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Cheap Seats is one of the best shows on television!!

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I fucking LOVE it when I come home late at night when this show is on. The show is just relentlessly funny..I regularly catch myself laughing out loud at some of the one-liners and fucked-up segments they throw into the mix.

I just got done watching the one on Gretzky's first game from '79, and the current episode is some ancient international weightlifting exhibition with a bunch of lugheads cracking their knees and ankles doing cleans. As the barrel-chested weightlifters paraded out for their introductions wearing a bunch of tacky 70's jogging suits, Randy says "Open casting call for the Soprano's" l-o-frickin-l. Later one of the lifters saunters out in thick black glasses to the tune of "Good to see Jack Osbourne out of rehab". The resemblance was uncanny. I nearly fell out of my chair.

I've always been a sucker for Mystery Science Theater style smart-ass humor, and Cheap Seats is absolutely chock full of quality nitpicking and wink-wink references. Fucking fantastic show, highly recommended to those who haven't seen it..


Yea Cheap Seats is great. I like that weightlifting one because of the complete imcompetence of the people helping those guys who broke their ankles. The episode where they do the spelling bee is great too.
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