Hammy said:
You said that I cleared it up, and now you say this. I've already posted in this thread that the analogy begins and ends when the Nazis put the yellow stars on the Jews.
Yeah, but you cleared up that you completely ignore the emotional resonance that your analogy had. Just because it is clear, or because your original intent was ignorant/dismissive to the connotations, doesnt make you right.
No, it's about supporting the kind of people who stand by me. Of course, not every pro-choice individual is going to support gay marriage, but I've met my fair share of passionate pro-choicers who support my search for equality. I want to return the favor.
Returning the favor is exactly the kind of dogmatic approach to politics that I hate. There should be no returning the favor. Either have a principled stand on an issue, or dont have a principled stand on an issue and let it be. If someone says to me, I agree with issue A, do you agree with issue B, I am not automatically going to say yes just because they agree with issue A. This is what bothers me about activism on both sides, this intermixing of ideals and issues, instead of treating each one with the care and thought they deserve... which leads into....
It happened through illegitamate means. The buildup to the war was based on supposed WMDs that have yet to be found.
Again, "this new push for democracy" was built on flawed arguments. Furthermore, there is more in this area, such as whether or not torture is acceptable or the issue of multipolar decision making.
You have a marked inability to seperate your opposition to the war from the good that hasw come from it. The Lebanese, Saudi, Palestinians, and Egyptian people have been emboldened by the democratic presence in Iraq. This is beyond debate. However, you are stuck in a place where you are incapable of anything but an all or nothing position. You know, you are able to not like how the war was sold, not like the fact it was a unilateral action, not like what happened in Abu Ghraib and other places, but still be able to praise and accept the good that has come with the bad. You just dont get this, your positions have "progressed" so far that they have lost the ability to have subtle, multifaceted opinions on a single topic, and you are stuck with a one-dimensional worldview, from "returning the favor" to denying a potentially world changing political shift because it was built on "illegitamate means". This is why I can't take you seriously, because you can't think outside the sociopolitical box you have built for yourself. Most conservatives would disagree with my support of gay marriage, media controls, copyright, etc. However, I don't care because I don't let the political discourse decide my political positions. You, on the other hand, let the discourse not only decide your current positions, but you let it decide the course of your future positions, before you even consider them yourself. I don't take you seriously because, for all your individualism and the perceived support for it you receive from your progressive position, you are really just a sheep in a pen waiting for your next meal....
What is "true, raw, news"? The issue of Gannon/Guckert put another nail in my trust of the MSM. They ran all over the blue dress, but a reporter using a fake name gets barely a fraction of the controversy.
which will be fed to you by the various outlets outside of the mainstream news. I am not one to extol fox news, or the other outlets, but like I said. Your meal is so far out there that you couldnt even moderate it towards the truth even if you tried. What is true, raw, news? It is news where the opinion of the writer is kept to a minimum. It is close enough to what actually happened that you can excise the writers crap and get an idea of the truth. You arent going to get that from the blogs you read because they are precisely about injecting opinion. They are no better than fox news, except for the fact they agree with your previously held beliefs. You want to know why the MSM didn't pick up on Gannon/Guckert but did care about the blue dress? It isnt about the sex? It is about who was doing the lying. A President lying under oath, or a gay prostitute lying on an credientially application, which bothers you more? A president who doesnt exercise due diligence in picking his planted political mouthpiece, or a president who perjured himself, and the physical evidence that led to the second impeachment in US history? Without evaluating you thoughts on either presidency, it is clear that comparing the two issues is apples to oranges, as they are different in flavor and order of magnitude. You don't see this, you can't see this, and you won't see this.
This is why your rhetoric does little more than make me chuckle, because it isnt really your rhetoric at all.