I dunno, I got a liberal arts degree. I majored in Political Science with a minor in Public Health. I had intentions, back in the day, to go to law school. Then I learned law is boring.
I really did like healthcare though, but I was working full-time while going to school full time and I was ready to move along. So I went and competed for internships and nabbed those in various health systems as a admin. I went ahead one summer and got my CNA license in order to get practical work experience in the industry, which consequently got me a full-time job in a hospital. Finally, I ended up competing and nabbing a preceptor for my nursing home license and now I work as the facility admin making damn fine money.
Market your damn degree, talk about its high points, and then try. And keep trying. And if anyone else tells you that you simply can't, you tell them to go fuck themselves.
But most of all, you keep trying. Keep plugging away. Period.