be careful.
if things got hairy, i'd drop thermo and it's probably not a pre-req for other EE courses. it'll be easy as pie when you're a senior, but at this point it'd be a nightmare. but as always, some professors make it quite easy and fair.
num analysis = tedious stuff, not difficult.
circuits 2 = AC circuit analysis. fourier series analysis. fourier and laplace transforms, inverse laplace transforms. brush up on your partial fraction expansion skills, you'll be doing a lot of those. if your prof is a hardcase then he wouldn't allow writing down fomulas for exams. lot's of memorizing of fourier/laplace transform pairs.
signals and systems = tough course, preliminary DSP. Z-transforms, lots of transfer functions and block diagrams. again, depends on the prof how tough it is.
basically this is your first tough semester. one more of this and you'll get used to it.
be careful.
if things got hairy, i'd drop thermo and it's probably not a pre-req for other EE courses. it'll be easy as pie when you're a senior, but at this point it'd be a nightmare. but as always, some professors make it quite easy and fair.
num analysis = tedious stuff, not difficult.
circuits 2 = AC circuit analysis. fourier series analysis. fourier and laplace transforms, inverse laplace transforms. brush up on your partial fraction expansion skills, you'll be doing a lot of those. if your prof is a hardcase then he wouldn't allow writing down fomulas for exams. lot's of memorizing of fourier/laplace transform pairs.
signals and systems = tough course, preliminary DSP. Z-transforms, lots of transfer functions and block diagrams. again, depends on the prof how tough it is.
basically this is your first tough semester. one more of this and you'll get used to it.
Shit, I'm screwed. I'm pretty sure next term will not be that much harder than my past term. I heard that 3rd year is the hardest by far, I'm thinking about taking a condensed course load then.
Psychology, but I'm pre-med, so I have to take all the pre-reqs; microbio, however, is just a supplemental course (not required for med school, though it looks nice), as is biochem, medical ethics, and physics in medicine (as well as genetics, which I'm enrolled in now), all of which I'm taking within the next year. How about you? Bio major, I assume?
Im a Bio major with emphasis in biochemistry and molecular biology, im debating whether or not to do the biochemistry degree, its just a few extra courses (more chemistrys) and wouldnt hurt my schedule