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Colin McRae Rally 2005 Hands-On Preview - trees shake, bark falls, etc


Junior Member
this sounds really sweet...

There’s a greater sense of speed here, and new dynamic (moveable/bendable/breakable) trackside objects to remind you that keeping to the road is a safer bet than smashing into those hairpins carelessly. Should you lose control and broadside a tree or bush, expect to see bark and leaves drop and some of the trees actually shake a bit when they’re struck. Speaking of shaking, the game also responds to your hitting objects at speed with a jarring motion blur effect that’s intentionally disorienting for a split second.

Expect 52% more new tracks spanning 9 countries with 2 all-new stages with up to 6 kilometers of new roads per country. At least 35 cars will be in there as well, including selected 4x4 Off-Road models, classics like the Celica GT-Four and Lancia Delta, and even a 1967 Morris Mini Cooper S, which should make fans of that car absolutely ecstatic. The game will also feature Multiplayer for 1-4 players, System Link play for up to 8 and a robust Xbox Live component with up to 8 players competing worldwide in standard or custom rallies or single stages races with an active leaderboard.

full article: http://www.bonusstage.com/art1672.html



The Inside Track
Yeah well don't expect much change in gameplay. I don't understand how anyone could think Colin mc Rae is realistic. The cars feel like they float on the track. I know it's the Colin Mc Rae games signature since some time now but it's just plain wrong in my view.
Graphics did not get that much of an upgrade either. Some nice new physics stuff but otherwise it feels a lot like CMR 2004.
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