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City of Heroes: lost motivation to play


on the 15th floor
I'm really struggling to find a reason to keep playing COH. Its the first MMOG I've ever played and I'm disappointed to find out that its basically just a huge level-up grinder.

There's really nothing to do other than fight enemies and level-up your character's abilities. My character is now Level 13 and I'm pretty sure I've seen all there is to see in the game. Sure there will be some more high level enemies and some wicked-tough bosses, but aside from that, what's the point?

Are MMOGs really just about building up your character and nothing else? I know, the social aspect is compelling, and adds value compared to offline RPGs, but I just don't think its enough to keep me playing. Offline RPGs are driven by the story line which compells the player to continue plodding alone. I find in COH, there's no similar driver. Sure, I would love to see my Mutation Blaster at L40, crushing happless opponents, but I'd rather save the world from ultimate destruction or take over the galaxy in an epic story arc.

I feel bad contemplating quitting as there are a few regular players that I quest with, but aside from that, I don't feel very motivated any longer. I need an MMOG counselor to get me out of my virtual depression.


The problem with CoH is there isn't much more to shoot for BESIDES levels.

Least in other games you can look foward to new items and equipment. Not to mention CoH's surroundings gets really old quickly.


Yes, it is the same reason I lost interest in FFXI.

Fun game. But I didn't want to fight orc number 6000 so I could level up my character to level 24. Very general statement but hopefully you get the drift.

I like stat leveling but I don't want to be consumed by it. This is why I have high hopes World of Warcraft is driven by individual missions.


in WOW it's obvious you're doing the same stuff (killing things, getting better equipment, better spells and skills, and so on) but the quests do a pretty good job of keeping it from being "well I'm going to sit here and kill these guys until I level" and instead turn to finishing quests so you can progress further in the zone. The only real problem is they need better mob and quest variety at higher levels, but I don't really know many more quest types to make... and quite frankly if they'd just do more with mob types in higher level zones it would be enough for me to avoid problems with quest variety (as there's like 4 or 5 different types of quests I can think of right now).

if anything WOW's problem so far is that the PVE stuff is so good, everything else (PVP and trade systems mostly; not tradeskills themselves, just the methods of trading) suck by comparison.


on the 15th floor
MrAngryFace said:
MMORPGS only last as long as your social ties with them, unless of course youre a lonely stat monger.

The social ties are about the only thing keeping me playing. Before I quit, I feel compelled to go online one last time and tell a few members of my super group why I'm leaving the game. It's weird that I would feel really guilty if I didn't offer them some sort of explanation.

Real social conventions in virtual worlds. Funny stuff.


on the 15th floor
Stat levelling can be really fun, but it has to be bolstered by a compelling storyline and quests for me to really care.

Diablo II is the ultimate stat levelling game, but it has a solid overall story and fun sub-quests.

Did PSO have an overall story? I think I could really get into a multiplayer RPG that had a distinct story arc. I suppose Champions of Norrath or Dark Alliance attempt to do that. Too bad the story telling in those games is at a grade 4 level.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
All MMOs get old eventually... I still love em, but it's a fact. Some quicker than others.

I'm officially bored of CoH as well. If you want to squeeze some extra fun out of it before you inevitably quit, try rolling a new character. Doesn't work for everyone but it improves the lastability in most MMOs for me.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
This is the first one I've played since Phantasy Star Online and I'm trying not to burn through it too quickly. I hear a lot of people saying that they get bored with games, but I always wonder how much they're playing. If I can get 30 hours of fun out of this, I'm satisfied.
I told everyone CoH had less content then most single player actions titles... And the GA masses gave me shit. In the end, I was right. CoH is mindless, and sucks balls.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Cancelled and uninstalled my copy too. :) I'll go back to CoH if there's a large update adding new stuff though. I had some fun, but I still found it rather mindless overall; the best part was creating new characters. I still think MMORPGs have a ways to go.
Lyte Edge said:
Cancelled and uninstalled my copy too. :) I'll go back to CoH if there's a large update adding new stuff though. I had some fun, but I still found it rather mindless overall; the best part was creating new characters. I still think MMORPGs have a ways to go.

I'm with you, Lyte. I'm not renewing for next month--I'll come back with City of Villians.
DJ Demon J said:
I'm with you, Lyte. I'm not renewing for next month--I'll come back with City of Villians.

So you can do the same old shit, but now as a "villian?" Pvp sounds like it is going to be pretty lame also. Melee classes won't stand a chance.
I got about 40 hrs out of it before getting bored - not bad, and I don't feel ripped off; heaven knows I've had less than 40 hrs of fun with any number of single player games. Still, WoW's quests and greater environmental/quest/mob variety really do a much, much, much better job of disguising the grind and making it more fun. people have expressed concerns with the high-level game, but once Blizzard implements the Battlegrounds and Hero classes, things should be far more interesting for high-level players.
DJ Demon J said:
I'm with you, Lyte. I'm not renewing for next month--I'll come back with City of Villians.

You;ll have to wait more then a month the next update is going to be in Sept/October and it'll be directed more towards lower level players. It looke like an update every 3-4 months.

At this rate either the 4th and 3rd update will be pushed back or CoV is gonna get delayed. I'm considering canceling I got to level 20 and got bored. Started again with a new AT then read about the new content for the early levels. Now I''m thinking why bother starting over if to experience the new update I'll have to start over again.
Cerebral Palsy said:
So you can do the same old shit, but now as a "villian?" Pvp sounds like it is going to be pretty lame also. Melee classes won't stand a chance.

Jeez, you're worse than me with FFXI. If CoV delivers on all of its promises, it won't be the "same old shit." Villians will have thugs/goons to send after heroes, not to mention HQs and vehicles for both heroes and villians. So I think it's quite a stretch at this point to say the expansion will be the "same old shit." :rolleyes


Playing the same character all the time can get boring. That's why I rotate between 3 characters, keeps it fresh.
DJ Demon J said:
Jeez, you're worse than me with FFXI. If CoV delivers on all of its promises, it won't be the "same old shit." Villians will have thugs/goons to send after heroes, not to mention HQs and vehicles for both heroes and villians. So I think it's quite a stretch at this point to say the expansion will be the "same old shit." :rolleyes

well heres hoping. They just made a mention today about possible Wall Crawling, Bow (As a weapon) and Sonic powers.


I am level 23 with my only character and I love the game. There are enemies now that I never knew existed before. There are zones that I think are so cool, from Dark Astoria (which is a ghost town full of banished Patheon's) to Peregrine Island. Also, they just released a new update that now allows u to change costumes, it added 2 new zones, and there is a bunch of other stuff. The people running my server just opened a club in Kings ROw, and they were actively seeking bouncers, and bartenders and waitresses for the job. Pretty soon they are going to do another update that will allow u to get capes and other misc items for your character. As far as weapons go, that is an issue, but so what, u are supposed to be a superhero. You dont need weapons. I love the fact that I am in a Supergroup, and we schedule dates for task force missions. I love the 5th Column base that has all Nazi banners and other items strewn around. I mean to say you are LEvel 13 and seen all there is to see, is a little crazy. I guess you just dont like MMORPGS. I mean hell, I dont even like MMORPGS, as I HATED!!! FFXI on the PS2, but this game has yet to dissapoint.

Honestly, if you are going to play an MMORPG alone, the game is going to get boring FAST, but if you play on a team, or if you get in a Supergroup, then the game is fun.

I read an interview with one of the creators of the game, and they said that one of the future updates to the game will allow all the heroes to have vehicles. I think that is pretty cool.
DJ Demon J said:
Jeez, you're worse than me with FFXI. If CoV delivers on all of its promises, it won't be the "same old shit." Villians will have thugs/goons to send after heroes, not to mention HQs and vehicles for both heroes and villians. So I think it's quite a stretch at this point to say the expansion will be the "same old shit." :rolleyes

Oh, vehicles and player housing. Nothing but fluff, and players won't care a few days later when they figure out there is still no worthwhile content, or mission variety in the game. And thugs/goons to send after heroes? Not that I have read much about this feature, but it sounds like they are just taking the low variety of mobs that already walk the streets, and having them fight for either the good or bad guys. Any worthwhile content that will keep players engaged? Not having items really fucked CoH. Item collecting is the biggest part of MMOs for the majority.


Gold Member
Cerebral Palsy said:
Oh, vehicles and player housing. Nothing but fluff, and players won't care a few days later when they figure out there is still no worthwhile content, or mission variety in the game.

As for mission variety, the next update will allow players to customize their missions.

Item collecting is the biggest part of MMOs for the majority.

And if you mean "majority" by referring to the "phat lewt" famers that are looked down upon in every MMORPG, then I guess you're right. Item farmers are hated in MMOs and in fact there is a war against them in Lineage II where every server is hunting down and ganking these idiots who just farm items to have the "phat lewt".
ManaByte said:
As for mission variety, the next update will allow players to customize their missions.

And if you mean "majority" by referring to the "phat lewt" famers that are looked down upon in every MMORPG, then I guess you're right. Item farmers are hated in MMOs and in fact there is a war against them in Lineage II where every server is hunting down and ganking these idiots who just farm items to have the "phat lewt".

Lol, what does item farming have to do with it? Bettering your character is important to everyone, and nothing is more fun in an MMO than getting an item you really worked for. MMOs are about rewards, and CoH has none.


I concur, COH is a nice game, but it might as well be a single player RPG. The most fun part is creating a new character and blowing through those first 5 levels or so. I quit it earlier this month.. played 5-6 weeks or so.. had a good time.


Gold Member
Cerebral Palsy said:
Lol, what does item farming have to do with it? Bettering your character is important to everyone, and nothing is more fun in an MMO than getting an item you really worked for. MMOs are about rewards, and CoH has none.

Have you really played CoH, past level 1? I keep looting and buying various enhancements to power up my character. That is bettering my character.
ManaByte said:
Have you really played CoH, past level 1? I keep looting and buying various enhancements to power up my character. That is bettering my character.

After you have upgraded with 5,000 of the same enhancements it kind of loses its appeal. Same shit over and over. They could have made it more interesting by doing the same kind of upgrades with items, All kinds of cool comic book gadgets and shit they could have put into the game that provided powers etc that weren't in the skill tree. But no, they got fucking lazy. "Items are too much work! Let's make the players upgrade the same enhancement a billion times and call it good! Oh, that ruins the prospect of having a player ran economy? Let's just charge a fuckload for enhancements to get rid of the useless money in the game!!! YEAH!"
Cerebral Palsy said:
Lol, what does item farming have to do with it? Bettering your character is important to everyone, and nothing is more fun in an MMO than getting an item you really worked for. MMOs are about rewards, and CoH has none.

You have your head so far up your ass. You quit long ago and have never seen how the game changes at lvl12-15, lvl20-25, etc etc. Between playing alts and new content I'm still having a blast. Plus I have more friends than I knwo what to do with. Maybe you should work on your social skills or just stick to offline games?

I swear it seems like CoH roughed your mom up with the venom you spit. Work for EQ or someting? LOL
krypt0nian said:
You have your head so far up your ass. You quit long ago and have never seen how the game changes at lvl12-15, lvl20-25, etc etc. Between playing alts and new content I'm still having a blast. Plus I have more friends than I knwo what to do with. Maybe you should work on your social skills or just stick to offline games?

I swear it seems like CoH roughed your mom up with the venom you spit. Work for EQ or someting? LOL

Yeah, I quit at the end of the beta. I'm not dumb enough to pay for this shit. My friend, however, has a level 33 blaster. I watch him play, and it is the same shit over and over. He finally got into the WoW beta and hasn't touched CoH since. I was getting sick of having to call him an idiot constantly anyway.


on the 15th floor
aparisi2274 said:
I mean to say you are LEvel 13 and seen all there is to see, is a little crazy.

I should have said, I feel like I've seen all there is to see. It just doesn't feel like there is enough variety in the experience for me to keep playing.

I agree that they're done a lot of cool shit with the game, but that after about 20 hours of playing, you don't get the sense that anything bigger is happening in the world. Why keep playing unless you expect to be surprised or intrigued?

It could be a pacing or balance issue with the game design and not so much a flaw in all MMOGs. After all, stat mongering can be quite fun, assuming you have some motivation to do so (e.g. so I can enter the difficult castle surrounded by L20 dragons, so I can beat that boss that's been kicking my ass, or so that I can become the Leader's apprentice, etc.)

L10 motivation was there for me because I wanted to join a supergroup and see what it is all about. L14 motivation was there for quite sometime because I wanted to get my flying ability, but once I found out it wasn't going to provide me with the same defense benefit that hover does in battle, I lost interest. What should be my L20 movitation? L30? The drivers or "gameplay carrots" are just not as apparent as they should be, IMHO.


Datawhore said:
I should have said, I feel like I've seen all there is to see. It just doesn't feel like there is enough variety in the experience for me to keep playing.

I agree that they're done a lot of cool shit with the game, but that after about 20 hours of playing, you don't get the sense that anything bigger is happening in the world. Why keep playing unless you expect to be surprised or intrigued?

It could be a pacing or balance issue with the game design and not so much a flaw in all MMOGs. After all, stat mongering can be quite fun, assuming you have some motivation to do so (e.g. so I can enter the difficult castle surrounded by L20 dragons, so I can beat that boss that's been kicking my ass, or so that I can become the Leader's apprentice, etc.)

L10 motivation was there for me because I wanted to join a supergroup and see what it is all about. L14 motivation was there for quite sometime because I wanted to get my flying ability, but once I found out it wasn't going to provide me with the same defense benefit that hover does in battle, I lost interest. What should be my L20 movitation? L30? The drivers or "gameplay carrots" are just not as apparent as they should be, IMHO.

Well level 20 is getting a new costume. Level 21, lets u go into Dark Astoria. Level 23 lets u get into Terra Volta. There are task force missions, which is always a guaranteed level up. There are so many areas u havent seen yet. I mean like I said in my previous post, if you check out the forums on www.cityofheroes.com, u can see what they are planning for your server. I mean my server (Virtue) has a new club opening in Kings Row, it has had pool parties with door prizes, it had a grand opening celebration for ICON when the new patch came out. I mean there is so much to see, and u are already writing the game off. Thats like me saying, well, I finsihed Disc 1 of FFIX, so there is no reason for me to finish the other 3.


on the 15th floor
aparisi2274 said:
Thats like me saying, well, I finsihed Disc 1 of FFIX, so there is no reason for me to finish the other 3.

That's completely different. FFIX has a compelling story that motivates you to keep playing after Disc 1. COH has no similar "carrot", other then the ability to see new areas, abilities, and enemies. That's just not enough, IMHO.

Maybe MMOGs just aren't for me, but it definitely seems like an opportunity for a developer to create an MMOG that has much stronger story elements.
Datawhore said:
Maybe MMOGs just aren't for me, but it definitely seems like an opportunity for a developer to create an MMOG that has much stronger story elements.

FFXI's story is okay, from what I know.

World of Warcraft's quest system is awesome.


Datawhore said:
That's completely different. FFIX has a compelling story that motivates you to keep playing after Disc 1. COH has no similar "carrot", other then the ability to see new areas, abilities, and enemies. That's just not enough, IMHO.

Maybe MMOGs just aren't for me, but it definitely seems like an opportunity for a developer to create an MMOG that has much stronger story elements.

Have you even tried a task force mission yet? Those have stories, they have arch villans. Those are fun.


on the 15th floor
aparisi2274 said:
Have you even tried a task force mission yet? Those have stories, they have arch villans. Those are fun.

That's what I'm hoping. Got give a Task Force a try before leaving COH.


Task forces are a pain in the ass. You almost have to schedule dates with people you can trust, because if you throw one together randomly 99% of the time it wont get complete because someone will drop out, task forces take a few hours to complete and you cans alter your team once you start one, and if you arnt doing one with 8 people the amount of fun to be had is less and less. The best part about CoH, for me, is going into an instance with a full group and fighting dozens of monsters. The combat system is fast paced and tons of fun, even for a healer. CoH healer class is one of the best in any MMO ever because you're always on your toes. Its a great challenge to play
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