SHE HULK #9 (Marvel will be canceling the title in February. Why? So they can bring it back with a 'new' #1 in May! At least the same writer will still be onboard. Different artist though).
Supposedly She Hulk got lost in the shuffle of all the new XMen and Spiderman books they released at the same time. So they're doing a new series to attract more attention (plus the #1 for the speculator market). But I predict that in May, it'll get lost in the shuffle of all the new XMen and Spiderman books they'll be releasing then.
X-MEN #164
Within the next month or two I'm gonna have to trim back my list or stop buying comics altogether for a little awhile as I now have to pay a large amount of money for my tuition every month. It sucks, because I've been reading comics consistently for the last 19 years, aside from a 2 year gap in 93-94. Its the one thing I look forward to, as its the cheapest hobby I have and I can get so much enjoyment from it.
Within the next month or two I'm gonna have to trim back my list or stop buying comics altogether for a little awhile as I now have to pay a large amount of money for my tuition every month. It sucks, because I've been reading comics consistently for the last 19 years, aside from a 2 year gap in 93-94. Its the one thing I look forward to, as its the cheapest hobby I have and I can get so much enjoyment from it.
Fear not! BitTorrent will be there waiting for you. Good luck in keeping up with the comics; if nothing else, you can drop by here and watch us bitch about the latest releases.
Speaking of which, almost every single superhero title I buy decided to come out this week. On the non-hero front we have the awesome double feature of:
Ex Machina #6
The Walking Dead #13
These will both kick ass. Then, it's hero time:
Birds of Prey #76
Terra Obscura vol. 2 #4 (of 6)
Wonder Woman #210
The Pulse #6
She Hulk #9
Ultimate Spider Man #69
Ultimate X-Men #53
Of these, She Hulk is the highlight, followed by Terra Obscura. Wonder Woman is the low point, but has picked up recently, so I may stick with it; it's okay, just not particularly inspired. The rest are solid entertainment. For those of you who have been curious, Birds of Prey shifted gears with issue #75;
the team has left Gotham and will now cruise around and fight bad guys - in particular, vigilantes - around the world, with help from Lady Blackhawk. Looks to be an interesting set-up, though I'm annoyed that key plot points from the storyline took place in an entirely different comic...
X-MEN #164
Within the next month or two I'm gonna have to trim back my list or stop buying comics altogether for a little awhile as I now have to pay a large amount of money for my tuition every month. It sucks, because I've been reading comics consistently for the last 19 years, aside from a 2 year gap in 93-94. Its the one thing I look forward to, as its the cheapest hobby I have and I can get so much enjoyment from it.
I am picking up so much crap this week partly because I only go once every two or three weeks, but also because the number of trades I'm picking up are disgusting. I'll do a rundown of what I know I'll be grabbing tomorrow:
SEP040323 IDENTITY CRISIS #6 (Of 7) $3.95
SEP041726 IRON MAN #1 $3.50
SEP040292 BIRDS OF PREY #76 $2.50
SEP040374 EX MACHINA #6 (MR) $2.95
SEP040302 SUPERMAN BATMAN #14 (RES) $2.95
SEP041725 CAPTAIN AMERICA #1 $2.99
SEP041733 PULSE #6 $2.99
AUG040347 CATWOMAN WHEN IN ROME #2 (Of 6) $3.50
SEP040343 QUESTION #1 (Of 6) $2.95
AUG040443 SLEEPER SEASON TWO #5 (Of 12) (MR) $2.95
JUN040320 SUPERMAN BATMAN #13 $2.95
AUG041784 ASTONISHING X-MEN #6 $2.99
AUG041830 AVENGERS #503 (#88) (Note Price) $3.50
Is it just me, or was the first issue of "Absolute Power" more interesting than the entire "Girl from Krypton" arc? Makes me regret dropping it.
Oh, and She-Hulk kicked ass as usual. And even though I run him down often, I have to admit Pelletier's artwork wasn't half-bad in this issue, though super-buff Shulkie is going to take some getting used to. Jerkules sure got what was coming to him... but what's this secret Reed's keeping from Jen?
Hey FnordChan, what'd you think about Wonder Woman
blinding herself to turn the tide and behead Medusa?
How long do you think that's going to last?
Looking forward to Black Friday! 50-75% off everything in the store, baby!
Haven't picked up the issue yet, so I can't comment, but I reckon it's going to last, oh, all of five minutes. Nice plot twist, mind you, but...yeah.
Ryu, that's a triple shitload of comics you've got waiting for you. Fortunatly, you have good taste, so your insane spending rampage gets my official Seal of Approval.
Wonder Woman wears a blindfold throughout most of the bloody battle, but Medusa pulls it off when she stabs WW through the gut. Then Medusa commands Diana to look at her so she can turn WW to stone, but a desperate WW resists Medusa's influence long enough to pick up one of Medusa's lopped off hair-snakes and squirt the venom/acid into her own eyes. Then Diana dodges Medusa's final attack, picks up her battleaxe, and decapitates Medusa. And the whole thing plays out on a globally televised broadcast.
It was pretty intense stuff, that's why I picked it up.
you're slipping spike. you let MASB do the topic this week....
JLA #108
SUPERMAN BATMAN #14 *oh look, it's on time.*
TEEN TITANS #18 *this and last issue rocked.*
maybe pile
HERO #22 *you'll be missed...*
All anyone ever does now is just post what they're buying, and then the thread disappears by Wednesday. There's rarely any actual discussion anymore, so why bother? Let someone else make these threads.
All anyone ever does now is just post what they're buying, and then the thread disappears by Wednesday. There's rarely any actual discussion anymore, so why bother? Let someone else make these threads.
ROBIN #132 - I hate the art... Interesting take on Tim though, a bit more calculated a bit darker...... and wow did he get the sh*t kicked out of him by Shrike... I'm gonna have to do some checking on Shrike I don't remember that character being that high level a fighter... truth be told I've only seen him a few times in books I read though...
SUPERMAN BATMAN #14 - Uh... no comment yet... this one is just out there...
ULTIMATE X-MEN #53 - trouble on the homefront! BTW having just started reading this book... who's the goth chick? Is that Dazzler?
WOLVERINE #22 - meh at first I thought this would be a cool storyline... it's not.
X-FORCE #4 - Ummm as if it wasn't bad enough that
poped up in this book he popped up in Xmen The End last week... wtf is goin on? And they misrepresented how the Cable/Deadpool Bodyslide is working in the Cable/Deadpool series.
X-MEN #164 - uh... lame.
CABLE DEADPOOL #9 - Funny as hell...
FANTASTIC FOUR #520 - Uh.. well... it's got Galactus in it...
All anyone ever does now is just post what they're buying, and then the thread disappears by Wednesday. There's rarely any actual discussion anymore, so why bother? Let someone else make these threads.
Alas, I haven't been able to pick up my comics on a regular basis lately; I usually get 2-3 weeks worth of goodness at a time. However, I'll try to get back into the reviewing swing of things this weekend, including Wonder Woman commentary (which I need to analyze myself to figure out why I'm still buying it...)
I'm interested in seeing where this one goes... will it stray into already-covered territory, or will it bring something fresh to this familiar concept? BTW, the solicit for #17 is ridiculous; even though DC covered it with a huge "Censored!" stripe you can still guess that
Batman no longer exists because Bruce Wayne died with his parents
and probably be correct.
DarienA said:
ULTIMATE X-MEN #53 - trouble on the homefront! BTW having just started reading this book... who's the goth chick? Is that Dazzler?
I'm interested in seeing where this one goes... will it stray into already-covered territory, or will it bring something fresh to this familiar concept? BTW, the solicit for #17 is ridiculous; even though DC covered it with a huge "Censored!" stripe you can still guess that
Batman no longer exists because Bruce Wayne died with his parents
It has potential... but I don't know... I think it'll fizzle... and not being a big DC reader I have to ask... these future hopping folks who came back in time to change things... do they exist in current DC continuity or were they just made up for this storyline?
It has potential... but I don't know... I think it'll fizzle... and not being a big DC reader I have to ask... these future hopping folks who came back in time to change things... do they exist in current DC continuity or were they just made up for this storyline?
They're "evil" versions of LoSH's Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, and Saturn Girl from the 30th Century... I don't read the comics, but IIRC time travel is a snap for those folks.
ROBIN #132 - I hate the art... Interesting take on Tim though, a bit more calculated a bit darker...... and wow did he get the sh*t kicked out of him by Shrike... I'm gonna have to do some checking on Shrike I don't remember that character being that high level a fighter... truth be told I've only seen him a few times in books I read though...
IIR the right guy and not some other Nightwing enemy, he used to be on par with Dick, but in the recent hunt for Blockbuster story, the anger driven Nightwing was punking him without hardly even paying attention to him.
IIR the right guy and not some other Nightwing enemy, he used to be on par with Dick, but in the recent hunt for Blockbuster story, the anger driven Nightwing was punking him without hardly even paying attention to him.
Exactly Nightwing kicked the shit out of him no problem just before he met up with Blockbuster... and here is Shrike waxing the shit outta Robin... not to say that Robin is up at Nightwings fighting level yet... I just thought he was much better than this.. personally I think Batgirl can take Shrike no problem... I mean isn't she the only character to ever defeat Lady Shiva(my f'n idol)?