The Take Out Bandit
A celebration of black creators and characters for February, and related funnybook shenanigans.
Savage Dragon: The Kids Are Alright
Malcolm Dragon is green you say? His mother was a black woman (Sharona Jackson, aka Rapture), good enough for a certain President - GOOD ENOUGH FOR MALCOLM!
Malcolm Eugene Jackson Dragon is half Krylan and half human.
Like the good old days of mutants in the Marvel Universe Malcolm’s genetic differences from normal humans have kicked in during his teen years. Most obvious is his Krylan physique (fin included), but constantly hinted at in the current issues is the inheritance from his mother - the ability to generate and make use of electrostatic energy!
Blaster Knuckle - Hollywood style sales pitch:
Read it online! Protege / accomplice of Kentaro “Idol Master” Miura provides the greatest manga about the fighting the undead Man!
Sabre - Paul Gulacy and Don McGregor created one of the earliest graphic novels, one featuring a black lead!
Fred Perry - Gold Digger
IIRC the history of Gold Digger goes something like this, during Operation Desert Storm Fred Perry was serving in the US Army and would draw good girl art for his fellow soldiers in exchange for comfort items sent from back home. When he came back, he turned his penchant for drawing pretty girls into a full time gig on Gold Digger at Antarctic Press.
Gold Digger fuses Perry’s love of Indiana Jones, 80’s cartoons, anime, video games, and just general craziness. 20 years strong it’s worth checking out to give FP some love in a tough business.
I realize some folks will cry about his style, Fred Perry is the indie John Romita Jr. he has a deadline style. You get back to me with your weak attacks when you can name for me another creator that writes, draws, letters, and colors their own book every month. You do that and I’ll give you a pass. >:|
Kyle Baker - Prolific, diverse, wildly talented. If you don’t know Kyle Baker you ought to! He’s another one of the hardest working dudes in the comic industry and beyond. >:|
- Why I Hate Saturn
- The Cowboy Wally Show
- Nat Turner
- Plastic Man
- The Bakers
Arvell Jones - Arvell Jones is just a super nice guy and crazy talented. I’ve met him a number of times at various conventions and he is always willing to share stories of the industry and will blow your mind with his ambidextrous art talent. I walk by in the morning and he’s drawing with his right hand, pass by later in the afternoon and he’s drawing equally well with his left hand! I stood between him and Adam Hughes trying to divide my attention between booby drawings and this wizard who draws crazy good with either damn hand!
He recounted to me his tale of breaking into the comics industry. Starting with a cunning father who played a big part in motivating his son at a young age. When Arvell told his father he wanted to draw comics, his father told him that was all well and good; but he would have to draw some comics - not just talk about it.
So Arvell took this challenge and started drawing his own comics. His friends in school were all impressed and enjoyed his comics. Arvell showed his father, “Look I made my own comics.”
His father told him, that’s all well and good but he’s not drawing comics until he’s drawing for a paid publication.
Arvell took this challenge and started submitting work to Marvel and DC. Eventually landing a job at Marvel.
It’s a great story that he will tell if you ask how he broke into comics. You really ought to ask him yourself if you see him at a convention in your travels.
He’s a classic style cartoonist who has done some amazing work at DC over the years, check it out if you dig old school.
Larry Stroman - He doesn’t get as much work anymore, but he was a big contributor to X-Factor with Peter David in the 90’s. With a unique visual style and great storytelling he was a refreshing change of pace from the prevalent Image Style of the 90’s X-Books.
Keith Pollard - Where the White Women At Award! Co-creator of my favoritest comic gal ever Black Cat! Thank you Mr. Pollard, Mr. Wolfman, and Mr. Cockrum for turning me down a path of perversion at a young age. The first time I saw Black Cat (around age 4 or 5) I knew what the perfect woman looked like. :3
Mr. Pollard also pencilled cheesy 90’s favorite of mine Thunderstrike for a number of issues. AW YEAH THOR KNOCK-OFF WITH A PONY TAIL! Blood Axe must return!
Dexter Vines - This Ebon Embellisher has put his silky smooth inks on artists from Leinil Francis Yu to Ed McGuinness, making half of the EdEx art team. You can check out his full body of work, but I will tell you to run not walk to check out his work on Hulk.
Black Panther by Christopher Priest and company:
The full run available on Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited and on the Marketplace.
Milestone Comics - Basically the FUBU of Funnybooks. The common complaint about black heroes written by white scribes is the lack of sincerity or world experience (see also: Grant Morrison’s awful, awful Black Lightening Final Crisis one shot and one note depiction of the Tattooed Man), in the 1990’s in collaboration with DC Comics a group of African American creators took a stab at establishing a comic imprint featuring a predominantly black cast of characters.
Blood Syndicate
Dwayne McDuffie (and others) on Milestone Comics part 1
Dwayne McDuffie (and others) on Milestone Comics part 2
Come on DC, you mean to tell me you have room for Wildstorm’s D-List crap like Voodoo, Grifter, and Storm Watch in the New 52; but you can’t bring back Hardware or Icon? :|
Mister Terrific doesn’t count as he’s never had his own series that has lasted as long as Hardware or Icon, and Static Shock just sounds like it was killed by wild incompetence.
Dwayne McDuffie - Justice League Unlimited
We lost Dwayne McDuffie last year, and you should pay him tribute by watching his work on some of the best damned Justice League stories ever animated.
Sidebar Podcast - Dwight, Swain, and Adrian three brothers doing a comics podcast that fills my need to hear from the artists behind my favoritest hobby ever.
This is just a sampling of the black characters and creators you will find out there, feel free to plug your own favorites as the thread moves along.
Free Comic Book Day is the first Saturday in May. Other factions of neogaf are into gift, candy, crazy-butt-loving exchanges around various times of the year.
Would any of you weenies and weeniettes be interested in a FCBD Funnybook Exchange?
This would be a great way to inflict crap you like upon unsuspecting members (Shoehorn, Gran Morrison’s latest trianwreck - whatevah) or just find a loving home for overstock in your collection.
Just a random idea that popped into my head. Thank god it was that and not my inevitable demise followed the eternal darkness, eternal silence and passage of time until the universe collapses and it all ends rendering everything obsolete - OH GOD NOT DESPAIR AGAIN!!!1
Savage Dragon: The Kids Are Alright
Malcolm Dragon is green you say? His mother was a black woman (Sharona Jackson, aka Rapture), good enough for a certain President - GOOD ENOUGH FOR MALCOLM!
Malcolm Eugene Jackson Dragon is half Krylan and half human.
Like the good old days of mutants in the Marvel Universe Malcolm’s genetic differences from normal humans have kicked in during his teen years. Most obvious is his Krylan physique (fin included), but constantly hinted at in the current issues is the inheritance from his mother - the ability to generate and make use of electrostatic energy!
Blaster Knuckle - Hollywood style sales pitch:
*These true events being American slavery and the KKK... I WISH IT MEANT VAMPIRES, DEMONS, AND WEREWOLVES!
Read it online! Protege / accomplice of Kentaro “Idol Master” Miura provides the greatest manga about the fighting the undead Man!
Sabre - Paul Gulacy and Don McGregor created one of the earliest graphic novels, one featuring a black lead!
Described as the consummate hero, Sabre lives in a futuristic, sci-fi western world full of both blasters and cutlasses. A world where high technology exists side-by-side with traditional, and even retro tech. Sabre himself is something of a romantic freedom fighter living in a world that he considers has gone mad. The U.S. has been all but devastated by a nuclear holocaust and the ruling powers, which are led by the villainous Overseer, have gained control over most of the world.
Still, despite the desolation of the world, and the apparent hopelessness of their situation, Sabre and his band of rebels have escaped their new masters and are determined to fight back. Still, Sabre is more than “just another” swashbuckling adventure. It is a seminal piece of work that was not only groundbreaking in both its style and approach to graphic storytelling, but set the tone for much of what was to follow.
Fred Perry - Gold Digger
IIRC the history of Gold Digger goes something like this, during Operation Desert Storm Fred Perry was serving in the US Army and would draw good girl art for his fellow soldiers in exchange for comfort items sent from back home. When he came back, he turned his penchant for drawing pretty girls into a full time gig on Gold Digger at Antarctic Press.
Gold Digger fuses Perry’s love of Indiana Jones, 80’s cartoons, anime, video games, and just general craziness. 20 years strong it’s worth checking out to give FP some love in a tough business.
I realize some folks will cry about his style, Fred Perry is the indie John Romita Jr. he has a deadline style. You get back to me with your weak attacks when you can name for me another creator that writes, draws, letters, and colors their own book every month. You do that and I’ll give you a pass. >:|
Kyle Baker - Prolific, diverse, wildly talented. If you don’t know Kyle Baker you ought to! He’s another one of the hardest working dudes in the comic industry and beyond. >:|
- Why I Hate Saturn
- The Cowboy Wally Show
- Nat Turner
- Plastic Man
- The Bakers
Arvell Jones - Arvell Jones is just a super nice guy and crazy talented. I’ve met him a number of times at various conventions and he is always willing to share stories of the industry and will blow your mind with his ambidextrous art talent. I walk by in the morning and he’s drawing with his right hand, pass by later in the afternoon and he’s drawing equally well with his left hand! I stood between him and Adam Hughes trying to divide my attention between booby drawings and this wizard who draws crazy good with either damn hand!
He recounted to me his tale of breaking into the comics industry. Starting with a cunning father who played a big part in motivating his son at a young age. When Arvell told his father he wanted to draw comics, his father told him that was all well and good; but he would have to draw some comics - not just talk about it.
So Arvell took this challenge and started drawing his own comics. His friends in school were all impressed and enjoyed his comics. Arvell showed his father, “Look I made my own comics.”
His father told him, that’s all well and good but he’s not drawing comics until he’s drawing for a paid publication.
Arvell took this challenge and started submitting work to Marvel and DC. Eventually landing a job at Marvel.
It’s a great story that he will tell if you ask how he broke into comics. You really ought to ask him yourself if you see him at a convention in your travels.
He’s a classic style cartoonist who has done some amazing work at DC over the years, check it out if you dig old school.
Larry Stroman - He doesn’t get as much work anymore, but he was a big contributor to X-Factor with Peter David in the 90’s. With a unique visual style and great storytelling he was a refreshing change of pace from the prevalent Image Style of the 90’s X-Books.
Keith Pollard - Where the White Women At Award! Co-creator of my favoritest comic gal ever Black Cat! Thank you Mr. Pollard, Mr. Wolfman, and Mr. Cockrum for turning me down a path of perversion at a young age. The first time I saw Black Cat (around age 4 or 5) I knew what the perfect woman looked like. :3
Mr. Pollard also pencilled cheesy 90’s favorite of mine Thunderstrike for a number of issues. AW YEAH THOR KNOCK-OFF WITH A PONY TAIL! Blood Axe must return!
Dexter Vines - This Ebon Embellisher has put his silky smooth inks on artists from Leinil Francis Yu to Ed McGuinness, making half of the EdEx art team. You can check out his full body of work, but I will tell you to run not walk to check out his work on Hulk.
Black Panther by Christopher Priest and company:
From Nerdage Blog
Christopher Priest wrote the definitive “Black Panther” run, starting as part of the “Marvel Knights” line in 1998. Though most of the book isn’t available in collections, it’s well-worth tracking down the entire run.
Black Panther 1-62 ran from 1998 through 2003, with all but two issues written by Christopher Priest (formerly Jim Owlsley).
The first 12 issues are almost a Tom Clancy novel with an African king as the star. With artists Mark Texiera on issues 1-6 and Joe Jusko, Mike Manley and Mark Bright on issues 7-12.
The Black Panther is an Avenger, but he’s not exactly a superhero. The Black Panther is T’Challa, the king of the technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda. He wears the costume of the Black Panther as the head of the Panther Clan in his land.
The full run available on Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited and on the Marketplace.
Milestone Comics - Basically the FUBU of Funnybooks. The common complaint about black heroes written by white scribes is the lack of sincerity or world experience (see also: Grant Morrison’s awful, awful Black Lightening Final Crisis one shot and one note depiction of the Tattooed Man), in the 1990’s in collaboration with DC Comics a group of African American creators took a stab at establishing a comic imprint featuring a predominantly black cast of characters.
Blood Syndicate
Dwayne McDuffie (and others) on Milestone Comics part 1
Dwayne McDuffie (and others) on Milestone Comics part 2
Come on DC, you mean to tell me you have room for Wildstorm’s D-List crap like Voodoo, Grifter, and Storm Watch in the New 52; but you can’t bring back Hardware or Icon? :|
Mister Terrific doesn’t count as he’s never had his own series that has lasted as long as Hardware or Icon, and Static Shock just sounds like it was killed by wild incompetence.
Dwayne McDuffie - Justice League Unlimited
We lost Dwayne McDuffie last year, and you should pay him tribute by watching his work on some of the best damned Justice League stories ever animated.
Sidebar Podcast - Dwight, Swain, and Adrian three brothers doing a comics podcast that fills my need to hear from the artists behind my favoritest hobby ever.
This is just a sampling of the black characters and creators you will find out there, feel free to plug your own favorites as the thread moves along.
Free Comic Book Day is the first Saturday in May. Other factions of neogaf are into gift, candy, crazy-butt-loving exchanges around various times of the year.
Would any of you weenies and weeniettes be interested in a FCBD Funnybook Exchange?
This would be a great way to inflict crap you like upon unsuspecting members (Shoehorn, Gran Morrison’s latest trianwreck - whatevah) or just find a loving home for overstock in your collection.
Just a random idea that popped into my head. Thank god it was that and not my inevitable demise followed the eternal darkness, eternal silence and passage of time until the universe collapses and it all ends rendering everything obsolete - OH GOD NOT DESPAIR AGAIN!!!1