DD is too clever and too pretty for this world.
Guys, Justice league is so terribly bad that i think Bendis' Avengers are a better team book.
Marvel confirms Jonathan Hickman leaving Fantastic Four books in October
Bendis leaving Avengers, Hickman leaving FF, what next?
Guys, Justice league is so terribly bad that i think Bendis' Avengers are a better team book.
Marvel confirms Jonathan Hickman leaving Fantastic Four books in October
Bendis leaving Avengers, Hickman leaving FF, what next?
iFanboy seems to think Bendis > X-Men (not WatXM) and Hickman > Avengers.
Get it? "Blind date"! HAH! >![]()
iFanboy seems to think Bendis > X-Men (not WatXM) and Hickman > Avengers.
Not IMO. Read them all in order and it's a great book.
It's automatically better than Bendis as the characters speak in more than one voice.
That would be your first clue.
I find it funny that avengers purists are still butthurt about Bendis revamping the franchise back in 2004. I give Bendis total credit for turning the franchise around and turning it into what it is today.
Well I guess Mark Millar gets props to for his Ultimates run.
Yeah, but all of Johns characters in JL are like self aware. It's terrible. Then again, its unfair to Johns since Bendis is writing a pretty good Avengers fight story right now.
the best thing about AvX right now is we know its gonna end with no Bendis on Avengers
Is Ends of the Earth a special event, or is that just the name of the arc in ASM? If it's just the arc why are they making a big deal out of it?
Joe Mad might be busy getting Darksiders 2 prepped for release.Marketing mostly, but its a six-issue story arc they've been building to since the beginning of Slott's run, with Doc Ock leading the Sinister Six in a doomsday plot that has the whole world in danger. There's gonna be some guest stars, a new suit, and a lot of globe-trotting adventures. Should be a lot of fun, and Slott promises some big things coming for Spidey's world after the story.
There's only one real tie-in, "Ends of the Earth #1", but Rob Williams is writing it so lolwhatever. The whole story takes place during the six ASM issues, but there is an Avenging Spider-Man issue Slott is writing as an epilogue of sorts in June.
On a related note, where the fuck is Joe Mad on Avenging Spider-Man? His last issue was in January, since then we've got *sigh* Greg Land last month, Lenil Yu this month, crossover with Daredevil/Punisher in April, Immonens doing a She-Hulk/Spidey team-up in May, and Slott in June. Daaaaaamn, this Joe Mad dude is slow. This Spidey/Elektra team-up better be worth it.
How long has Doctor Octopus been a complete robot like that?
That Doc Oc looks dumb
Marketing mostly, but its a six-issue story arc they've been building to since the beginning of Slott's run, with Doc Ock leading the Sinister Six in a doomsday plot that has the whole world in danger. There's gonna be some guest stars, a new suit, and a lot of globe-trotting adventures. Should be a lot of fun, and Slott promises some big things coming for Spidey's world after the story.
There's only one real tie-in, "Ends of the Earth #1", but Rob Williams is writing it so lolwhatever. The whole story takes place during the six ASM issues, but there is an Avenging Spider-Man issue Slott is writing as an epilogue of sorts in June.
It seems like Amazing Spiderman, Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Avengers are all heading to big run ending stories. Is Marvel gearing up for a "New 52" reboot after these events are over?
That Doc Oc looks dumb
late but, Ends of the Earth from Gabriel Dell' Otto
Heh, I wouldn't call it "terribly bad," but I certainly don't think the first Justice League arc was as good as it should have been, especially given the talent behind it. Like I said before in a previous post, it just didn't have much of a payoff. It had some good moments, but overall it was a letdown.Guys, Justice league is so terribly bad that i think Bendis' Avengers are a better team book.
Got this from Amazon a few days ago
Classic Neal Adams--so awesome!
Yes Red Robin was canceled when the DCU rebooted, and yes the only way to get Tim Drake now is by reading the new Teen Titans series. Just don't expect it to be a continuation or anything; the reboot basically started all of the Titans characters over again.Hi ComicsGAF!
I really have an itch for comics (again, but I can tell this one is going to last.) A quick question, is the Red Robin series cancelled? So the only way to read about Tim Drake is the new Teen Titans?
Also does anyone here use the DC online reader thing Comixology? How is it? Worth it?
Yes Red Robin was canceled when the DCU rebooted, and yes the only way to get Tim Drake now is by reading the new Teen Titans series. Just don't expect it to be a continuation or anything; the reboot basically started all of the Titans characters over again.
There are definitely some Comic GAFers reading their stuff digitally through the Comixology app, but I'm not one of them so I can't judge the experience.
Marvel confirms Jonathan Hickman leaving Fantastic Four books in October
Bendis leaving Avengers, Hickman leaving FF, what next?