A decent haul to make up for last week. Of course, all this would show up after I dropped $70 on comics this week at a sale.
Terra Obscura Vol. 2 #6 (of 6) - Whew, that's a mouthfull. I'm actually quite psyched for this, having enjoyed the two Terra Obscura minis a whole helluva lot more than I would have expected from a project where Alan Moore is only plotting. I doubt they'll be able to milk any more out of the concept beyond this point, but the minis were a nice homage to the original America's Best Comics line and stood up very nicely on their own. Hell, they'd have to - virtually no one remembers anything about the original line. In case you're wondering, no knowledge of Moore's ABC imprint is necessary to dig on these minis, so if you get the chance to read them, don't feel you have to have all of Tom Strong under your belt before jumping in.
Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #1 (of 4) - Grant Morrison! I am a whore for youuuuuu!
Vimanarama! #2 (of 3) - Grant! Whore! For you! Whoooooooore! For youuuuuuuu!
New Thunderbolts #6 - Alas, I don't think anyone is really a whore for FabNic, but I love to wallow in Marvel continuity, so there it is. If you're a recovering Marvel Zombie, you'll probably be entertained. If not, this is resoundingly mediocre. But, hey, Photon shows up in this issue! Isn't that awesome? Anyone? Hello? Photon? Bueller?
Ultimate Fantastic Four #16 - Warren Ellis is having way too much fun with this, and thus so am I.
Blue Monday: Painted Moon #4 (of 4) - This is so damn late I'd forgotten it was being published. Still, I (heart) Chynna Clugston-Major, so all is forgiven.
Please Save My Earth Vol. 9 - This week's manga pick. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one on the boards reading this, but that's okay. I'll still pimp the 80s shoujo SF goodness every time it comes out. Hah! So there!
Street Angel #5 - More homeless pre-teen skateboarding adventure! I will now post sample images until you all run out and buy it.