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Char's Counterattack is the sexiest movie without any sexual conten


Ultimate DQ Fan

The premise of the movie is that a space colonist named Char wants to drop asteroids on Earth so that humanity will be forced to migrate to space and further their evolution.

But the real subtext driving the plot is unresolved gay angst between Char, and his old rival Amuro. Throughout the franchise they were shown to basically be soul mates, along with Chars protege. No one understands them like they do. And so Chars plan is to draw his rival into one final showdown. They hate each other, but there is so much passion between the two of them that goes unresolved and unconsumated.

For Amuro, he has had relationships but nothing long lasting. He has a girlfriend in this movie, but he is often cold to her. All of his sexual energy and testosterone is being directed towards Char.

For Char, he doesn't know how to express his sexuality, except as a weapon. His other relationships in the movie, include those with a teenage girl and with his second in command.

The teenage girl, Quess, has daddy issues. Her own father is shown to be weak minded and pathetic. Easily influenced. And so she bounces around looking for a father figure. First she goes after Amuro, but Amuro has no time for her. So she bounces to Char. Char has no interest in her, but plays along because he views her talents as useful. He later reveals he found her to be annoying.

Char's other love interest is Nanai, his second in command and confidant. He is with her because she's intelligent and useful. He wants to maintain her loyalty. But they also say that he's with her for propaganda purposed. She is his arm piece to further the narrative that he is a warm ans caring person when he's really a genocidal maniac.

10/10 movie

Grildon Tundy

Gold Member
I don't know about all that, but I clicked through that movie and the mechs fighting in space look dooooope. To think this was from 1988. Wish I would've known anime existed when I was younger because I missed out


I'm Gundam fan so I'll willing to check this out. Would this still be enjoyable without watching Zeta and zz Gundam?
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Ultimate DQ Fan
I don't know about all that, but I clicked through that movie and the mechs fighting in space look dooooope. To think this was from 1988. Wish I would've known anime existed when I was younger because I missed out
It's a beautifully animated movie and there is so many fine details, like thrusters burning to make microadjustments to compensate for gravity.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I'm Gundam fan so I'll willing to check this out. Would this still be enjoyable without watching Zeda and zz Gundam?
I think you're going to be mostly okay as long as you're familiar with the One Year War stuff. Definitely helps to be familiar with Zeta and ZZ, but not necessary. I think there is like 1 or 2 throwaway lines.


Pedo Char, and I fill pity for Bright for Hathaway... literally.

The movie shows why Amuro being the GOAT pilot.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Pedo Char, and I fill pity for Bright for Hathaway... literally.

The movie shows why Amuro being the GOAT pilot.

Yeah, he wins pretty decisively. Their duel at the end is lopsided as hell. I actually prefer the Re-GZ vs Sazabi fight at the beginning of the movie


Yeah, he wins pretty decisively. Their duel at the end is lopsided as hell. I actually prefer the Re-GZ vs Sazabi fight at the beginning of the movie
For sure. Char failed to show any justice to Sazabi but being a damn basketball to be dunked.
Then again, only time Char truly outclassed Amuro was on their first meet on OG 1st Gundam's ball-kick scene.

I like the scene where Amuro doesn't even take off the bazooka from the backpack and shoots down enemy with it, or clever use the decoys + remote bazooka, etc.
The guy is sheer monster. I mean, he downed 12 Rick-Doms in 3 min as a teenager....


Ultimate DQ Fan
I think this song perfectly sums up the movie.

That's basically Char and Amuro's theme. First half is dreamy and romantic. A touch of regret and sadness, but sweeping. Back half is full of hatred and anger.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
CCA is okay. I think the 1979 original or even Zeta is a better written ending for those characters than just reviving Zeon again.
It's not a coincidence that "Gundam" sounds strikingly similar to "condom" in the native Japanese language.
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