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Choose what game I buy tomorrow (out of these three)

What game should I buy tomorrow?

  • Resident Evil 4 Remake

    Votes: 241 60.9%
  • Assassin’s Creed Mirage

    Votes: 25 6.3%
  • Robocop Rogue City

    Votes: 130 32.8%

  • Total voters


What should I buy tomorrow for the PS5

Yes, tomorrow:

1. Resident Evil 4 Remake
2. Assassin’s Creed Mirage
3. Robocop Rogue City


not tag worthy
I would get RE:4. Just because the Wii version I played was one of the best games ever. So I’m guessing the remake is too. But I have a switch so I doubt it’s coming to that.
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That's a tough one. Maybe RE4 if you want a more replayable game, but if you aren't bothered by length and price then I'd say snag multiple lol. That way if one doesn't do it for you there is another to fall back on. I also imagine RE4 will be the most likely to see or be on discount, and Mirage might get one real quick with Black Friday sales. I'd say RoboCop buuuut I don't know if you'd like it. I'm not interested in most Ubisoft stuff now, and despite RE4make being a good game I haven't returned to it like I did 2&3, in fact I'd probably pick up the OG first. Haha sorry for the lack of quality input.


Gold Member
As someone playing through RE4 again on the quest 3, RE4 remake.

The core mechanics hold up surprisingly well.

Codes 208

Ah, a choice between A really good game, a surprising decent fps and another fairly average ass creed.

Its RE4 and it shouldn't even be a question
Only play AC Mirage if you want a 'comfort food' type of Ubisoft experience. Another term to use would be 'podcast game'.

Edit: This is not me recommending it, this is me setting expectations.
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Al Pachinko, Konami President
robocop GIF


Gold Member
RE4R with the Separate Ways DLC. I’d actually recommend the sport coat dlc for Leon S Kennedy and the OG OST DLC. It adds some very nice touches to an excellent remake.


robocop looks cool but for full price resi 4 is the better option, creed isnt even worth 5 bux i would say


Gold Member
Seems cool, you support a smaller dev and at least it's not a fucking remake or the 80th entry in a tired franchise.

Also RE4R came out a while ago, there's a very high chance it will have a decent discount during black friday. The other 2 are newer so even if they are also on sale it's probably going to be a smaller discount.
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Seems cool, you support a smaller dev and at least it's not a fucking remake or the 80th entry in a tired franchise.

Also RE4R came out a while ago, there's a very high chance it will have a decent discount during black friday. The other 2 are newer so even if they are also on sale it's probably going to be a smaller discount.
To me it’s not about a sale or lower price, but the ability to TRY it and return it if I don’t like it. GameStop won’t let me return a new game. Only a pre-owned.

Does RE4 have a lot of running back and forth, and solving puzzles? Is the combat stiff? If so, this is why I prefer to buy used; because I always end up not loving the RE games (RE2, RE3).

I can’t buy Robocop used yet, because it has to be over 30 days old. But it does seem like a game I’d like.

I love stealth in games, so that’s why Assassin’s Creed Mirage is on my radar

But it looks like RE4 is gonna win the poll


Guys the idea is to pick the worst one cause then they'll have to play it.

Whose all voting for resi4, it clearly should be robocop


RE4 come on man, this ones obvious.
Robocop maybe if your like 40 and have any connection to the source material.
Mirage is similar to MW3 its DLC paraded as a full game.
If I had the money and the option, I'd easily pick RE4. That said though, i could understand the reservation if you are A. A big RoboCop fan or B. On a RoboCop kick right now and have watched the movies and just want more.

Other than those two reasons, no reason to not get the better game first, and then the other ones later on a sale.

Protip: Don't by Ubisoft games on release. Quality of the games is subjective, but they almost always go on significant sales within a month or so after launch. Too much good stuff to play right now than to pay full price for a relatively known release like AC.
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Gold Member
as an ip of course not, as a game yeah, it looks fine sure, but of the 3 id put it bottom
Have you actually played the game?

Because i'm not sure what mirage does better...

Graphic? Nope
Combat? Not even close
Writing and characters: same as combat

Like, except for being a famous game, what does mirage do better? Climbing and stealth kills?

I think robocop is easily the vastly superior game, and i don't even give much fucks about robocop, i like the brand like everyone does but not more than that.


Have you actually played the game?

Because i'm not sure what mirage does better...

Graphic? Nope
Combat? Not even close
Writing and characters: same as combat

Like, except for being a famous game, what does mirage do better? Climbing and stealth kills?

I think robocop is easily the vastly superior game, and i don't even give much fucks about robocop, i like the brand like everyone does but not more than that.
i haven't but ive watched enough footage to know how the game plays and i also know the developers pedigree of making fairly average games.

it seems fine for like a weekend. I doubt AC Mirage is anything but a good a AC game at it's core, i haven' t played it because much like you it's not doing anything special, but if I was a brand new gamer and of those 3 games which would be worse i'd imagine robocop would take the crown.

robocop is what it is, a budget AA action game with more style than much else and theres nothing wrong with that. I just wouldn't call it a great or amazing game, seems decent enough for what it's trying to do.
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