Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku!
I'm glad that a book like Frankenstein, Agent of SHADE can stay alive for longer than the cutoff date.
When ex-Russian Sleeper Agents awaken, Winter Solider and Black Widow head into action!
Hardware is in Static Shock?! Why was I not informed of this?!
Oh because nobody is reading it. >:|
Ya, that's true, hard to say anything yet. It's just weird for me, not having followed any Transformers comics before, jumping into two new series, so wanted some context for what I was getting into. I had just heard the first MTMTE was good (I think in last month's thread), so picked it up and liked it. I didn't even know there was a second series interlapping until I saw it.I've only read the one so far (Robots in Disguise still sitting in my stack), but it's hard to make a judgement call until it gets a bet farther. I'm not a huge Bumblee or Rodimus fan though..
Al leaves behind three children: Rene, Adrielle, and Isabel, and his wife Zilda. His funeral will be held on Wednesday, February 1st, on Cemitério São João Batista, in Fortaleza, Brazil.
“Few could draw as well, adapting to so many styles so effortlessly, as Al Rio,” said David Campiti, his agent of many years. “We’d gotten together several weeks ago and were working hard on his projects, so news of his death came as quite a shock. He was a long-time friend whose art was a great joy to me and even inspired my wife’s drawing career. Generous and humble, he’ll be deeply missed.”
Contributions may be made to his family on his behalf through Kickstarter, and condolences may be sent to his family through terry@alrioart.com and David@glasshousegraphics.com.
How the hell is this thread an appriciation of black characters in comics and the very best aren't even represented?
All the others are either forced PC garbage or come across as somehwat racist/insulting
How the hell is this thread an appriciation of black characters in comics and the very best aren't even represented?
All the others are either forced PC garbage or come across as somehwat racist/insulting
Is Bullseye a giant skrull in that picture?
Pretty much all the Skrulls in Secret Invasion had the combined powers of various teams. IIRC, that was a Skrull with the combined skills of a number of street-level Marvel characters (Bullseye, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, etc).
Pretty much all the Skrulls in Secret Invasion had the combined powers of various teams. IIRC, that was a Skrull with the combined skills of a number of street-level Marvel characters (Bullseye, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, etc).
steel is trash, there i said it. And ill take hardware, the original static run, or Icon over black lightning or spawn any day.
Is there such a thing as "acting black"?
Bleeding Cool is reporting that Brazilian comic artist Al Rio has passed away after an apparent suicide. Rio had done interior and cover work for just about every US comics publisher there is since the 90s, most recently Zenescope, and had quite the reputation as a "good girl" pinup artist.
And on a personal note, I always thought he turned out some spectacular Wonder Woman pinups. Beautiful, without being overtly sexual.
EDIT: It's now reported he hung himself.
Parallax I have no idea who that is.
Fuck that, John Henry Irons is on top of this shit.
Wow, they must have hated that skrull. Lamesauce powers? Right this way...
thank you for proving my point spike. barely anyone knows who he is, despite being one of the most overpowered original characters created in the decade. but they made point to let everyone know that the the "new" spider man in the ultimates is black. fucking backward ass marvel.
the characters name is the blue marvel
nope. get his ass outta here.
steel is trash, there i said it. And ill take hardware, the original static run, or Icon over black lightning or spawn any day.
nope. get his ass outta here.
Nobody's mentioned John Stewart yet? Yeah he's a legacy version of a white character, but so is Steel.
Just now he sent Hardware's punk ass to get him a sammich.
Post some badass Hardware shots...or right there are none.
Sorry :|
What should I say instead? But really, how else am I supposed to articulate the difference between say... Belle & Sebastian and Flava Flav?
no badass shots of hardware stops steel from being garbage and one of the worst additions to the fall and rise of superman...how? hes been in active publication much longer and doesnt have shit to show for it. his niece is more of a name than he is.
Read the wiki, seems okay... like a mashup of Superman and Dr. Manhattan I guess. Makes sense I've never heard of him, though, if he's only been in one short-lived miniseries.
no badass shots of hardware stops steel from being garbage and one of the worst additions to the fall and rise of superman...how? hes been in active publication much longer and doesnt have shit to show for it. his niece is more of a name than he is.
Nobody's mentioned John Stewart yet? Yeah he's a legacy version of a white character, but so is Steel.
no badass shots of hardware stops steel from being garbage and one of the worst additions to the fall and rise of superman...how? hes been in active publication much longer and doesnt have shit to show for it. his niece is more of a name than he is.
...well, there is a movie, starring Shaq.
This argument over relevance or worthiness of black superheros is pretty ironic, actually. For the most part, they're all pretty much equally ignored or given 2nd or 3rd billing.
...well, there is a movie, starring Shaq.
This argument over relevance or worthiness of black superheros is pretty ironic, actually. For the most part, they're all pretty much equally ignored or given 2nd or 3rd billing.
A true classic....well, there is a movie, starring Shaq.
A true classic.
i will agree to this. although not as bad as asians in comics, we are criminally pushed the hell back when it comes to it. being on the hot seat when mcduffie was making his team and when brother voodoo was chosen as the next sorceror supreme really showed how unwanted we are in comics.
asian women = very welcome
asian men = extra lamp from Ikea you don't remember ordering.
I liked what they did with the new Atom, though I wish they'd cut it out with legacy shit, especially when replacing someone I actually fucking like, like Ray Palmer. Create an original character, maybe? I forgot, that requires the sacrifice of actual virgins. This new Ray, he's Korean-American which is cool, but again, DC can't seem to do something new. Just a retreads of forgotten characters or offbrand pickups they won in a legal battle somewhere.