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Classic Simpsons clips that still make you laugh

naked homer simpson GIF


From the Simpson ride at Universal:

Side Show Bob: And now it's time for a dish best served cold.

Homer: ooh ice cream!

Side Show Bob: No you idiot! Revenge!

I don't know how many times I rode that ride but I laughed each time I heard that.


Oh no...

Everytime I see a Simpsons gif I feel compelled to find and watch the episode it is from.

This thread is gonna be the death of me.
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I'm still laughing at this one all these years later.
Bit of a slow burn, but the stinger is worth it.



For some reason, I always found Futurama hilarious while the Simpsons never really did it for me. Dunno why. But that doesn't take away from the fact that it's a legendary series.


Get me Buck McCoy

Stan Lee came back? Stan Lee never left

By Homer, no Bill, no Earl Simpson

And about 1000 others
All the good writers left. :(

The general consensus is seasons 1-7 are among the best TV ever. Season 8 started the down turn but plenty of decent episodes. Season 9 and 10 were more bad than good episodes. Seasons past 11 very rarely you had a good episode.

I was the biggest fan but have barely watched past season 20 ish but even the best episodes of seasons 11-20 would be considered one of/if not the worst of the golden age.


Gold Member
One that always cracked me up:

Cable reruns a lot of the time clipped the bit about the quarter at the end and it was the damn punchline. It always pissed me off when they cut it out…it’s pretty much the whole reason I wanted to rewatch the episode in the first place.

This one was fun too:

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