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Cold Turkey on social media? (Stressed!!)


Anyone else gone cold turkey on social media?

I use Instagram and Twitter only and im a news junkie, i love keeping up with current affairs, i'm constantly getting news flashes from my news apps..... and im starting to hate it.

I have quite a stressful job and i think these news outlets and social media apps are adding to the stress and losing them would probably benefit me.

My feeling now is i should delete it all and not worry about news and social media, i feel its more of a hindrance than an advantage.

I dont use any social media to keep in contact with family or friends, i see family and friends that i want to connect with in real life so losing Instagram and Twitter wouldnt be a loss.

Just wondering if anyone else has had an amnesty on social media and how they found it?
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I've never gone full cold turkey on all social media, no.

I only use GAF, Reddit, and Twitter. Once or twice a year I'll take a month-long sabbatical away from Reddit and Twitter. I even took a few months away from GAF once (or at least a month....). Every scientific study I've seen has shown that increased social media use correlates to less satisfaction in life. So I try to limit it here and there.

EDIT: oh, I forgot about the blessed Vesti on IGN Boards. I will always swing by a few times a week for shit posting and giggles there
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Twitter's only use is an RSS reader that has an army of psychopaths that make Era look sane ready to pounce on anyone they see going against their hivemind.

There's only one social media platform I use actively now.

Face Truth GIF


i'm constantly getting news flashes from my news apps..... and im starting to hate it.
That sounds awful. I'd start by deleting those news apps asap. If you still want to keep up with current events, give yourself like ten minutes a day to browse a news website or two, and then forget about the news until the next day.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I quit social media entirely cold turkey when MySpace stopped being cool.

Few things have been as challenging in my life, but I've somehow survived to tell the tale.


I used to have different news apps, but I deleted them because of all the constant notifications I was getting. Now I only keep a couple of channels for current affairs on my youtube or odysee, and it feels a lot better. I am more engaged with different viewpoints, and I can digest it when I’m more relaxed, or as background noise while I work.

Also, think of it this way op, if the news is “important” enough, you’ll usually hear about it one way or another. Cut the addiction
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Gold Member
I use Twitter to basically follow one person that is funny and I don’t go much beyond that. I also like tik tok for prank channels. No Facebook and no Instagram for me. Social Media as a whole is a curse on humanity. And no matter what “news” you are consuming, the vast majority is nothing but biased propaganda designed to make the people telling you about it and the politicians they support richer.


You're crazy OP, in regards to being a news junkie. I haven't watched the news (or television for that matter) in probably 15 years. Way better off for it, IMO. I hear about things that matter via reddit, friends, or family.

As far as apps go, I deleted my Facebook about 6 months ago, no regrets there whatsoever. I didn't even back it up or let anyone know, lol. Straight up Irish Goodbye. I've been on Instagram and Reddit only since. Well, until yesterday that is. I logged out and deleted my IG app just to try to bring my phone usage down. I'm very active on IG and I felt it was becoming an issue. However, it's also my main channel for communicating with people and buying car parts so I'm kinda missing it.


I only use Instagram but am only following gym, memes and food related accounts. I stopped following the news ever since the pandemic hit.
Whatsapp and iMessage is for family/friends.

I would recommend deleting all the news app just to start off, that should take to pressure off and maybe also only follow positive things on instagram/twitter.


only ever had a half ass facebook account without my real name but i added legit friends to it, instagram i only signed up to download pics of fitness models. reddit i use when i'm stuck somewhere bored like at work or waiting in line somewhere.


I never used Social Media, unless you consider forums like this Social Media.

It's a cesspit that feeds on your misery. You will find yourself much happier by deleting both your accounts and apps.
Depends on what you are looking for.

Twitter is garbage, because it doesnt have community, so you are bound to meet garbage contents.

Reddit is by far the best social media, and the worst at the same time. Tons of good communities. But the downside is that you will get hooked up, and the next thing you know, you are refreshing for new posts. Terrible for people with low self control.


Gold Member
Getting away from social media can be difficult and one of the best ways I've helped my self over the past year is by heavily filtering my social media accounts. Twitter has no redeeming qualities. I use facebook for family contact only and even that is limited. GAFGold is 100% worth the expense. I still use reddit a ton but I have filtered out every single sub that annoys me unless its on a specific subject I'm interested in.
I also just assume everyone online is either a bot, troll or idiot. Including myself.

Dark Star

I stopped following the news after COVID died down. Deleted every news app from my phone, unfollowed every news account on IG, etc. Even then I never enabled my notifications for any social media or app. I have always used IG a ton, I post a lot of content across multiple accounts. All of my IRL friends use it and it’s great for keeping up with people. I mostly follow skateboarding and extreme sports and music/bands/artists, so my feed is pretty nice and not toxic at all.

But I would say I’m definitely addicted to using social media and forums like Gaf, Twitter, TikTok, Reddit, etc…but it’s never been a huge problem for me or a major cause of stress/anxiety. But it does cause a bit which is not cool. I try to get out of the house whenever I can and do outdoorsy stuff that doesn’t involve looking at a screen, that helps get your mind right. Hobbies are good. Spending time perfecting a craft or working on something that you're passionate about can help get you away from social media. I personally enjoy taking pictures/videos of the stuff I do like playing guitar or mountain bike riding or whatever and posting it on social media, but the amount I actually spend on apps like IG is pretty minimal. I don't "scroll" or try to view everything in my feed, gotta have some serious self control.
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It's definitely one of those things which if you disconnect from you never have any desire to go back to. That's why Facebook and Netflix etc try to keep you hooked and FOMO'd in. They obviously know that after people pull the plug on these online services, it's exceedingly rare for people to ever come back.
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It's not hard. I have all social media apps installed on my phone, but just never open them. I might check FB every couple of weeks, just to hastily like my wife's posts, and then close the app. I only use Messenger to call home to Miami, because it's free. I only use Insta and TikTok to view random thot profiles if someone posts a hot pic. I only use Twitter when I click on a tweet someone posts here or on Reddit. I only lurk on Reddit, with very very few posts. I only use WhatsApp to chat with my American friends who don't use Messenger. I use Discord only for F1 race weekends. Line app is for my Thai friends.

There is a specific, limited-use case for each app. It means I don't find myself devoting lots of time scrolling through timelines. I legit don't care about what happens in anyone else's life but my own. It's why I never got into reality television. I assume there's a huge overlap between people who watch reality shows, and those that get addicted to social media. If you care little to none about the lives of others, there's just little to no appeal.


Gold Member
I've pretty much disconnected from FB and most other socmedia apps, but I do check in to reddit for gaming tips, instagram for my friends' art/photography pages, and some twitter for gaming news and memes.

Even those I do not look at 24/7, just glance for a few minutes and check out.

It's sort of a balance but if you're the type that can get addicted to the media cycle and need constant information then there's definitely a danger of overload and stress.

Disconnect and find a hobby where you are forced to put your phone away, you can do it OP!


Deleted my personal accounts on Twitter and Facebook about 4 years ago. I have to use the professional accounts for my workplace but that’s a different use age as it’s mainly business related so it’s not really a problem. I do feel a lot more positive in general now that I don’t spend hours consuming social media nonsense and constant news. It can be done, good luck with it bro

Winter John

Never had any of it to begin with. When FB started someone told me it was for staying in touch with old college buddies. Mine were on my phone so I never saw the need for it. When Twitter started I didn't get what that was for at all. It seemed like a really shit messaging service. So like FB I ignored it. Instagram was for women and Tik Tok was for little girls. My wife has been restricting our kid's use of them recently. I don't know why. I figured she was watching cat videos, but for all I know she could've been trading on Wall Street or buying meth from the Cartels.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I was on Myspace for about 6 months when I realized all my friends on there could either email me or call/text so I deleted my account.

I can understand someone using social media for business purposes & visibility but for little ol' me I don't want or need any of it.


Anyone else gone cold turkey on social media?

I use Instagram and Twitter only and im a news junkie, i love keeping up with current affairs, i'm constantly getting news flashes from my news apps..... and im starting to hate it.

I have quite a stressful job and i think these news outlets and social media apps are adding to the stress and losing them would probably benefit me.

My feeling now is i should delete it all and not worry about news and social media, i feel its more of a hindrance than an advantage.

I dont use any social media to keep in contact with family or friends, i see family and friends that i want to connect with in real life so losing Instagram and Twitter wouldnt be a loss.

Just wondering if anyone else has had an amnesty on social media and how they found it?

Well, GAF is social media so you'd also have to go cold turkey on that.


I have. I just have txts, calls and mixed media messages now (but those dont always send fro me/others cant send them).

FB messenger is the main crutch for sharing links/pics/vids to friends. I've diverted to using the PlayStation App for chatting and sending links etc to my main friend, cut out the family whatsapp group, killed fb site and messenger.
I did it years ago. Once you break the habit, you’ll never want to go back.

A good way to do it is to download a book on the kindle app. When you are bored and would normally mindlessly bring up the social media, just read a page or two in kindle.


I just use Twitter through the browser. And there's nothing of value on Instagram.

In app form they're too distracting by design to keep endless engagement.


FUD draws attention, so it's the primary thing on news and social media. You hear about the important things one way or another, so there's no major loss by not doing social media.

Facebook got deleted
Twitter gets used to follow a select few accounts and nothing more
Instagram gets logged into a couple times a year to see what's going on
Reddit has its uses once heavily customised, but it's userbase a cesspit
Forums are better than all of the above


I don’t use social media much.

Snapchat is for children, TikTok is for thots, Instagram is OK but I very rarely look at it unless I’ve been tagged in something.

I never use Twitter.

I do scroll Facebook quite a bit (I’d say 30-45 minutes combined in a day) but only post occasionally.


I completely cut off all social media and news alerts.

I don't know what was worse for me. Facebook and Instagram made me feel inadequate and shit as I'd compare myself to (the highlights of) others. And it even got nasty one time. Reddit was terrible though as I'd really get dragged into arguments there were at the end of that day pointless. At least here I seem to be able to control myself somewhat.

I have BBC News alerts back on, but I think I'll turn them off again. Edit: this thread made me uninstall all my news apps again. I really don't need that shit always ready to pounce. I read the news every morning and that's enough.

Well, there's here and one other very niche forum that I go to and post on every day, but that's it. And I definitely could cut both out if I wanted to.

It feels great, though my mum complains that she doesn't know what I'm up to anymore as I don't post.
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I completely cut off all social media and news alerts.

I don't know what was worse for me. Facebook and Instagram made me feel inadequate and shit as I'd compare myself to (the highlights) of others. And it even got nasty one time. Reddit was terrible though as I'd really get dragged into arguments there were at the end of that day pointless. At least here I seem to be able to control myself somewhat.

I have BBC News alerts back on, but I think I'll turn them off again. Edit: this thread made me uninstall all my news apps again. I really don't need that shit always ready to pounce. I read the news every morning and that's enough.

Well, there's here and one other very niche forum that I go to and post on every day, but that's it. And I definitely could cut both out if I wanted to.

It feels great, though my mum complains that she doesn't know what I'm up to anymore as I don't post.
You're better off. I'm at the point where I don't even catch up with people over the phone as much, is rather save it for an in person chat.

The whole social media thing of comparing yourself to others has dragged multiple generations in (and down) so far, it's no surprise you got sucked in. I am surprised your mum relies on it to find out what you're up to though, tell her to find out the old fashioned way!

I've been through that thing of "Maybe I should start checking the news again", but it fades very quickly. Let's be honest, before instant global news access we got on just fine. If we choose not to indulge in instant global news access, we will still be fine.

Reddit's full of idiots. You can have the best intentions and some moron is guaranteed to have a problem with what you've said because they don't understand either basic English or are unable to read between the lines. I almost post, then decide I don't care enough and delete what I was going to say


Turn off all app notifications. You don’t need them. They’re designed specifically to keep you engaged constantly which is what you’re trying to avoid. Media consumption should be on YOUR terms, when YOU want to use it, not when the app tells you to. Me personally, I pretty much only use YouTube and Spotify(podcasts) to keep up with news. I have certain channels/podcasts that I listen to regularly, and that’s that. Do I spend too much time still on these apps? Absolutely, I can probably scale back. But I do it on my own terms.

As far as social media, an epiphany for me was finally having the realization that no one gives a shit what I have to say, and I don’t give a shit what anyone else has to say, so why use it? It’s purely an addiction for addictions sake, with some exceptions like groups/communities which can be of benefit for hobbies and such.
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Gold Member
I quit Facebook years ago. Never really got the appeal of Instagram. Ditching Facebook was one of the best decisions I made. That shit is so fucking toxic and damaging to your mental health.

After 14 years I finally deleted my Twitter account earlier this year. My 10 year old Reddit account is gone too. I stopped posting on both a long time ago but kept my accounts to follow people/bands/news and to mindlessly read shit/watch videos/look at photos. I sometimes will still visit both Twitter/Reddit but without logging in. I'm not making another account with either of them.

I think with coronavirus it overwhelmed me with constant information. There was also a lot of political stuff and of course the Ukraine war. It was giving me so much anxiety and I needed to not be seeing constant negative headlines. I tried to remove as many news sources as possible. Twitter/Reddit was a source of news for me but I would always stop going to news sites and delete news apps/widgets from my phone.

This forum is probably the only place I post online now. There was another forum I was posting on (not gaming related but sports) but I stopped going there. I don't know what it is but the last couple years I just can't be bothered posting online (except here) or sharing anything with anyone. I have spent way too much time online over the last 2 decades and I suppose I'm trying to spend less time online and appreciate things more in real life. The internet is fantastic but it can also be really awful and damaging.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Ive deleted the Instagram app but not my account. I sometimes reinstall it but its such a time sink for me I prefer to have it off my phone.

Facebook I dont have the app either but I do use it on the browser. I keep telling myself to delete it but I have a lot of family that lives far away that I am not in contact with so its good to keep up with them. But maybe thats just an excuse.

Besides that I dont use twitter or TikTok etc.


Gold Member
FB and Linkedin for me.

Linked in just for jobs. But its now turned into a shitload of FB kinds of newsfeeds, but at least it's almost always positive motivating stuff, even though some articles are becoming too Facebooky.... we had a baby.... my dad died..... happy bday Bob!.... hey connections I'm selling my Avon kind of crap check it out....they must implemented embedded ads recently because now I get Harryrosen.com ads in the newsfeed.

I like FB. You just got to weed out or block the people posting political shit. I think just about everyone has that ultra eco/PETA supporter who bombards their feed with anti-meat posts, their real estate agent buddy posting homes to sell everyday, and extreme left or right political posts. I ignore or block those people's feeds. FB is awesome for keeping contact with old friends and fam. Where some uncles or aunts you'd never call on the phone, but you'd chat occasionally on FB messages.
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Closed my Facebook, Instagram and i kept my twitter and stocktwits for stock market stuff. Feeling so much better without seeing other people's crap. Still got my Linkedin but never use it
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Gold Member
Ive deleted the Instagram app but not my account. I sometimes reinstall it but its such a time sink for me I prefer to have it off my phone.

Facebook I dont have the app either but I do use it on the browser. I keep telling myself to delete it but I have a lot of family that lives far away that I am not in contact with so its good to keep up with them. But maybe thats just an excuse.

Besides that I dont use twitter or TikTok etc.
at least you're not using the apps. the amount of tracking they do is scary. if you're on iOS, next time you install Instagram turn on your App Privacy Report (there might be something similar on Android) and you'll see the amount of trackers the app contacts. I bet somewhere in the region of 800-1000 assuming you have it installed for 7 days. For comparison, of all the apps I have installed on my phone right now the highest amount of trackers contacted by 1 app is currently 79 and that's YouTube. Spotify is #2 with 63. Netflix is #3 with 59.

when i had facebook i kept worrying about not being able to keep in touch with everyone but then i thought fuck it because the people who meant the most to me would have no problem getting in touch with me outside of Facebook. It really opens your eyes and makes you realise who are the ones that care about you. My "best friend" of 14 years stopped talking to me after I deleted my Facebook. I caved in a few months later and joined back up and he was all like "I couldn't get in touch with you. You deleted your Facebook..." Lmao you live 15 minutes away. If you take your car you could be at my house in 5 minutes. You know where I live and know where I work. You have my phone number and email. Fuck off. Haven't spoke to him in 5 years now.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
at least you're not using the apps. the amount of tracking they do is scary. if you're on iOS, next time you install Instagram turn on your App Privacy Report (there might be something similar on Android) and you'll see the amount of trackers the app contacts. I bet somewhere in the region of 800-1000 assuming you have it installed for 7 days. For comparison, of all the apps I have installed on my phone right now the highest amount of trackers contacted by 1 app is currently 79 and that's YouTube. Spotify is #2 with 63. Netflix is #3 with 59.

when i had facebook i kept worrying about not being able to keep in touch with everyone but then i thought fuck it because the people who meant the most to me would have no problem getting in touch with me outside of Facebook. It really opens your eyes and makes you realise who are the ones that care about you. My "best friend" of 14 years stopped talking to me after I deleted my Facebook. I caved in a few months later and joined back up and he was all like "I couldn't get in touch with you. You deleted your Facebook..." Lmao you live 15 minutes away. If you take your car you could be at my house in 5 minutes. You know where I live and know where I work. You have my phone number and email. Fuck off. Haven't spoke to him in 5 years now.

I forgot about Linkedin I also have that but refuse to install the app. just use it on the web like FB.

But ya i have like 15 aunts and uncles and an insane amount of cousins. Sometimes I feel like iwthout FB I would lose all contact with them. not sure if that means i should keep FB or delete it?


I do hard breaks like weekly to refresh myself but I use Twitter for business & Instagram for pleasure/biz and reddit just to keep up with some bands I follow. Other than pretty much hardly use it when I catch myself looking too much that's when I uninstall for a little doing that makes it harder to get back in.
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I use Facebook and Instagram but only for business. Have a page for my business on both and occasionally run ads on it. Facebook in particular is shocking how fucking bad an unintuitive the whole ad/business side of it is considering it's their main source of income.
Don't have a personal Instagram account and my last personal Facebook update was in like 2013-14.

GAF is my only social media.


Reddit's full of idiots. You can have the best intentions and some moron is guaranteed to have a problem with what you've said because they don't understand either basic English or are unable to read between the lines. I almost post, then decide I don't care enough and delete what I was going to say
What got me off Reddit in the end was getting banned yet again for r/worldnews. I think it was something to do with China or something and calling out some CCP bot.

Ultimately I realised that there's no point in feeding there. There are some genuine people, but also so many shill, trolls, and bots that it's best to just let them waste their time arguing amongst themselves. I seriously doubt how much influence they really have on people, especially when getting away from it is as 'simple' as just closing a tab or app at the end of the day.

I do check the odd niche subreddit, but often they aren't great either.


I have quite a stressful job and i think these news outlets and social media apps are adding to the stress and losing them would probably benefit me.
Say Word Lol GIF by Desus & Mero

You don’t say? There are almost never news that require your immediate attention - if you want to read quality writing get New Yorker or The Atlantic.


Twitter - for a good laugh, no interaction
Reddit - only browsing subs I've subbed (no /all, /trending etc)
WhatsApp - messaging

Zero notification except for the last one
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