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Press - MP1st.com
lol indeed

+1 LOL to teh extreemz! :D

I find it funny that people doubt CBOAT and Famousmortimer ONLY when they have disparaging news about their preferred platform of choice.

If this was reversed, like 2006 Sony, would these same people say the same things?

Fact of the matter is, CBOAT has a high batting average when it comes to these things.

Yes, he got ME2's Xbox One and PoP reveal wrong, but he nailed a lot more things right.

If you read Quartermannn's (or Sushi-X) from EGM back in the days, they had a ton of rumors but only a handful became reality. It's not after a few months/years when you found out that the game they were referring to did exist but was shelved, and whatnot.

Rumors does not necessarily mean they'll come true since a ton of stuff happens behind-the-scenes.


But it's been reported that MS will 100 Xbox ones freely available at the show with I assume a variety of games. It makes no sense that the lack of a Video Stream from MS is due problems with an SDK update.
The 100 machines are with the game loaded alredy... not user inteeface or full access to the OS... and these machines can be from the old SDK with OS features disabled or strong hardware the the actual SDK.


Ryse, KI and Forza were running on real hardware.
Also, I think on EVO it was legit Xbox One too.

what is "real hardware" though?...and this goes for Sony and MS...to me running on "real hardware" means youre holding a controller...that is attached to a retail box that is attached to a TV...

there is NO WAY any games (from Sony or MS) were running on legit retail hardware at E3...


S¡mon;77122751 said:
You know, I fully agree with you that they upped the clockspeed and there was an actually improvement...but, I fully disagree with you that the suddenly realized 'wait, what? How could we have not seen that after years of development... we can squeeze out some extra speed!'.

I think, at best, they found out that their cooling fans operated better than expected in the final retail box, or they changed the fans... thus realizing that they could up the clockspeed without any real problems.

(I mean, come on, Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company... they don't just suddenly find out they can do more with their hardware a few months before launch). So at worst, I think they wanted to close the gap with the PS4 (getting rid of the 'PS4 is 50% more powerful!'-statement) and the cooling fans probably run at a slightly higher rate (thus it will be slightly louder).
That does not make a lick of sense. They wanted to close the gap with ps4 so they decided for an completely irrelevant upclock that doesn't even change the thermal or noisy characteristics of the box... If closing gaps was their goal they failed miserabily XD
Do you have a source for that?
They were. It is known.


The 100 machines are with the game loaded alredy... not user inteeface or full access to the OS... and these machines can be from the old SDK with OS features disabled or strong hardware the the actual SDK.

So as I said, no reason why they couldn't stream what they are showing. What they will show will be filmed anyway and as for the OS functions if stuff is still not ready or rough, they probably won't show it anyway. I just can't see why an SDK update is an issue with regards to a stream, as you yourself said they could just roll back the SDK.


The 100 machines are with the game loaded alredy... not user inteeface or full access to the OS... and these machines can be from the old SDK with OS features disabled or strong hardware the the actual SDK.

now, my friend, lets not get completely crazy here...

if I understand what you write correctly, its not worth even the time to think that in gamescom and for public use, microsoft will have prepared STRONGER xbones in h/w,
just to deceive people.
thats far beyond crazyland. lets not go there :)
Look at 'dem goalposts move.

"You are wrong!"
"You're partially wrong!"
Well, AC was running on PC similar to PS4 in specs. If i remember correctly.
And your pic - from small developer studio (lococycle game).

Most important games were running on real hardware. So, what the problem with consoles on Gamescom?

Also - Project Spark 100% running on real hardware during MS Keynote.

TheWanderer said:
Do you have a source for that?!

Some Digital Foundry article, search for it yourself.
Their best strategy at this point is to open the warchest as they did back in 2006 and start moneyhatting every single dev for exclusivity. It's exactly what they were trying to avoid this gen because it's costly but at this point they need to do something.

I would say the circumstances of the current gen significantly dilutes even MS's huge war chest.

For the western dev scene, it seems very likely that for the next 1 year, maybe even 2... a lot of AAA-games will be cross-gen, with games being available on current-gen as well as next-gen. Even for MS, it will be a challenge to moneyhat devs into giving up the PS3 install base. Even Titanfall is still bogged down by the fact that it'll be on X360 and PC.

And after 1/2 years? Both next-gen consoles will presumably have enough of an install base that MS would probably be better off buying game studios instead of money-hatting exclusives.

In the Japanese dev scene, I don't think there's more than a few non-major devs who would accept the money-hat. Platinum is understandable, as with Panzer Dragoon devs and SWERWY, but... who else? Every other smaller scale devs are now either a mobile dev or have been burned by previous associations with MS. (Tales) Other devs are largely in bed with either Sony or Nintendo already, like Level-5/SEGA Sonic, etc.

Of course, Microsoft Studios Publishing is still a strong force, proven by their ability to fund many 3rd-party titles shown in E3 like QB/Ryse/SSO/etc, but this list is not a large amount. For every single MS published title, there's the same from Sony, and dozens more from 3rd-parties.


S¡mon;77122751 said:
You know, I fully agree with you that they upped the clockspeed and there was an actually improvement...but, I fully disagree with you that the suddenly realized 'wait, what? How could we have not seen that after years of development... we can squeeze out some extra speed!'.

I think, at best, they found out that their cooling fans operated better than expected in the final retail box, or they changed the fans... thus realizing that they could up the clockspeed without any real problems.

(I mean, come on, Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company... they don't just suddenly find out they can do more with their hardware a few months before launch). So at worst, I think they wanted to close the gap with the PS4 (getting rid of the 'PS4 is 50% more powerful!'-statement) and the cooling fans probably run at a slightly higher rate (thus it will be slightly louder).

the problem with your theory is this...you design your hardware...and you have specs that you feel are right...dev kits get sent out...but they do NOT use your actual hardware...they are using other hardware that you THINK gives an accurate portrayal of how the console will perform...

what happens is once you start to get your actual production/retail hardware back you learn more about it...

-this is where all the "OMG! the ESRAM actually has more bandwidth!" stuff came out...because when they actually started playing with REAL Xbone hardware they found some little extra things they could do...works the same way with clock speeds...once they had the legit hardware back...you can start playing with numbers...and they noticed that they could squeeze 53 extra mhz out of it...
The difference of course is top gear don't make the car, it's a big distinction, how would you feel if toyota told you the new yaris took off like a shuttle?

Id take it with a grain of salt. I wouldnt make a thread about it or claim they are liars.

If you look at the xbox spec sheet - its not like it says "power rating: infinite" - they just said something like "games will benefit from the infinite power of the cloud" or something.

I wouldnt get too angry about it to be honest. I dont think it was meant to be taken literally - there are very few things which can measure up to infinity - and power isnt one of them.


now, my friend, lets not get completely crazy here...

if I understand what you write correctly, its not worth even the time to think that in gamescom and for public use, microsoft will have prepared STRONGER xbones in h/w,
just to deceive people.
thats far beyond crazyland. lets not go there :)

No i think he's saying it could be a Dev unit, which extra ram etc. I doubt they will have 100 dev units available anyway if they are rushing to market!


the original blanket statement was indeed wrong.

Fair enough, though I'd point out that a blanket "that's wrong" statement is equally wrong in that regard. My main point is that there certainly were PCs being used by MS at E3. If you really want to get into it, you can point out the keyboard commands for the Battlefield demo at the MS press conference, though that's delving further into the fine points than I really intend to since it's starting to elude GribbleGrunger's original point anyway.


No i think he's saying it could be a Dev unit, which extra ram etc. I doubt they will have 100 dev units available anyway if they are rushing to market!

they said about 100 xbox one units to be available for public play-testing.
we will see very soon if they are retail units or dev kits (or even pcs with xbone emus). I guess they wont have them locked in the cupboards if so.

I agree with all the other things you wrote, about demo pods being just ..demo pods, maybe running a stable version of os for their stable version of demo etc.
that's not bad in any way though, and a reasonable expectation is that things will get more tidy as time passes, and not more messy on that front.
It really depends on the numbers. Say the PS4 outsells the Xbox One 4:1. No way that keeping the Kinect would end up being worth that in the long run, and regardless, I really doubt that the Kinect will be used meaningfully on anything outside of Kinect titles. And the PS Camera does still exist, so for those who want Kinect titles, they will very likely be ported to PS4 as well.

I'm actually hoping Kinect features will be ported - things like voice commands (in games, not system-wide) and head-tracking.


extra source of jiggaflops
Just like the E3 demonstration (yeah, the one that left the player stranded awkwardly on stage), the Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag demonstration we saw yesterday was performed on a PC spec'd to PlayStation 4 hardware figures.

To be fair, the original source of that is Giant Bomb. They've made incompatible statements to GAF insiders. And they are wrong a lot of the time.

I was thinking about the Sony press conference where the claim was that it was running on PS4.
To be fair, the original source of that is Giant Bomb. They've made incompatible statements to GAF insiders. And they are wrong a lot of the time.

I was thinking about the Sony press conference where the claim was that it was running on PS4.
This guy mention 2 sources (third party and another at e3).

it was running on PS4
Well, Watch Dogs was running on PC in feb conf (confirmed by developers in aftershow).
Was it too claimed, was running on PS4?
I think just like the PS3 which was hugely expensive to begin with... and the Wii U in some regards, that once the launch buzz and early adopters die down in the new year then the XBone will have a big uphill struggle at that price. And especially if the PS4 is still holding up well or outselling the XBone by a good margin then I think MS' only choice (outside losing a killing on hardware by reducing the price) is to get rid of Kinect or at least offer a Kinectless SKU.

It'll help them reach price parity with Sony and improve sales a lot. Kinect just isn't very important to most people (partly because MS haven't yet managed to show a compelling reason to need it) and my personal feelings are it's an anti-selling point. Bumping up the price for something I don't want or need is a burden on the whole product. It's extremely difficult to see this potential in a product when the original was such a big fail (outside a couple of genres) and there's nothing MS have shown at launch or even launch window that is releasing that makes it out to be a must have or even an improvement.


now, my friend, lets not get completely crazy here...

if I understand what you write correctly, its not worth even the time to think that in gamescom and for public use, microsoft will have prepared STRONGER xbones in h/w,
just to deceive people.
thats far beyond crazyland. lets not go there :)
I don't think what I said is so crazy.

They can use demos based in PC hardware or the previous DevKits.

If the hardware an OS features of Xone are not ready then there is no crazy in guesses about MS not using the final Xbone hardware to demo their games at Gamescom.

What I understand from CBOAT post was that the old Xbone dev and demo machines were faster than the final version to be launched for the public but that differece will be fixed with latter software updates/optimizations like happens with every other machine.

These thuthfacts hints to a downgrade in games quality and OS features in a near term that MS didn't want to show to the public, the no stream point, while they shows the demos using old devkits, PCs or hadware that is stronger than the actual/final one.

The biggest issue with Xbone is not the lack of power or the old policies but MS didn't be clear and opened about them.

That's make me think... and if the final Xbone at home didn't show the same quality showed all these months before the launch? It is my fault or MS?


extra source of jiggaflops
This guy mention 2 sources (third party and another at e3).
The author points to himself and then at DSOgaming which cites Giant Bomb.
For what I assume was a behind-the-scenes demo.

Well, Watch Dogs was running on PC in feb conf (confirmed by developers in aftershow).
Was it too claimed, was running on PS4?

I think it was implied because of the occasion but it wasn't specifically called out like at the E3 press conference.


Don't forget the possible drop of Kinect as a mandatory accessory you have to buy with the box. I'll probably by a Xbone down the line and I will be happy to do so for cheaper and without that thing.

If it has no Kinect and the price is 300e then I'll get one as well but if it's anything over 300e then no buy for me at least with these specs.

Their whole strategy seems so flawed and rushed right now, the most possible scenario is that they went with a weaker hw to be able to pack an overpriced Kinect with the system and now they'll ditch the Kinect requirement and they are left with what? an underpowered machine when compared to the PS4 without something to differentiate the system.

Their plans and the whole strategy for the system were a big fat failure...it's unbelievable how bad it turns out to be honest.
- Xbox One without Kinect

I think as some have mentioned it's more likely it will be used as 'plan b' if the PS4 outsells it (significantly) this holiday.


Ugh. I don't care if he does this to somehow "hide who he is" or whatever, but fuck, at least make it readable.

Someone don't go from (random post from his history)
"Mark rain needs to take his moneys frmo gears and make a tunnel to china because Bill Gates is goint ot kill him and share ihs spleen with Shan Kim like the herpes tentacles in The DArkrness."

"fy yoi thgouhte poelw er mad about abyoneta going sequeleggy to WeeeeYEWW youl be soemwaht nuhapy babout waht MS i money hateing w/Platfinim/. other jpnj dvs inplay to but KMAIYATown IS ONLY o1 I am solid onon. game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep, btway which maek sno nsense byt hwathever."

unless he just knows that the mods don't give a shit how unreadable his posts are because he's usually correct about the info he posts.

I mean seriously.. /rant over
If it has no Kinect and the price is 300e then I'll get one as well but if it's anything over 300e then no buy for me at least with these specs.

Their whole strategy seems so flawed and rushed right now, the most possible scenario is that they went with a weaker hw to be able to pack an overpriced Kinect with the system and now they'll ditch the Kinect requirement and they are left with what? an underpowered machine when compared to the PS4 without something to differentiate the system.

Their plans and the whole strategy for the system were a big fat failure...it's unbelievable how bad it turns out to be honest.

They have had a very bad strategy with a horrible execution to go with it, but if they do drop the Kinect, and the Xbox will be as cheap/cheaper than the PS4, then for most consumers the power difference won't matter, because they won't know/care enough. In fact, should it end up cheaper, I suspect that the Xbox will outsell PS4 after that. (I am getting a PS4, by the way)


Junior Member
Ugh. I don't care if he does this to somehow "hide who he is" or whatever, but fuck, at least make it readable.

Someone don't go from (random post from his history)
"Mark rain needs to take his moneys frmo gears and make a tunnel to china because Bill Gates is goint ot kill him and share ihs spleen with Shan Kim like the herpes tentacles in The DArkrness."

"fy yoi thgouhte poelw er mad about abyoneta going sequeleggy to WeeeeYEWW youl be soemwaht nuhapy babout waht MS i money hateing w/Platfinim/. other jpnj dvs inplay to but KMAIYATown IS ONLY o1 I am solid onon. game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep, btway which maek sno nsense byt hwathever."

unless he just knows that the mods don't give a shit how unreadable his posts are because he's usually correct about the info he posts.

I mean seriously.. /rant over

Didn't he make his posts more unreadable because he didn't want search engines to pick up on them?

There is an official reason for it I believe.


- Xbox One without Kinect

I think as some have mentioned it's more likely it will be used as 'plan b' if the PS4 outsells it (significantly) this holiday.

Seriously at this point is there any chance that it won't be significantly outsold by the PS4? the (now even more gimped) selective launch alone will be the No.1 reason for that...and that's excluding the negative image that follows the Xbone.
You do have to wonder what MS long term strategy is with the XBone at that price point. And by that I mean being able to reduce it in the face of much cheaper competition as time goes on.

I think a Kinectless SKU is and always was a reality, as there's no way they can chop off a big chunk of the price with Kinect in there and be able to sell at the price of the PS4 without costly sacrifices. Or did they think Sony was going to do another PS3 and sell it even higher or as high as them?


- Xbox One without Kinect

I think as some have mentioned it's more likely it will be used as 'plan b' if the PS4 outsells it (significantly) this holiday.

Allthough this makes sense from some view, it would be a painful defeat for MS´s primal vision of XboxOne IMO. I think this decision could only be the very last straw.


Seriously at this point is there any chance that it won't be significantly outsold by the PS4? the (now even more gimped) selective launch alone will be the No.1 reason for that...and that's excluding the negative image that follows the Xbone.

They'll obviously sell less than PS4 worldwide, the real question is if they'll manage to sell enough.
It's not only about beating the competition, but being able to build a profitable market. If they can sell anything they produce, I suppose there's no reason to change their strategy. But if unsold consoles pile up on shelves, then something must be done.


Didn't he make his posts more unreadable because he didn't want search engines to pick up on them?

There is an official reason for it I believe.

I think it would be easier to find leaks by just visiting neogaf, because everything ends up here anyway. :p It's not like this info won't spread after it is posted here, so why even try to hide it?
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