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Civilization In Fiction That Have The Most Advanced Technology


Simps for Amouranth
For sure, all of Peter F. Hamiltons stuff deals with incredibly advanced civilizations that still have at least some connection to motivations and desires we would recognize now. His alien threats are usually almost inscrutably alien. I'd put the Adamists and Edenists of his first trilogy, the Nights Dawn, as pretty up there as well.

Another hard sci-fi guy with advanced, but still mostly following principles as we understand it now, is Peter Watts. The aliens in Echopraxia and Firefall are out there for sure. Of course there are plenty of other hard sci-fi authors like Steven Baxter and Vernor Vinge, as well as the aforementioned Ian M. Banks, that have even more advanced stuff.
Who/what would you recommend to someone who loves Hamiltons stuff? Looking another massive galaxy spanning epic


Gold Member
Who/what would you recommend to someone who loves Hamiltons stuff? Looking another massive galaxy spanning epic
Hamilton is a hard act to follow, but if you have exhausted his catalogue then I'd recommend Adrian Tchaikovsky (start with Children of Time), Alistair Reynolds Revelation:Space, I can only hope Larry Niven's Ringworld series isn't new to you, but if it is, hit that up, as well as A mote in God's Eye for brilliant first contact stuff, David Bryn's Uplift series (Sundiver is the first), I like the Expanse novels, the Culture novels by Iain M. Banks are fairly stand alone and can vary tonally a bit, so while Consider Phlebas is the first some folks recommend skipping up to Use of Weapons as an entry point. Vernor Vinge's A fire upon the deep is astounding.

If you like more action oriented space combat, the classic David Weber's Honor Harrington series (On Basilisk Station is the first) is great, though this is a pretty dense field with lots and lots of military stuff of varying quality IMHO and a particularly jingoistic "rah rah american" theme across most of them that some readers may not prefer.


Literally halfway through Ringworld right now, the thread has given me many recommendations for future reading. Great thread.


After I discovered the Kardashev scale it became clear to me how stupid and worthless humanity actually is and how small we are in the grand scheme of things,humanity is too busy waging wars,killing eachother for meaningless things like money,land or power to be able to advance into a new type of civilization,you'd expect after so many years of wars and poverty on a massive scale that we'd somehow learn and advance as a species but here we are in 2024 still fighting wars and still just as bitter and racist towards eachother as before only now guised under a "woke" facade when in the grand scheme of things all this shit looks like ants fighting over a breadcome.There's no meaning to life as much as we'd like to believe there's some grand plan for us or if there is...we are failing spectacularly at it.

The universe will go on just fine without us if we go extinct same as our world goes on when an anthill is stomped on...

I know this shit sounds depressing but it is in a way liberating cuz it should teach you to live your life the way you want it to as you only have one chance to do so.

And still just throwing rubbish from our cars.

That's what gets me sometimes, if we can't even stop ourselves littering how on earth are we going to pull together to create anything really grand.


Biggest Trails Stan
And still just throwing rubbish from our cars.

That's what gets me sometimes, if we can't even stop ourselves littering how on earth are we going to pull together to create anything really grand.

Maybe it's fun to think about? Don't understand why a few people are being weird in this thread? 🤔


Since Q is mentioned so many times....

Isn't this guy like a god or something? I really dislike the existence of such OP characters because it kinda makes everything else pointless.


"IT" from Perry Rhodan.
  • IT is a whole civilization as a pure thought construct, eventually manifesting as a sphere of light.
  • Early technological achievements included teleportation, matter/energy control, and advanced communication.
  • IT created advanced spaceships, robots, and enabled telepathic connections.
  • Later, IT controlled entire galaxies, created civilizations, and transcended into pure consciousness.
  • IT manipulated space and time on a cosmic level.
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