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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...


I finally decided to upgrade to this during the last sale. After playing this, do yu guys think that the complaints against Civ 5 are unwarranted now? When I started back in vanilla fans hated this game.

There have been a lot of good upgrades since. For example the A.I. is reasonable now.
I think the AI is quite terrible, and the fact multiplayer has no mod support still pisses me off. Universal happiness makes no sense either, and it should've stayed local.
I could probably find more stuff to criticize, but those are the issues that bother me the most (by far). Other than that, yes, the game is great.
I think the AI is quite terrible, and the fact multiplayer has no mod support still pisses me off. Universal happiness makes no sense either, and it should've stayed local.
I could probably find more stuff to criticize, but those are the issues that bother me the most (by far). Other than that, yes, the game is great.
How does it compare to previous entries?


How does it compare to previous entries?
Never played I and II, just a bit of III but the comparisons are mostly between IV and V right now. The AI apparently sucked in all games, but I've never seen anything as bad as the AI in naval warfare in Civ V. It's so easy it bores me to death.
Civ IV was so much friendlier to mods that it's not even a fair comparison. As for happiness, it used to be city-based, not a universal score.

The main difference that you can see right off the bat between the two is stack of doom x 1 unit per tile. I prefer stacked units because:

1. Regarding realism, stacked units are much closer to actual armies.
2. Moving a stacked group is many times faster than moving 1upt. It basically ruined multiplayer IMO. Whenever you reach industrial/modern era, turns may take up to 20 minutes (even when people use queues).
Even earlier eras in maps larger than standard are insufferable to me. I've had 5 or so friends abandoning Civ V MP simply because turns (and matches in general) would simply take too long and they'd get too bored/pissed off. I still play it, but only as long as the map is standard or smaller.
I know there's PBEM, pitboss, etc, but random people quit the game most of the time and matches can take weeks to finish.
3. Maps can look incredibly silly with the 1upt system. It is simply not possible to create scenarios where you're supposed to be vastly outnumbered in a small area.

Not saying IV had perfect combat by any means, since chance was a big factor and didnt work well at all, but I don't think 1upt is the solution.
^^^I see thanks.
Also is it just me or that it's difficult to get any sort of victory (besides Science which is always easy) once you get to Prince level? I got SO close with Culture once but I lost by a tie on the final turn.


I actually kinda like the one unit ter tile rule. Adds to the strategic depth. It used to be just build 20 siege units and 20 defensive units and just throw them all against a city. Now you actually have to surround a city with siege units, which adds to the realism imo.

Although having one warrior take up several square km of terrain is very unrealistic.

Maybe for the next one, you should have a one army per tile rule, with the ability to combine units into armies. The size of which expands through the ages.

I do not miss the stack of doom.

As for happiness, I liked the idea that the further away from the capital a city is, the more unhappy and corrupt it is. That's not really an issue anymore I think.
Played a bit of Civ V recently. One thing I've noticed is that the game tends to become less fun to me the longer it drags out. I enjoy the early exploration/settling stage, but when you've already built an empire I sort of get bored. Not sure exactly what it is, but it happens. Still don't have Brave New World so I don't know if that would help, but yeah. (I wonder if Banished would be good?)

I am looking forward to Civ: Beyond Earth and Gal Civ III though. The sci-fi themes might ease the problem for me if there's "cooler" things to do. I have Endless Space as well, but I haven't been able to make myself go past 20 or so turns in that. Beyond Earth and Gal Civ III should scratch the itch though.
I agree that the game definitely gets less interesting after a certain point. I can't put my finger on exactly when. But yeah, the initial exploration stage of the game is always the most fun; discovering all of the other civs, barbarians, and natural wonders/ancient ruins.

Maybe for the next one, you should have a one army per tile rule, with the ability to combine units into armies. The size of which expands through the ages.

That's a really neat idea, I'd love to see that in a future Civ game.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So I have been on a Civilization kick for the past two weeks. After watching some news about the Middle East I got the itch to make a world of my own and then late one night decided, "well I'll just start a new Civ 5 game and play around a bit before bed". That was two weeks ago, and I'm now on my third new game and just this week crossed over the 200 hours played mark with Civ 5.

I've decided to actively go for some achievements finally too. I had already gotten like 30% of them just from playing normally and not thinking about it, but now I'm choosing leaders and game types and going after victory conditions with the goal of knocking down some more achieves. Never really did that before with Civ.

So last night I started a game with Hiawatha (who I've never won with before) on a Tiny map (which I've never played on before) with Pangea land mass (I almost always pick continents) on the Settler difficulty (which I've never chosen before). Wow, games play so much faster on tiny maps! In just an hour or two I'm already at like 1000 A.D. and halfway through the tech tree. But what really shocked me is just how pathetic the AI is on Settler difficulty. I always choose Prince or higher normally, but even at 1000 A.D. my score is like four times higher than the next highest AI. My meager army is far superior to anything anyone else has, even the barbarians are a pushover. There is literally no challenge at all.

I should have never started a new Civ game. I know how addicting the game is, I know better. I have other games to play too. You'd think after twenty years of playing Civilization games I'd be tired of them, but nope not even close. I'd like to buy Shadows of Mordor because it looks great, maybe after this tiny map game I will be able to break away and be free again!


I got Civilization: Beyond Eartth preordered and ready to go :). I been on a marathon game in Civ 5 with Shaka. I took over Egypt after a long off and on war with them for years along with the entire world :(.......with the exception of Hun.
OMG this game is horrendous! I have had hardly had any sleep in the past two weeks, all housework has been abandonded, and cheap energy drinks are the only thing keeping me going at work. That and the thought of going home and getting MORE TURNS.


new patch today

gameplay changes:

Allow Conquest of the New World achievements to be unlocked when playing the Deluxe version of the scenario.
Slight nerf to Tradition, and a boost to Piety (by adding one more prerequisite for Legalism and taking one away from Reformation).
Scale warmonger penalties by era (50% of normal strength in Ancient up to 90% in Industrial; 100% thereafter). Penalties for warmongering vs. City-States halved.
Added Cocoa and Bison resources from the Conquest Deluxe scenario into the main game.

thank goodness for the warmonger penalty nerf, imo
new patch today

gameplay changes:

Allow Conquest of the New World achievements to be unlocked when playing the Deluxe version of the scenario.
Slight nerf to Tradition, and a boost to Piety (by adding one more prerequisite for Legalism and taking one away from Reformation).
Scale warmonger penalties by era (50% of normal strength in Ancient up to 90% in Industrial; 100% thereafter). Penalties for warmongering vs. City-States halved.
Added Cocoa and Bison resources from the Conquest Deluxe scenario into the main game.

thank goodness for the warmonger penalty nerf, imo

Does this patch affect all versions of Civ5, or just Brave New World? I only have Gods & Kings.
Probably a dumb question, but what do these numbers mean?

It means that ancient and classical warfare do not result in nearly as large warmonger penalties as previously. It was more or less necessary because it is very difficult to manipulate the diplomacy in the game at that early of a stage in order to suppress the warmonger penalty. Now you can take a early capital and not have it ruin relations to the point of having to fight a coalition war 10 turns later.

The city-state penalty was also needed, because sometimes the AI would take a city state and after that they became a complete pariah for the rest of the game. It was very easy for players to get tons of free diplomatic bonuses just by joining in on the dogpile.


Picked this up during a Steam sale, and all i can say is god damn man, what a freakin time sink! I was playing last night and when I looked at the time it was 8AM. holy hell.

Any tips and tricks for a beginner? Ive just tried the single player game so far (and kinda suck at it), no fancy scenarios or multiplayer


Neo Member
Sorry for resurrecting an approximately 2 month old post thread, but I thought I'd give some friendly advice for the last message.

The usual stuff experienced Civilization players suggest is that you play a lot of Singleplayer before jumping into Multiplayer. You must have played a lot by now, but one thing is for sure: in the Multiplayer mode, other players tend to play very differently when compared to AI. Why? Because all of them, or at least most of them, will be just hardcore warmongers. That's it.
started playing this several weeks ago. is there any solution to the random crashing in multiplayer? cant put any type of pattern to it. just freezes up, usually with a civ.exe has stopped working, but sometimes i have to ctrl alt del restart.


So I'm a long time Civ player, but I've only tried the single player

Just now I tried playing online. I took the host for 2 settlers, 2 workers, and pillaged his land all with my explorers. He disconnected from the game.

As my online gaming etiquette experience comes from watching a few Twitch streams I typed in "REKT" into the chatbox after that.

Got kicked from the game.

Is this what I'm supposed to expect from online gaming?


45 second turns... man that was hard


Bump. Anyone still playing this? What are your favorite nations? Tactics for non domination victory?
It's still what I pull out when I need a Civilization fix.

My favourite civs still tend to be towards naval civs (England, Carthage, Venice, etc), though I will play anything to mix things up.

So I came to this from Civ 4... and it won't bloody let me raze cities to avoid the crappy unhappiness penalties. Le uninstall. I hate restrictions like this. I wanted that horse resource and didn't want to have to deal with the annoying mechanics of keeping the city states happy with me. Going back to Civ 4. Such a disappointment. Some might view the city state stuff as a layer of strategy, but it just felt like an annoyance to me. Why the fuck would I want to babysit relations with these little states? Does anyone find that fun?


I remember using some big gameplay overhaul mod for this which did things like introduce features from Civ4. Anyone remember what it was called? I don't think it's anywhere on the Steam Workshop.
So I was playing this today and something weird was happening.

Whenever I donated gold to a city state my rep with them went way DOWN instead of improving.

Am I missing something or was it a bug?



So I came to this from Civ 4... and it won't bloody let me raze cities to avoid the crappy unhappiness penalties. Le uninstall. I hate restrictions like this. I wanted that horse resource and didn't want to have to deal with the annoying mechanics of keeping the city states happy with me. Going back to Civ 4. Such a disappointment. Some might view the city state stuff as a layer of strategy, but it just felt like an annoyance to me. Why the fuck would I want to babysit relations with these little states? Does anyone find that fun?

I definitely prefer Civ 4 to this as well.

I didnt play Beyond Earth so no clue how it compares.

Civ 6 is coming soon though, so I guess we get to see which way they go based off the last two games' feedback.

Waffle, I think thats a bug of some sort.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So with Civ 6 coming out just 18 days from now, is anyone else looking back fondly on their time with Civ 5?

I am. Yeah when it launched the game was half baked and not as good as Civ 4 BTS, but after the first expansion it finally felt like it could hold it’s own, and (at least for me) after BNW it became my favorite civilization game of all time. I have almost 300 hours played with Civ 5, and just last night I started a new game, what might just be my last game of Civ 5 I’ll ever play. Especially since Civ 6 is looking fairly feature complete even compared to Civ 5: BNW, and by most accounts a rather excellent game to pick up right where Civ 5 has left off.

Feels strange saying I might not ever play a Civ 5 game again, lol. But then I haven’t even had Civ 4 installed for the past few years, and I’m sure at one time that would have seemed impossible to me too.

Anyone else feeling bittersweet? Nostalgic? Excited for the next iteration? Anyone else playing Civ 5 while we wait for Civ 6? :D


Neo Member
A friend and I decided that we want to get back into Civilization 5. We're both adults with limited concurrent gaming gaming time so we are looking for some sort of asynchronous solution to playing some rounds of Civ5. It looks like pitboss is the obvious solution but neither of us want to leave our computers on 24/7. I'm thinking about spinning up an AWS instance and running the game on there for both of us to log in and play although it seems like a bit of overkill. Does anyone have a stable method that we can mess around with over a few days weeks?
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