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[CNN] American Nazi Party Chair Surprised At Bannon Pick

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White nationalists see advocate in Steve Bannon who will hold Trump to his campaign promises

White nationalist leaders are praising Donald Trump's decision to name former Breitbart executive Steve Bannon as his chief strategist, telling CNN in interviews they view Bannon as an advocate in the White House for policies they favor.

Chairman of the American Nazi Party, Rocky J. Suhayda, who wrote a post after Trump's election night victory celebrating it as a call to action, said he was surprised at the pick of Bannon, but said it showed him Trump could follow through on his campaign promises.

I hate that I'm going to have a reputation for starting news threads that are awful. This makes me chickening out of "Life Is Strange is a Bad Game" thread-creation even worse. :p

Edit: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu... Could a Mod edit the typo in "surprised" please? :) Cheers.
...do we really need to say anything at this point? Like, this really speaks for itself.

This makes me chickening out of "Life Is Strange is a Bad Game" thread-creation even worse. :p

I love how these guys have gotten more media coverge in ten days than in ten years with other presidents.

Please wake me up from this nightmare.


With each passing the day the "they're both the same!" narrative becomes even more preposterous. This administration is going to be the stuff of nightmares.
How do you get the support of so many hate groups, and not look at yourself introspectively and go "you know what, I fucked up somewhere along the line, I should really fix this."

Oh I know. It's because they are fucking racist as fuck. Yet every Trump supporter "how he is he racist?"
You know you're putrid as fuck when the KKK, the nazis, isis and other hateful groups endorse you. I wonder how much damage trump will be able to
I spoke to my friend at work and he said Bannon isn't a racist and the liberal media is making things up on him.

Idk what to believe. He said this Bannon guy was in charge of some newspaper company and people wrote some racist articles in it or something, but Bannon never did anything wrong.
I spoke to my friend at work and he said Bannon isn't a racist and the liberal media is making things up on him.

Idk what to believe. He said this Bannon guy was in charge of some newspaper company and people wrote some racist articles in it or something, but Bannon never did anything wrong.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I hate that I'm going to have a reputation for starting news threads that are awful. This makes me chickening out of "Life Is Strange is a Bad Game" thread-creation even worse. :p

What do you mean? That would make an awful thread!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I guarantee you most mainstream people who got way into Trump didn't quite understand that they were voting in fringe right-wing crazies.

It's a long con. An alt-right con. They played some crazy game to get people into Trump because of "anti-PC", "anti-ISIS", "anti-establishment".

What they're really interested in is hardline right economic policies and social policies. They don't really care about "anti-establishment", except that it wasn't them and their ideas.

They want to be the new establishment. And they are the new establishment. They're worse than whatever they claimed to sweep away.
What? How the hell is that bait? Have you not seen my posts on here?

My friend at work keeps telling me how the media is attacking Trump and spinning things to make him look bad. He was ranting about the media when I came to relieve him at work.

When he rants I stay quiet because he was going off on the protesters and CNN and NYT and saying alt-right isn't bad. He's my good friend and I know he's hated Hillary from the beginning. I just like to know the truth.


I spoke to my friend at work and he said Bannon isn't a racist and the liberal media is making things up on him.

Idk what to believe. He said this Bannon guy was in charge of some newspaper company and people wrote some racist articles in it or something, but Bannon never did anything wrong.
Let's not pretend Breitbart is just "some newspaper company".

It's an alt-right rag.

Also... "friend".


What do you mean? That would make an awful thread!


More on topic... Errrrr... Yeah, this thing I want to say would get me banned so fast, so... How to phrase it?

Would it be fair to say that if the Trump administration is as bad as we reasonably fear, this will be a tyrannical 4 years?

Even if Trump can somehow be reigned-in with his ACA/abortion talk, the fact that fascist groups (which are not only White Nationalist, but also anti-LGBTQ and anti-women) are openly talking like this is something to be genuinely afraid of, correct? Like, we shouldn't just be afraid of Pence and his gay conversion ideas, but violence perpetrated by home-grown terrorist groups against LGBTQ? And obviously against Jews and non LGBTQ minorities.


What? How the hell is that bait? Have you not seen my posts on here?

My friend at work keeps telling me how the media is attacking Trump and spinning things to make him look bad. He was ranting about the media when I came to relieve him at work.

When he rants I stay quiet because he was going off on the protesters and CNN and NYT and saying alt-right isn't bad. He's my good friend and I know he's hated Hillary from the beginning. I just like to know the truth.
What? How the hell is that bait? Have you not seen my posts on here?

My friend at work keeps telling me how the media is attacking Trump and spinning things to make him look bad. He was ranting about the media when I came to relieve him at work.

When he rants I stay quiet because he was going off on the protesters and CNN and NYT and saying alt-right isn't bad. He's my good friend and I know he's hated Hillary from the beginning. I just like to know the truth.

Stephen Bannon runs Breitbart news - I won't link any of their articles, but you can find some pretty repulsive ones relatively easily. If you want some headlines for a taste try:

  • "Trannies whine about hilarious Bruce Jenner"
  • "Political correctness protects Muslim rape culture"
  • "Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy,"
  • "The West vs Islam is the new Cold War"

There are many others - countless xenophobic articles that portray people of other ethnicities are evil or a problem and rail against women and gender/sexual minorities.

The fact that Stephen Bannon runs the paper does not excuse him for the content of his paper. He is the man who gets the final say, and decides what sorts of things get published in his paper.

If Stephen Bannon says "yes that is the sort of content I want in my newspaper and I am willing to pay people to produce it" then he is complicit in the evil that gets published.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious

That moment when you have to sweep a fringe form of media into the spotlight to justify your rule.
American Nazi Party makes it sound like they might be..."racist" and I don't want to call them that because that's a hurtful word. Those guys are really just concerned about the economy; probably don't even know who the Nazis were.

They need to rebrand to "The Party of American Economic Anxiety."

With each passing the day the "they're both the same!" narrative becomes even more preposterous. This administration is going to be the stuff of nightmares.

People who utter that are fucking idiots plain and simple. But you can't tell them that cause that'd totes push them to Trump, and something about all opinions are of equal weight and value or something like that. Pls empathise.


I'd say hammer them continually on the neo-Nazi stuff but that'd probably just swell the ranks and change nothing. Counting on decency is no longer a thing.


Will of the people and economic anxiety have become my new favorite dog whistle terms.

I'd say hammer them continually on the neo-Nazi stuff but that'd probably just swell the ranks and change nothing. Counting on decency is no longer a thing.

Progress will win in the end. Trump as president is bad but let's not flirt with the idea that we haven't made huge strides or that progress ends here.
American Nazi Party makes it sound like they might be..."racist" and I don't want to call them that because that's a hurtful word. Those guys are really just concerned about the economy; probably don't even know who the Nazis were.

They need to rebrand to "The Party of American Economic Anxiety."

The "North American Zestful Ideology" party. They just want America to be happy.
Progress will win in the end. Trump as president is bad but let's not flirt with the idea that we haven't made huge strides or that progress ends here.

A fine sentiment, but progress, as the last week may remind you, isn't always linear. The damage Trump is doing to the social fabric of the country might not heal over for 50 years. Even then, there will likely be a scar.
I think it goes forward, but there's always the case of getting set back 4, 8 or even 12 years.

I'm just reminded that Lincoln freed the slaves, Hayes nope'd out on reconstruction, then black people were on their own for 75 years. I hope everything reaches a previously known water-level of civility, but the alt-right Reddit kiddies are going to be anti-semitic shitbirds until they die 50 years from now.
What? How the hell is that bait? Have you not seen my posts on here?

My friend at work keeps telling me how the media is attacking Trump and spinning things to make him look bad. He was ranting about the media when I came to relieve him at work.

When he rants I stay quiet because he was going off on the protesters and CNN and NYT and saying alt-right isn't bad. He's my good friend and I know he's hated Hillary from the beginning. I just like to know the truth.
And you just kept quiet, didn't challenge him, because he's a good friend. What kind of other good friends do you keep? lol. I hope for your safety, you are straight and white.

It's about time you informed yourself before you acquire any more willfully ignorant or bigotry-supporting friends.
A fine sentiment, but progress, as the last week may remind you, isn't always linear. The damage Trump is doing to the social fabric of the country might not heal over for 50 years. Even then, there will likely be a scar.

It's so God damn unfair to the underrepresented people. Thinking about it that I'll likely be in my 70's provided we all don't die. An old white man bittered by the fact the country has gone on so long without respecting them like I am respected for a pigment in my fucking skin. To think their theoretical kids will possibly be getting ready to retire and having lived a life full of absolute bullshit. And their kids are entering the work force already. Three generations potentially more of heinous stupidly. It's just too much.

And you just kept quiet, didn't challenge him, because he's a good friend. What kind of other good friends do you keep? lol. I hope for your safety, you are straight and white.

It's about time you informed yourself before you acquire any more willfully ignorant or bigotry-supporting friends.

I hate to say it... But sometimes there's just no helping it. Ever since Ferguson I've noticed a few friends get more and more conservative all culminating in the last few months. I have called them out at ever opportunity, fact checked and combatted their cognitive bias. I tried and gave it my absolute all to get them to use rational thought and hard evidence to prove their points and as far as I can tell it's just backfired and they didn't like to be called out and got more and more defensive over time. I lost these friends as they eventually even started calling me a Cuck. Watching their descent into cognitive bias charged racist bullshit really did a number on me. I don't have many friends at all, so losing them was a blow. I feel I did the right thing, buy its hard not to feel like I lost for doing it.
I'm just reminded that Lincoln freed the slaves, Hayes nope'd out on reconstruction, then black people were on their own for 75 years. I hope everything reaches a previously known water-level of civility, but the alt-right Reddit kiddies are going to be anti-semitic shitbirds until they die 50 years from now.

And then even then it's on to the next one. If there's anything this entire scenario has made crystal clear to me, it's that the notion of "everything will be better when the old generation dies out" is rubbish. If you want to make things better you can't just wait it out and expect things to settle out on their own.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm just reminded that Lincoln freed the slaves, Hayes nope'd out on reconstruction, then black people were on their own for 75 years. I hope everything reaches a previously known water-level of civility, but the alt-right Reddit kiddies are going to be anti-semitic shitbirds until they die 50 years from now.

Yeah true. But we're going to be us 50 years from now too.

I'm never bending my knee to alt-right idiocy.
And then even then it's on to the next one. If there's anything this entire scenario has made crystal clear to me, it's that the notion of "everything will be better when the old generation dies out" is rubbish. If you want to make things better you can't just wait it out and expect things to settle out on their own.

Desegregating peoples as much as possible is paramount to improving race relations. Sure it's uncomfortable at first, can create some tensions. But slowly people who are forced to live with and confront each other daily see that these people are not so different. The problem is even in heavily "mixed" areas different races segregate themselves by choice. I'm not even sure how we can really tackle this issue aside from minority population growth outpacing white growth to a level where segregation is nearly impossible (which is ridiculous because it will always happen to some extent) apartheid in the U.S or some batshit scenario.
Yeah true. But we're going to be us 50 years from now too.

I'm never bending my knee to alt-right idiocy.

It'll take work, for sure. It's a lot harder to build a thing than destroy a thing. Trump may have kicked down the finely crafted sandcastle of society, but that just means it's our duty to rebuild it.
I spoke to my friend at work and he said Bannon isn't a racist and the liberal media is making things up on him.

Idk what to believe. He said this Bannon guy was in charge of some newspaper company and people wrote some racist articles in it or something, but Bannon never did anything wrong.
Your post history suggests you're an ally. Why wouldn't you have researched Bannon?
Were previous GOP candidates backed at all by nationalist and supremacist groups?

More troubling is how he refuses to strike down these groups. Sure he denounces them in a flippant way to keep them at arms length ( which is where they want to be by the way), but putting Bannon as a senior adviser gives them a conduit straight to Trump's ear even at a safe distance from the White House.
Were previous GOP candidates backed at all by nationalist and supremacist groups?

More troubling is how he refuses to strike down these groups. Sure he denounces them in a flippant way to keep them at arms length ( which is where they want to be by the way), but putting Bannon as a senior adviser gives them a conduit straight to Trump's ear even at a safe distance from the White House.

I imagine not since the days America was great.

As you can see, Trump is keeping his promise on making American great again.
With each passing the day the "they're both the same!" narrative becomes even more preposterous. This administration is going to be the stuff of nightmares.

The last 8 years made everybody too comfortable. Psuedo-intelliectuals who think the answer always lies in the middle were having a field day this Election cycle.
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