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Christian Leaders Denounce Trump's Plan To Favor Christian Immigrants.

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Guys. We all know Jesus never would have allowed people to get close to him that planned to hurt or kill him. That's the key difference here.

This is sarcasm.


Reinforcing the American Dream while offering assurance that your life has meaning despite your selfish and indulgent attitudes.

Or something like that.

I've always been skeptical of Christian leaders (as a Christian myself), so I'm simply happy to see larger communities of them being proactive about this.

Not sure if your post was sarcasm or not btw, it's hard to tell these days lol
I've always been skeptical of Christian leaders (as a Christian myself), so I'm simply happy to see larger communities of them being proactive about this.

Not sure if your post was sarcasm or not btw, it's hard to tell these days lol

It's sarcasm, but it's the truth.

Many churches are basically community gatherings to placate feelings of guilt and tell them that the way they are living and acting is fine.

But many aren't, there are plenty of good ones making a real difference.


It's sarcasm, but it's the truth.

Many churches are basically community gatherings to placate feelings of guilt and tell them that the way they are living and acting is fine.

But many aren't, there are plenty of good ones making a real difference.

Ah I see your point. I'm in agreement.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Right wing Christianity has perverted the word of God. Anybody that says God wants or love white only, straights only, Christians only, Americans only is delusional, stupid, crazy, psychotic, and dangerous.

Yep. As a Christian, I'm sick of what the right-wing has done by using Christianity as a political tool. Disgusting.


Then you should tell him you drink goat's blood and worship Pagan idols. See if that shuts him down.

I wish there were a way that I could properly express just how thick and impenetrable the force field of ignorance and hate is around my parents and so many other people like them. I've tried everything under the sun for the past 20+ years of my life to get through to them. I've resigned myself to just trying to love them all that I can while they're still here and never, ever talk politics if i can help it.
Leviticus 19:33-34: ”‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

Christians supporting this ban do so in spite of the faith they claim to hold so dear, but hey, that's nothing new for right-wing Christians in America.

Leviticus is speaking to the jews tho, the christian part of the Bible is in the New Testament.

Which is great because the New Testament is way better than the Old one in tons of issues.
Leviticus 19:33-34: “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

Christians supporting this ban do so in spite of the faith they claim to hold so dear, but hey, that's nothing new for right-wing Christians in America.
The book also says this:
Leviticus 20:13

13“ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. (NIV)

So there is a good side for christians not following their own book literally.


I thought Pence leave the church and became a Dominionist.

He refers to himself as an "evangelical Catholic" even though he went to a megachurch. Might as well make it official that he's not welcome.

I guess it would depend on if Pence had been baptized in the Church.


I partly agree with trump. Refugees that are especially vulnerable under ISIS rule should be given priority. LGBT, yazidi tribes, christians etc.
Although I also read Trump already denied christian syrian refugees entrance so umm.. guess he already messed that up.
The book also says this:
Leviticus 20:13

13“ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. (NIV)

So there is a good side for christians not following their own book literally.

Exactly, yet they cling to that part for dear life because it lets them discriminate against gay people, but they conveniently ignore parts such as the one that says you should treat outsiders well.

It's important to know this stuff because it can be used to point out their own hypocrisy and back them into a corner.
Not surprised that Catholics would say this, along with other denominations.

But republican Christianity isn't like that, unfortunately.

Edit: Hm, I wonder how many voted for Trump based on abortion policy...
Exactly, yet they cling to that part for dear life because it lets them discriminate against gay people, but they conveniently ignore parts such as the one that says you should treat outsiders well.

It's important to know this stuff because it can be used to point out their own hypocrisy and back them into a corner.

So what's the end goal here? To get them to discard all of the Bible or to get them to follow all of the Bible? Because like it or not the Bible (Old Testament at least) unambiguously does prescribe the death penalty for several things that are acceptable in the modern era.


Saint Titanfall
So what's the end goal here? To get them to discard all of the Bible or to get them to follow all of the Bible? Because like it or not the Bible (Old Testament at least) unambiguously does prescribe the death penalty for several things that are acceptable in the modern era.

TBF the bible also states that gentiles (many of us) aren't expected to follow all the rules within the old testament that are in referrence to Jews. Paul's letters to the early church's go into this in great detail


Most of his supporters pick and choose which parts of Christianity they want to follow, so this probably won't make a huge difference unfortunately.


Leviticus 19:33-34: “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

Christians supporting this ban do so in spite of the faith they claim to hold so dear, but hey, that's nothing new for right-wing Christians in America.

As counter to religious people that support this is nice, religious people in the US cherry pick the fuck out what they want to follow from the bible.


TBF the bible also states that gentiles (many of us) aren't expected to follow all the rules within the old testament that are in referrence to Jews. Paul's letters to the early church's go into this in great detail
Galatians deals with this specifically.

The Jewish Christians started imposing Mosaic law on newly converted gentiles.

There was also early bigotry that Paul addressed. More things change....


Trump is such a fucking idiot he thought he would pander to them and that's blowing up. What a fucking fool!


Leviticus 19:33-34: “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

Christians supporting this ban do so in spite of the faith they claim to hold so dear, but hey, that's nothing new for right-wing Christians in America.
This is like the only good thing on Levitivus and most republicans choose to ignore it. Incredible religion shielded assholes.

Good on these people to speak up. This is hate. Jeaua didn't hate.
TBF the bible also states that gentiles (many of us) aren't expected to follow all the rules within the old testament that are in referrence to Jews. Paul's letters to the early church's go into this in great detail

Sure, but lets not pretend the New Testament is 100% compatible with modern western morality either. There's still quite a few passages that are ignored or reinterpreted to fit our modern values.
Right wing Catholics ignored JP2's attempts to stop the US invasion of Iraq, and his condemnation of it thereafter. They also ignored B16's arguments against unfettered capitalism. And many are doing the same with Francis.

I hope these Priests, Bishops and Monsignors are talking about this in today's masses across the country and world.

Because a lot of these phony Christian church-goers voted for the asshole making all these decisions.

I'm in Canada, and our priest worked it into his homily. Which was impressive, given that it was a children's Mass for the students at the local school.

The institutional Church has been on the side of refugees regardless of creed.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Sure, but lets not pretend the New Testament is 100% compatible with modern western morality either. There's still quite a few passages that are ignored or reinterpreted to fit our modern values.

Haha. The new Testament is worse. Introduces the concept of hell and eternal damnation. Incompatible with modern morality is an understatement.
I live in Utah and saw this from the LDS (Mormon) church today.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is concerned about the temporal and spiritual welfare of all of God's children across the earth, with special concern for those who are fleeing physical violence, war and religious persecution. The Church urges all people and governments to cooperate fully in seeking the best solutions to meet human needs and relieve suffering.

Half assed like usual but I suppose it's the right direction.


The book also says this:
Leviticus 20:13

13“ ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads. (NIV)

So there is a good side for christians not following their own book literally.

But they're going to do it anyway. Better to throw the hypocrisy back in their faces imo.
All of you quoting Leviticus won't get far with Christians.

Most of them consider it to be undone by Jesus. They refer to New Testament passages to be anti-gay, Leviticus is just a soundbite to them that echoes verses they interpret that way in the New Testament.

Don't try to fight using Leviticus, you'll never get anywhere. If you're serious about it use Jesus and the Gospels.


White Catholic here. You are right that we don't give a fuck what the leadership thinks, but in my case that means I ignore their bullshit about hating gay people and also think this bullshit is wrong. But please, continue generalizing hundreds of millions of people.

I apologize. I was just remembering my own upbringing and how some of the shit they taught us in Confirmation Prep class directly contradicted church doctrine (like a speaker talking about how the death penalty was hunky-dory). The balance is found in my own family, which is mostly Catholic and mostly very cool politically (and the ones that aren't are the ones that are no longer Catholic).

I was overbroad.


The evangelist heavyweights are still all in on this. I.e. Franklin Graham. That's all Trumpers will care about. I doubt a lot of white Catholics, particularly in the rust belt, will care either.


I think over all there is a shift in American Christianity happening gradually. More and more Younger Americans have been finding God so to speak and its also had the effect of liberalizing things a bit more. Abortion will forever remain a divided issue but Socially etc. I think we will begin seeing the decline of the Megachurches etc.

America's past has been so incredibly white washed as far as the Pilgrims etc. The Puritans were assholes. They were not oppressed people seeking freedom. They were assholes who after the Church of England was founded were even more militant in their demands that every vestige of Catholicism be destroyed. When England told them to bugger off they went to America to create their Utopia. They would execute Non-Puritans. It got so bad England had to step in revoke their colonial charter and install proper British Governors etc to prevent Puritanism from murdering whoever they deemed unworthy.

So it is not surprising whatsoever that American Puritanism that has taken root in Evangelical America is a bigoted hateful group

they should have taken their asses to the ballot box and pretended they were aware they were voting for someone who will manage more than one issue during their time in office. their nearsightedness helped fuck over our entire nation. These tweets mean approximately nothing to me. They should have been posted 4 months ago when it might have mattered.
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