markot said:
You cant really use up resources, you have to spend some on upkeep, but you can always get more, and with research you can get more from your farms/mines and what notses.
You might start off with 1 lumber camp or brick making house, but as you expand, you need more to keep up with the upkeep of your buildings and what not, and so you can build more. Also you can trade everything and buy what you need, sell what you have an excess of.
Mines and what not never run out as well, you may start using more than you can get, but then you trade, or you sort of make your colony work around the limitations. If you have lots of stone and marble, get it, sell it, buy the iron you might need for troops... etc...
Ive only played the first 5 or so maps though. Also its got an interesting leveling/family system that helps you and is kinda neat!
I dont know if its problems with the first maps, but yeah, the mines are what concerns me. You need x of stone to construct AND to conserve your buildings, so if you have a lot of buildings, you get out pretty fast of stone. Its not a problem with things like bricks or (relatively) wood. But with the things you can only put one or two, its rather difficult, even when you update them with the school to gather more materials.
--So yo need:
-1 insula for workers for one of the buildings (this building needs wood and bricks to be constructed and mantained)
-Brick building (needs wood and water, the water thing its easy to gather, in principle)
-Wood building
-Now you need two insulaes because you need 2 workers.
-1 farm and 1 buther shop, so the insulaes dont riot (it obviously needs wood and brick to be constructed and mantained)
-So now you want to expand a little, so you need to make a forum (that needs to get stone)
-So you see a place where you can gather stone, so you place a quarry there.
-Now you make equite buildings, but they riot if theres no fun buildings near them, like theaters... (this buildings cost wood, brick and stone to build and mantain)
-So you construct one therater (for example)
--By this time you probably cant build anything more becuase you cant gather more resources, heres when your city can fall apart:
-You need more stone (you have update the quarries to their fullest), but you cant gather any becuase all the stone is in another place of the map where you cant reach, becuase you need buildings near it.
-You start to get out of wood and bricks also, so you try to make more insulaes so this buildings can work (you need one for every working building), if you build more insulae, more wood and bricks will be used because of mantainance.
-So at the end, you will not have more resources to build insulaes, so you cant power up new material buildings, so you cant build more buidlings...
-And thats not even mentioning the riots becuase of no fun buildings, that need lots of stone, So the equite buildings start riots that fire your city (you have to demolish your buidlings so the other buildings dont catch fire). And you usually dont have materials for soldier buildings, that you need in the future.
So if someone can put a good guide of how to start for planning well the resources, I would be very pleased.