown on them. I think this was something that he was bottling up inside and this audience happened to be the straw that broke the camel's back. He speaks the truth, though. If he decides to stop doing the show and go back on the stand up circuit full time, I wouldn't lose respect for him, I'd gain some more.

I think there's a difference between a few hecklers and an entire audience shouting catchphrases, which seems to be the case. I seriously doubt if it was just a handful of people, it'd be this big of a problem.


Unconfirmed Member
Willco said:
I think there's a difference between a few hecklers and an entire audience shouting catchphrases, which seems to be the case. I seriously doubt if it was just a handful of people, it'd be this big of a problem.
meh, the article doesn't detail just how many people where doing it. It just doesn't seem logical for an entire audience to do something this stupid regardless of the city. And I can see how a handfull of people could make this a problem. A few dipshits saying the same thing over and over gets old fast, If it where the entire venue I doubt he would have returned onstage.


Junior Member
One of his better rants had to do with children and at what age they might be responsible for their own lives. Elizabeth Smart, the 15-year-old Utah girl who was kidnapped from her home, figured prominently in the commentary. He contrasted her case - she was discovered about nine months after her abduction only a few miles from her home - with that of 7-year-old Erica Pratt, who gnawed through her duct tape bindings to free herself from kidnappers in Philadelphia and was responsible for the arrest of the two men who had taken her. Pratt is African American, and her story received much less attention than did Smart's.

Then Chappelle placed Smart's case in opposition to that of Lionel Tate of Florida, who was convicted of murder in the death of a 6-year-old neighbor. Smart, at 15, was considered a child. But at 14, two years after the crime, Tate was sentenced as an adult to life in prison without parole. (A previously rejected plea bargain was later accepted, and he is now free.)

"When is a 15-year-old a kid and a 12-year-old an adult?" he asked, indicating it might be because one was white and one was not.

I kinda forgot about that Pratt case. It got attention here in Philly but not the same attention as that chick who mysteriously just showed up with a few bums walking around town. Oh well, it's just America. It's only a story when it hits 'Middle America'. Kinda like the 'Sextuplets' Phenomenon. You know, Sextuplets are a big story and worthy of gifts from corporations if they fit a certain...description. This sounds like a great skit and I can't wait to see it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i heard about this from INDIGO...

makes me sad to be from there. rat bastards
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