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Cleveland police union will not hold flag during Browns' opener

so they're protesting

by not participating in the national anthem



Junior Member

why do these dudes always look like this

Why is it always the most pig-faced, scrotum-chinned, bloated, slack-jawed, one Dunkin Donut away from cardiac bypass having, racist losers who always get the most offended by this?

Oh wait, it's because they're shitty, they know it, and want to blame they're pointless meaningless, hateful existence on shitting on people better than them.


Just get rid of the national anthem before sporting events. It get why it happens for national teams in soccer but it's just so dumb to do before random NFL, MLB games etc.


Why is it always the most pig-faced, scrotum-chinned, bloated, slack-jawed, one Dunkin Donut away from cardiac bypass having, racist losers who always get the most offended by this?

Oh wait, it's because they're shitty, they know it, and want to blame they're pointless meaningless, hateful existence on shitting on people better than them.

the cleveland FOP president is on the last page, this is some philly douchebag who said that BLM protesters are rabid animals


Junior Member
It's been a great week for police unions, including the FOP in Philly calling BLM a 'pack of wild animals'. But I'm glad they won't participate. We need to cut down on their hero worship.
No surprise there. Anyone from Cleveland knows Loomis is a real POS. His comments after the death of Tamir Rice being the height of his stupidity.


The union is offensive because of the sacrifices that people make that allows these guys TO FUCKING KNEEL.

Thats why I have 1000000000% respect for troops, and absolutely none for police in the united states. I don't even agree with our wars, but I respect the people who sign up to literally risk dying to give us the right to kneel. My beef is with politicians who throw our soldiers at bullshit. Not the people fighting.

Police, are literally a gang. Good cops can't even rat on the bad ones.
It's not even that difficult to understand that using the flag for the advancement of the people's cause is truly honoring the flag. What is disrespectful to the country is to condemn the people's use of the flag or any other national symbol when it is for a just cause.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Police Unions are also notorious for clamping down on other union protest activities and acting against union rights generally knowing that theirs will be protected by politicians no matter what. They sort of tolerate fireman's unions.


Posted Al Jazeera link to grind their gears. Also, where is F3AR or whatever he;s called? He actually sometimes has useful insight on this stuff. This one is probably too indefensible.
Being from Cleveland and someone who isn't always anti-cop in every instance, as most are lately - Steve Loomis is definitely an idiot.

I don't know if it's been poster here or not but...
"The union does not speak for the Division,” public information officer Jennifer Ciaccia told HuffPost. “The Division of Police is in no way boycotting the Browns, nor denying participation in events with our officers.”
I still do not get why the fuck we need national anthem in a sporting event. Like for Olympics sure, they are every 4 years. Also, for the world cup i get the need for anthems. But for a football game every damn week? Like really there is no need
Hello, Cleveland,
Recent statements made by the President of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association would lead one to believe that members of the Cleveland Division of Police are against participating in events with our Cleveland Browns athletes. This is simply not the viewpoint of all of our officers. The Cleveland Browns Organization has been a longtime partner of the Cleveland Division of Police, donating and assisting (many times quietly) to our Police Athletic League and hosting events with kids in the city’s Muny League Football . We know that we can count on this partnership to continue.
As law enforcement officers, we took an oath to serve and to protect. We protect the rights of all citizens to express their views as protected by the First Amendment of our constitution, no matter the issue. Our American flag is an important symbol to our great country and we, as officers, will continue to salute it.
More importantly, we as Cleveland Police Officers strive to open the lines of communication with all of our citizens–athletes and enthusiastic Browns fans alike. Who are we kidding?! We are CLEVELAND!! And we stay strong together. We stand together.
Moving forward, I can tell you that we within the Cleveland Division of Police are in communication with the Cleveland Browns Organization as we have been in the past. We want to hear from our players, the fans and our citizens of this great city. We want to bridge the gap. We want to talk.
I look forward to a continued partnership with our CLEVELAND athletes, our community and a great BROWNS season!!!
Chief Calvin D. Williams

Cleveland Division of Police


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
i was happy to see more players join the protest, and seeing police join in really sends a great statement. "don't politicize football" is generally said by racists who are comfortable with people not speaking about systemic corruption and inequality that yes, even the NFL supports in many ways.


wait...this isn't a protest in support of BLM and the players??? what the fuck?

okay, so it was the exact opposite of what i thought, that's what i get for skimming i guess.

So the union is protesting the team who support BLM. Fuck the police state even more then.

You don't get to be a hypocrite who decides what the flag means when YOU want to be anti freedom.
I still don't know how my fellow white people can, with a straight face, say that black peoe are disrespecting a flag that "protects" and "honoura" them and their freedom, when white people throw a hissy fit when black people have their roles in American conflicts recognized as the furor over one mission in BF1 shows. Not to mention African Americans didn't have their victories won on the beaches of Normandy or the islands of the Pacific, but on the streets of Birmingham, Chicago, and other American cities.
so they're protesting

by not participating in the national anthem

That's the irony. They're mad so they are also protesting the anthem. In a way, they're showing solidarity with the kneeling players but they are of course too dumb to realize it.

Mr. Bad Example

Neo Member
My history is rusty but the Revolutionary War vets died for the first Amendment.


The Revolutionary War ended in 1783, and the United States operated under the Articles of Confederation for the first few years of its existence. The Articles didn't really work all that well, and America 2.0--the Constitution and the Bill of Rights--were drafted and ratified in 1787-88 and came into force in 1789. I'm sure they fought for the principles like freedom of speech and assembly and all that, but the actual amendment didn't come along for years afterward.
*Nazis march on VA*
Police: Gotta defend their 1st amendment rights

*Black people kneel during anthem*
Police: *massive bitch-fest*

I miss anything?
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