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CNN Editorial: "Trump is not evil, just an amateur"


Gold Member
Being fed up with the amount of hysteria from the media (and on social media) whenever Trump opens his mouth, I found this editorial to be quite on point:


"Bravo," is my reaction.
Timothy Stanley said:
Sometimes, I'm more alarmed by people's exaggerated reactions to Donald Trump than by Trump himself. It's the cult of exceptionalism. When Barack Obama was in charge, we were told that everything he did was a "first." Now that Trump runs things, everything he does is the "worst." And finally, with that Helsinki, Finland, press conference with Vladimir Putin, he seems to have provoked the GOP to join the hyperbole.


Trump's mistakes are not unheard of, some of his policies are familiar. He's been criticized in the last few days for demanding that NATO allies raise defense spending. Why? It's a reasonable request. And Nixon tried it, too, in the '70s -- the so-called Nixon doctrine asked, in part, for the Europeans to spend more and shoulder America's burden.

As for the reaction to Trump's press conference, to call it an exaggeration is, well, an understatement. It's been likened to 1938 Munich, compared in moral depravity to the Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany, and in a ridiculous tweet by Garry Kasparov, the chess champion and human rights activist, called "the darkest hour in the American presidency."

Really? Are we going to put aside all of American history so we can claim this, right now, is its darkest hour? Are we to forget that previous presidents interned Japanese-American citizens? Or drove the Native Americans off their lands? Or endorsed racial segregation? Or supported a war in Vietnam based upon falsehoods that even Trump doesn't have the imagination to dream up?
Maybe it's time for the American media, which loves to talk about how important and valuable it is, ad nauseum/ad infinitum, to stop flipping out about every thing Trump does. Likewise, maybe it's time for Americans to grow up and get some fucking composure.

If you hate Donald Trump, and there are plenty of valid reasons as to why someone would feel that way, try getting off your ass this November...and then again in November of 2020 (provided he hasn't been impeached or offered his resignation).
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Its the medias job to hold the government accountable .. what you are asking for is editorial blindness like no other. That is why a well educate democracy needs to have a media free from government intervention.


one time at a $100,000 breakfast, the president of the united states shit talked me for 15 minutes. a year later i had his fucking job.

~ donald john trump, the amateur


You don't have to be that savvy to grow pair and condemn a rival who actually attacked an ally and meddled in our election. He had a pair when he stepped in front of the queen or shoved that dignitary out of the way. To Putin however he has nothing but praise. He is controlled, not clumsy.


Gold Member
Its the medias job to hold the government accountable .. what you are asking for is editorial blindness like no other. That is why a well educate democracy needs to have a media free from government intervention.

I've not asked for anything of the sort, and, of course, you know that...but decided to be disingenuous anyway.
one time at a $100,000 breakfast, the president of the united states shit talked me for 15 minutes. a year later i had his fucking job.

~ donald john trump, the amateur

The amateur at politics? Absolutely. Amateur at influencing people and getting his way? Hardly.

Not trying to exonerate here, but the train has gone off the rails in more ways than one.
You don't have to be that savvy to grow pair and condemn a rival who actually attacked an ally and meddled in our election. He had a pair when he stepped in front of the queen or shoved that dignitary out of the way. To Putin however he has nothing but praise. He is controlled, not clumsy.

I'm sure we'll find out in the next 6 months or so.
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Eh, I'm the exact opposite. I'm more alarmed by Trump and his actions than any of the reactions I'm seeing from people. People are genuinely scared and angry by some of the things Trump has said and done. To sweep these concerns under the rug under the guise of "Stop complaining it could be much worse" is not a very comforting thought.

I'll go ahead and assume that the author of this piece isn't affected in any way by the policies put forth so far by this administration.
Eh, I'm the exact opposite. I'm more alarmed by Trump and his actions than any of the reactions I'm seeing from people. People are genuinely scared and angry by some of the things Trump has said and done. To sweep these concerns under the rug under the guise of "Stop complaining it could be much worse" is not a very comforting thought.

I'll go ahead and assume that the author of this piece isn't affected in any way by the policies put forth so far by this administration.

My family is, as well as the town I live in. Trumps Steel tariffs towards Canada are mucking up the works in an already shaky industry. If the steel planet shuts down in my town, which it almost did last year because of unfair trade with China and India, the town of 80,000 will become largely abandoned. The consequences of that will be my retired father losing his pension and being put into poverty. And both my mother and father will be put into a terrible situation because they will not be able to afford the medications they use on a daily basis (my father being a diabetic and my mother suffering from chronic pain). Chances are I would also lose my job and health coverage.

And yet none of that changes a thing about that article being well written. He's spot on.
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I agree with the article.

There are many reasons to dislike Trump one of my multiple reasons is when he was asked if he would accept the results of the election he did not give a definitive Yes, that is just a huge blunder, historically ignorant, and anti-American. I can never get behind a Trump Presidency because he is leader that I do not think understands the American values that we as a country at times take for granted.


Incompetent or evil, doesn't change the fact that he is unqualified to run a country and needs to be removed ASAP.


I agree with the article.

There are many reasons to dislike Trump one of my multiple reasons is when he was asked if he would accept the results of the election he did not give a definitive Yes, that is just a huge blunder, historically ignorant, and anti-American. I can never get behind a Trump Presidency because he is leader that I do not think understands the American values that we as a country at times take for granted.

Even after everything comes out I think we still won't be satisfied with the answer. I don't think he will ever reveal his true motivation for this whole charade.


I agree with the article.

There are many reasons to dislike Trump one of my multiple reasons is when he was asked if he would accept the results of the election he did not give a definitive Yes, that is just a huge blunder, historically ignorant, and anti-American. I can never get behind a Trump Presidency because he is leader that I do not think understands the American values that we as a country at times take for granted.

What are these American values you speak of ? I thought you did not have to do anything but step foot in America to be American.


Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Essentially it's Live and Let Live or in certain circles Don't start None won't be None.


Hey all! Just a simple request from me to you. Please, friends, when you are addressing our President, can you show him the respect that the office deserves? It is President Trump. He deserves nothing less.


Even after everything comes out I think we still won't be satisfied with the answer. I don't think he will ever reveal his true motivation for this whole charade.
The bolded is true.

We can however, connect the seemingly "random" Russian dots that keep popping up around this family and their campaign, especially the really big dots from:

Eric Trump, the dullard of the family- “Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."
Donnie Jr- “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. … We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

Those statements plus Donald's statement- “Russia has never tried to use leverage over me,” Trump tweeted days before his inauguration. “I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA—NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING.” paint a rather detailed picture if we're to believe Trump likes to project when he says "untrue" statements, especially when it comes to his crush Russia.

But yes, once we get those financial statements that Mueller undoubtedly has, we might perhaps see the fire.

Hey all! Just a simple request from me to you. Please, friends, when you are addressing our President, can you show him the respect that the office deserves? It is President Trump. He deserves nothing less.
Good one.
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Who do you have on your crack team? YOU couldn't connect the dots in a coloring book. If you're going to keep squawking like a parrot, why don't you clue me in on where the treasure is buried?
No crack team. Just me repeating some very suspect Trump family quotes and a tweet.


No crack team. Just me repeating some very suspect Trump family quotes and a tweet.

Just as I suspected. You weren't associated with anyone connecting anything! You are just repeating "some very suspect" stuff. Ok, if you like repeating everything you read, repeat after me, "I wish America and all of its people, including the President, well.
While I somewhat agree. He's also a narcicistic person and that can be a good and a bad thing. He's his own worst enemy.

But you want to see an amateur... THIS IS AN AMATEUR, HOLY SHIT

From Wikipedia.... so much for eductation
She graduated fourth in her class[16] from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in economics and international relations.
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Its the medias job to hold the government accountable .. what you are asking for is editorial blindness like no other. That is why a well educate democracy needs to have a media free from government intervention.

They're not free to lie though.


Just as I suspected. You weren't associated with anyone connecting anything! You are just repeating "some very suspect" stuff. Ok, if you like repeating everything you read, repeat after me, "I wish America and all of its people, including the President, well.
You make about as much sense as this from Trump yesterday- We know there's no collusion because Putin said so.


You make about as much sense as this from Trump yesterday- We know there's no collusion because Putin said so.

I will not attempt to correct your grammar. I do not know if you speak English as your first language, and I will understand that you are trying. However, I cannot make sense of this post. Maybe you would be willing to clarify it? I would thank you kindly if you did.
Trump lied today on misspeaking. He tried to cover for a lie with another lie.

Fuck the excuses. FYI 4% is not a reasonable amount. But it is an opinion article so I'm not surprised that it is sloppy.


Two mind readers. What am I thinking right now?


Or better, when does President Trump plan on opening up the concentration camps?
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Hey all! Just a simple request from me to you. Please, friends, when you are addressing our President, can you show him the respect that the office deserves? It is President Trump. He deserves nothing less.
There is more truth to this statement than you realize. The absolute lack of general respect is one of many reasons our society has turned to trash. It is President Trump. If you are an American, respect the office. We salute the rank, not the man.


There is more truth to this statement than you realize. The absolute lack of general respect is one of many reasons our society has turned to trash. It is President Trump. If you are an American, respect the office. We salute the rank, not the man.

Thank you for the compliment! I like what you wrote, too! But, could we maybe salute both, if we felt like it?


Witchhunt! No collusion! Putin said he didn't do it! Been saying that ever since he got elected.
Exactly. Who you gonna believe; the deep state intelligence community headed by mostly republicans or your president of the United states and owner of failed trump university, steaks, water, casinos, buildings, underage pageant backstage barging in, and is still chirping about his election victory and Hillary unprotected emails clinton.

Definitely no colusion.


Exactly. Who you gonna believe; the deep state intelligence community headed by mostly republicans or your president of the United states and owner of failed trump university, steaks, water, casinos, buildings, underage pageant backstage barging in, and is still chirping about his election victory and Hillary unprotected emails clinton.

Definitely no colusion.

You ask that like it's rhetorical. Go get your shine-box.




That's not fair of me. I'm sorry.

I don't believe in any of it. I don't care, either.

What you think about the most defines who you are. Someone told me that a long time ago. I try to live by it as best I can. What do you think of most?
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Gold Member
“We salute the rank, not the man”

Unless of course you want to falsely claim that an American born president is an illegitimate foreign born usurper of the presidency.

That was completely respectful.
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“We salute the rank, not the man”

Unless of course you want to falsely claim that an American born president is an illegitimate foreign born usurper of the presidency.

That was completely respectful.

Nobody's saying that President Trump wasn't born in America. Who said that?
Nobody's saying that President Trump wasn't born in America. Who said that?

Your so called president said that Obama was born in Kenya and his birth certificate was fake for years without any reason. Well guess he was black that is good enough reason. It was called the birther movement. How do you not know this BTW?
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Your so called president said that Obama was born in Kenya and his birth certificate was fake for years without any reason. Well guess he was black that is good enough reason. It was called the birther movement. How do you not know this BTW?

President Obama was a good President. He wasn't always upfront and square dealing. But, nowadays, who is? If President Trump said such things, and I will believe you that he did, I think he did it to get under his skin. But I don't claim to know what goes on in another man's head. Our President, is one of a kind. It is always a good time watching him mess with people.
What kind of idiot would associate human condition with that puppet anyhow? He is nothing but a proxy for foreign interventionsm. He made his choice when he was cozying up to and praising dictators and "strong men" around the world

trump, who is 72 is not an amateur.

Fuck CNN for running this op ed.

When you appoint numerous people to the presidential cabinet who take it upon themselves to hurt people. You are evil.


What kind of idiot would associate human condition with that puppet anyhow? He is nothing but a proxy for foreign interventionsm. He made his choice when he was cozying up to and praising dictators and "strong men" around the world

Now you are getting nasty. Idiot? Puppet? Cozying? There is no need for such venom, friend. You need to change your avatar to something you enjoy. Think good thoughts and good things will come your way.
President Obama was a good President. He wasn't always upfront and square dealing. But, nowadays, who is? If President Trump said such things, and I will believe you that he did, I think he did it to get under his skin. But I don't claim to know what goes on in another man's head. Our President, is one of a kind. It is always a good time watching him mess with people.

So you love your internet troll president. Sorry but neither your puppet president nor his followers deserves the dignity of being called a human..
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Anyone who has spent any time in a corporate environment will know that Trump is the archetypal Captain Chaos manager. They don’t always follow protocol and will change their mind on a daily whim. The ones with good intuition tend to get results, while the ones lacking can be disastrous. They are all a pain in the ass to work for.


First you go and read up on the "man" you claim to know and love. Then you can lecture the rest about politics OK?

You didn't listen to the song, did you? That is too bad. Karen Carpenter has the voice of an angel.

I don't claim to know any man, other than myself. I like a "choose your own adventure" worldview. Events will play out the way they were meant to and I'll still be here, and so will you. We will enjoy what little time we have on this planet and then in about 20 years after we're dead and buried, nobody will even remember who or what we were. Life such as it is will go on without you and me and President Trump just fine. Let's be friends.
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