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China tested nuclear-capable hypersonic space missile undetected in August


Gold Member
These hypersonic missiles are not for striking the US mainland. They are stand off threats for aircraft carrier groups so when the CCP goes after Taiwan they can say "US, please don't act aggressively in our internal affairs and if you cross XX boundary we will have to defend ourselves from your imperialistic attack".

So far their plan (the CCP) to just buy everything they need is working, no need for first strikes.

My fear is that the current leader of the CCP will want to see a long term goal achieved within his lifetime so there is a bit of a ticking clock element in geopolitics. The US only really looks one election ahead but even the CCP can't defer strategic goals forever.


Just gonna leave the notion that whenever rhe US mil, or former employees, or government-related contractors, make claims like this, it's psyops and usually 180 degrees backwards. It is not in the interests of defense businesses or government to acknowledge any such events. It is in the interest of both to fear monger for purposes of misleading the adversary.


We know.
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These hypersonic missiles are not for striking the US mainland. They are stand off threats for aircraft carrier groups so when the CCP goes after Taiwan they can say "US, please don't act aggressively in our internal affairs and if you cross XX boundary we will have to defend ourselves from your imperialistic attack".

So far their plan (the CCP) to just buy everything they need is working, no need for first strikes.

My fear is that the current leader of the CCP will want to see a long term goal achieved within his lifetime so there is a bit of a ticking clock element in geopolitics. The US only really looks one election ahead but even the CCP can't defer strategic goals forever.

Xi wants to bring Taiwan under China within his lifetime, he already stated that repeatedly and he made sure the whole world knows that is his intention.

China and CCP regard him as the greatest leader in modern China history. He already has the mandate for life. It will be his legacy to unite China and Taiwan, anything short than that is a failure to him. He's 70 years old now, how much longer? maybe 85???.......so I think the big event will occur within 15 years
These hypersonic missiles are not for striking the US mainland. They are stand off threats for aircraft carrier groups so when the CCP goes after Taiwan they can say "US, please don't act aggressively in our internal affairs and if you cross XX boundary we will have to defend ourselves from your imperialistic attack".

So far their plan (the CCP) to just buy everything they need is working, no need for first strikes.

My fear is that the current leader of the CCP will want to see a long term goal achieved within his lifetime so there is a bit of a ticking clock element in geopolitics. The US only really looks one election ahead but even the CCP can't defer strategic goals forever.

This is partial wrong. The DF-21D is an ASBM and designed to eliminate the aircraft carrier threat.

This hypersonic missile doesn't have the terminal accuracy for anything but a city killer at this time. Moreover, it's using the fractional orbital bombardment design the Soviets pioneered in the Cold War as an ICBM alternative. It is only designed to strike the US mainland and from angles that evade the early warning and X-band radar and the ground-based interceptors in Alaska and Cali.

See my earlier post below for a link to wiki on FOBS:



Truman Show was better.



Simps for Amouranth
We in the west are seriously fucked. Our societies are crumbling, people are weak and China is the complete opposite. The comments are great and on point on this video

are you fucking kidding me? thats gotta be a piss take... end of the day both the Chinese and Russian militaries are nothing compared to the US, the US has the money, the hardware and above all else the massive experience gained from continually fighting fucking wars year after year.. what have the Chinese done other than roll some tanks over civilians? the Russians are better experienced than the Chinese but fall far behind both when it comes to hardware.. but man those ads.. the Chinese and Russians want fucking men, you know actual ball dangling men to join up and the Americans want to create a safe space for all in their army thats inclusive... jesus fucking wept
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Gold Member
what good is a nuke that can go undetected? even if they did manage to nuke the USA they'd need to send one to the UK and one to France cause if USA is unable to fire one back then the UK and/or France will do it for them.


Its useful because if its undetected they could theoratically start a conflict between country's with false information if nobody knows its from china.

This could give china advantages on all kinds of ways.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Its useful because if its undetected they could theoratically start a conflict between country's with false information if nobody knows its from china.

This could give china advantages on all kinds of ways.
No-one is actually planning on nuking anyone. But having a missile that can't be intercepted is a solid '+1' in the nuke arms tally.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
2021, the year hairless apes on Earth are still playing with nuclear weapons.

No-one is actually planning on nuking anyone. But having a missile that can't be intercepted is a solid '+1' in the nuke arms tally.

I agree with you.

It's not undetectable as the American SBIRS system would detect the IR signature of any launch. So, we'd know where it came from.

What this type of system provides is twofold IMO:

First, unlike an ICBM which travels at high apogee and arcs deep into space onto it's target in the shortest path, this uses a Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (FOBS) that shoots the vehicle into low-earth orbit -- in any direction -- where it can circle the earth a whole bunch of times and then come down on it's target. So, it can circle the earth for days or weeks then come down. And, more importantly, the American anti-ballistic missile shield is designed to stop things from Asia which arc over the North Pole. Thats why the X-band radar and interceptors are in Alaska and California. With FOBS, the Chinese can launch south, have it orbit a few times then come down on the US from the south, where we have limited radar coverage and no interception ability in space. This has been around since the 1960s.​
Secondly, the hypersonic vehicle provides a new spin on the FOBS concept as it grants the ability to get around terminal defenses the US has like THAAD or PAC-3. It's moving so fucking fast and can maneuver, it's unlikely the hit-to-kill stuff we have could lead to an intercept either in the atmosphere or outside.​

In my opinion, and I'm not an expert outside of some work done on Cold War military history at SAIS in my younger days. This is kind of a blustery bullshit weapon system at this point. It doesn't change the strategic balance. It's accurate enough to hit a city, which would provoke a tremendous response that is unthinkable for the CCP. But not accurate enough to act as a first strike weapon that can target an ICBM in it's silos (needing ~50-100m CEP for that). Getting around the US's ballistic missile shield, which is designed for NK, is a non-starter as they have SLBM and sufficient ICBM capabilities to saturate it and provide for MAD, besides their stated doctrine is a second-use only policy (although they would likely throw that out the fucking window if they went after Taiwan and things went crazy). As a nuclear weapon, it's just destabilizing, unless they intend to drastically increase the accuracy and use this as some sort of kinetic weapon system. But even then it's dangerous because a launch could be seen as potentially nuclear. I just don't see the point of this other than escalating defense development with the West.
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Cutty Flam

problem is they control their media, they control what their population see.

Let say we go all out nuke. They kill 10m of our population, we respond 2X and kill 20m of their people, they respond back and kill 20m of our people, and go back and forth we go, killing millions......who do you think going to submit first????? ....The US, we will submit first because the pressure from of our own people.....over there, they will completely kill their media and contain the images to local population

Plus 30 million dead is 10% of our population, our country would hobble.......30 million dead on their end is just a bruise to their population

I give us 10% chance of winning against China. the only way we can win war against them, IF UK, Australia and others come to our aid AND Russia does not get involved. If Russia gets involved, then it's a different scenario
You know nothing about war


Parody of actual AJUMP23
No-one is actually planning on nuking anyone. But having a missile that can't be intercepted is a solid '+1' in the nuke arms tally.
I don’t think anyone can intercept any US nukes to be honest. The only country that is remotely capable of icbm intercept is the US.


but man those ads.. the Chinese and Russians want fucking men, you know actual ball dangling men to join up and the Americans want to create a safe space for all in their army thats inclusive... jesus fucking wept
You, and others who think like you are missing the big picture.

War is more than just grunts and guns. The US is more capable than any other military force not because we have the biggest and strongest men. We’re more capable because we can project and sustain power globally. We can medically evacuate casualties in a warzone and drop them off in Landstuhl with a >95% chance of living. That requires an incredible amount of coordination through a well-engineered support structure.

The pool of military-eligible candidates is shrinking in the United States. However, you don’t need a force full of alpha males. A military surgeon doesn’t need to be able to do 15 pullups. A military cybersecurity technician doesn’t need to be an expert marksman on the M4. A military intelligence officer doesn’t need to be capable of wearing 90 pounds of gear in the desert heat.

Being inclusive is a good thing. You bring in candidates based on their capabilities, which includes women and minority groups who otherwise might not have considered joining. Does it really matter if the technician handing you your chemical warfare gear before you deploy is transgender?

Note that I draw a clear line when it comes to changing standards for specific purposes. For example, changing combat infantry minimums to accommodate women? Completely unacceptable. You either can do it or you can’t. You shouldn’t be filtered out based on who you are, but you most certainly should be filtered out if you can’t actually do what’s needed in the battlefield.


What you guys think that China would do if the US implement some sort ICBM defense? (even if this kind of defense is "aimed" at something like Iran and NK)

Orbital bombardment/space planes is a concept that is feasible since de 80s, probably even before.
The space shuttle program, the Russian counter part or even the new X-37B concept, probably could have some secondary mission scope like this if the necessity arrives. The problem lies in the fact that this kind of weapon reduces the response time for a retaliatory strike to a mere fraction of what it is, which could lead to mistakes. That's probably the reason why no one has pursued this before.

But MAD still in effect. If China FOB anyone with this, the US, Europe etc. would retaliate with second strike weapons like subs etc.

The main thing here IMHO is that China learned the lessons of the 80s to force the opposition in a very unfavorable race, from the economic POV, of developing new weapons for a fraction of the price that cost to develop defenses for this same weapon.
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Nice, win win, new cold war, more docile citizens, easier vote getting, COLOSSAL arms contacts, proxy conflicts and shady crimes against humanity, springtime in America
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Gold Member

You wonder how useful these things will actually be?

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
We in the west are seriously fucked. Our societies are crumbling, people are weak and China is the complete opposite. The comments are great and on point on this video

Well, probably won’t matter too much who enlists anymore, as future wars will be fought by these guys:

terminator GIF


Simps for Amouranth
You, and others who think like you are missing the big picture.

War is more than just grunts and guns. The US is more capable than any other military force not because we have the biggest and strongest men. We’re more capable because we can project and sustain power globally. We can medically evacuate casualties in a warzone and drop them off in Landstuhl with a >95% chance of living. That requires an incredible amount of coordination through a well-engineered support structure.

The pool of military-eligible candidates is shrinking in the United States. However, you don’t need a force full of alpha males. A military surgeon doesn’t need to be able to do 15 pullups. A military cybersecurity technician doesn’t need to be an expert marksman on the M4. A military intelligence officer doesn’t need to be capable of wearing 90 pounds of gear in the desert heat.

Being inclusive is a good thing. You bring in candidates based on their capabilities, which includes women and minority groups who otherwise might not have considered joining. Does it really matter if the technician handing you your chemical warfare gear before you deploy is transgender?

Note that I draw a clear line when it comes to changing standards for specific purposes. For example, changing combat infantry minimums to accommodate women? Completely unacceptable. You either can do it or you can’t. You shouldn’t be filtered out based on who you are, but you most certainly should be filtered out if you can’t actually do what’s needed in the battlefield.
I was discussing the advert not the capabilities, of course if it came to a conventional war the US would roll right over the top of those other guys, the Americans like I've said in another post have the infrastructure, the tech and above all else years of experience to hone all this into a sleek unmatched fighting force... Who the fuck have the Chinese really fought other than rolling tanks over civvies? Like everything war is changing but at the end of the day you still need boots on the ground to capture and hold positions and well... The advert doesn't exactly appeal to the sort of people you need for that particular job


I was discussing the advert not the capabilities, of course if it came to a conventional war the US would roll right over the top of those other guys, the Americans like I've said in another post have the infrastructure, the tech and above all else years of experience to hone all this into a sleek unmatched fighting force... Who the fuck have the Chinese really fought other than rolling tanks over civvies? Like everything war is changing but at the end of the day you still need boots on the ground to capture and hold positions and well... The advert doesn't exactly appeal to the sort of people you need for that particular job
Ads are designed to entice demographics you currently need filled, not the ones you already have filled.


Ads are designed to entice demographics you currently need filled, not the ones you already have filled.
Exactly, it also should be mentioned that both Russia and China face some severe demographic problems. Both countries basically ran out of 17-27 years old. In Russia due to the collapse of the Soviet Union during the 90s, when birthrates fall into the abyss and in China due to the absolutely idiotic 1 child policy which has been already corrected two times in the last five years once the regime realized how much they fucked up.

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