Taste and because the way the chickens reared, incredibly cruel.
Have you done research into free-range?
Because I get the feeling that people are exploiting your good intentions by charging higher prices for what *you* think is a better product.
Because free range... is a meaningless label - as in, there is no legal definition and requirement for it.
But in practice, it simply means chickens that aren't battery farmed.
Sounds good right? Until you realize the reality is: The chickens are grown in an open coop with similar densities to battery chicken farming (it's lower, but if you're imagining chickens roaming free on green fields, then the reality is far closer to battery farming).
So these chickens are shoved into incredibly crowded coops... and pretty much their lives involve pecking, shoving, clawing at each other in order to get a little space for themselves. They have to be pumped with more antibiotics, because they're more prone to infections because of all the clawing.
It's a sad reality we live in... but you know... the most efficienct form of protein... insect protein... is something that a lot of people would rather starve than eat. Like, we've just been trained as a culture to think that insects aren't food - when the truth is, they're an extremely viable form of protein.