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Climate activists spray Stonehenge with orange powder

Part of Stonehenge has been covered in orange powder paint by protesters.
Two Just Stop Oil campaigners sprayed the powder paint on the historic site near Salisbury, Wiltshire, at about 12:00 BST on Wednesday.




Gold Member
They don't really care about the environment.
They are just narcissistic hooligans, that are trying to get attention to themselves by damaging a world heritage site.
Our society needs to start to strongly punishing these actions, to discourage any more of this.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
I bet you half of these climate activists are from well to do families that vacation abroad via plane.

They’re always guilty white rich kids looking for a cause or something that will give their life meaning since they’ve been handed everything and never been told “No” or “You’re wrong.”

In the words of the purp asylum: “This ain’t it, chief.”

Lock the bastards up and throw away the key, Stonehenge is quite literally an ancient monument that dates back to 3000 BC, it is a legacy of humanity

I mean when I think of Stonehenge I think of burning oil amirite, for 5000 years Stonehenge has been burning so much oil just standing there
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
They’re always guilty white rich kids looking for a cause or something that will give their life meaning since they’ve been handed everything and never been told “No” or “You’re wrong.”

To be fair, they do profile people who have taken part in their protests and they're often working class people, not trust fund babies.


Just a bunch of rocks in a field next to a road...One of the most overrated tourist attractions on the Planet, IMO.

Having said that, these over privileged Gemima & Tarquin level cunts should be strung up, covered in marmalade and have a swarm of wasps let loose upon them, to do their worst.

You can more or less say that about any ancient monument on the planet. And that bunch of rocks is an extremely good example of people working together to overcome an almost impossible engineering feat for the time period. Kinda sad you think that's bullshit.

The fucking idiots at Just Stop Oil tried to claim this did no damage... except to the extremely rare lichen species that only exist on those stones. So they've destroyed a rare form of natural life... which I thought they were opposed to?

Middle class, entitled, Gen Z, little cunts.
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Gold Member
At most, the top brass of "Just Stop Oil" are the ones actually getting shill checks by oil companies, but I truly think the foot soldiers like these people believe all the bullshit. It's a variation of the concept of "useful idiots."

I wouldn't be surprised if they also use cult methods of indoctrination and brainwashing.

Anyone who's spent any considerable amount of time looking into how to make the world greener knows full well how complicated it all is. Even the solutions aren't perfect, just slightly better, and many of them are unfeasible to implement without major changes in public perception and behaviour, business practices, and government policies.


Gold Member
This stuff is all done with the coordination of the places they are vandalizing. The people running and funding these operations are the same ones that sit on the boards that oversee the sites. It's all just an op. If anyone really thinks that a bunch of these clowns are just running up to these sites and doing this then you are naive.
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You can more or less say that about any ancient monument on the planet. And that bunch of rocks is an extremely good example of people working together to overcome an almost impossible engineering feat for the time period. Kinda sad you think that's bullshit.

I'm a Brit, we're allowed to slag off our own stuff.

Any foreign cunt that does it though, It will be pistols at dawn 😀

..And the Eiffel Tower is a over hyped, ugly radio antenna.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I'm surprised none of them have had their cunts kicked in yet.

However this protest was fully worth it, as I believe that since it happened oil has stopped.


Anyone who's spent any considerable amount of time looking into how to make the world greener knows full well how complicated it all is. Even the solutions aren't perfect, just slightly better, and many of them are unfeasible to implement without major changes in public perception and behaviour, business practices, and government policies.
I'm not very knowledgeable about the world a greener place, I just take the advice of those from generations past who say any large movement such as this has essentially been hijacked to rake in the green.


They’re always guilty white rich kids looking for a cause or something that will give their life meaning since they’ve been handed everything and never been told “No” or “You’re wrong.”

In the words of the purp asylum: “This ain’t it, chief.”

Add in a yikes, yall and nothingburger


Retards don’t deserve history

Humanity as a whole has an obligation to see the stupidest of itself and correct it, if not it will inversely corrupt humanity as a whole like a cancer.

We let this happen by not shaming retards for thier retarded behavior before it got out of hand.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
Stonehenge now with color.

Continuing to allow the people to do this is part of the problem. Arrest them and put them away and fine them so that the next person thinks twice.


I bet you half of these climate activists are from well to do families that vacation abroad via plane.

The German climate "activist" Luisa Neubauer comes from a well-off family and has a Wikipedia article far too long for what she has accomplished in life (basically nothing). Last year she and others went to Dubai during the COP28 climate meeting. Since protests were not allowed (which they knew beforehand) they stayed in their luxury hotel rooms instead to make angry videos. (https://www.blick.ch/ausland/leute-...motzt-aus-luxushotel-in-dubai-id19210912.html)
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there should be a law with similar punishment as to homicide in the case of defacement of national monuments under frivolous causes. This is even worse than the defacement of paintings, which are protected by glass and varnish. The stones will be damaged.
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Man, they sure showed big oil. Meanwhile oil companies destroy the environment and still make profit. Something tells me they do not care at all about Stonehenge. Hopefully all these activists don't drive cars, have a shingle roof or own anything plastic.
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I hate these people so much..

there should be a law with similar punishment as to homicide in the case of defacement of national monuments under frivolous causes. This is even worse than the defacement of paintings, which are protected by glass and varnish. The stones will be damaged.

I'm on the fence.

At one side they deserve broken kneecaps and no arms.

On the other side. I'd be in jail forever.

What's the middle way?
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Gold Member
The German climate "activist" Luisa Neubauer comes from a well-off family and has a Wikipedia article far too long for what she has accomplished in life (basically nothing). Last year she and others went to Dubai during the COP28 climate meeting. Since protests were not allowed (which they knew beforehand) they stayed in their luxury hotel rooms instead to make angry videos. (https://www.blick.ch/ausland/leute-...motzt-aus-luxushotel-in-dubai-id19210912.html)
Most of these "revolutionaries" are either well off themselves, or like the bum Karl Marx, living off their wealthy friends.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
To be fair, they do profile people who have taken part in their protests and they're often working class people, not trust fund babies.

These are the same type of young dipshits that participated in Occupy and the ANTIFA/Floyd protests during the Summer of Love 2020 so yeah a chunk are trust fund babies.

Maybe not the lot of em, but a lot of them are rich white kids trying to find meaning (and likes :messenger_grinning:(y)) in their miserable lives.


What I don’t understand is how these people get to the places they vandalise. Stonehenge is out in the sticks, did they drive there in their cars…that are powered by oil?
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