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COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush


Has anyone kept up with Uncanny Avengers? I kinda lapsed a year ago, and was wondering how it's doing now.

I've read up to almost the current issue I think and its been good. Apart from some shite crossover in the middle. Deadpool is well written and not annoying. Rogue is good and so is Cable.
Bendis has a fantastic stable of artists. But you are extremely biased. You are friends with Marquez and I seen you hanging with him in a photo. How can you be objective. Bendis Stan.
Was this the photo on twitter? He just had to pick the least flattering photo of me haha

Or maybe I'm uggo now D:

Anyway, my Bendis stanning predates practically all my friendships. It's been going on 15 years strong



Was this the photo on twitter? He just had to pick the least flattering photo of me haha

Or maybe I'm uggo now D:

Anyway, my Bendis stanning predates practically all my friendships. It's been going on 15 years strong


I thought you looked dashing. Time to sell those ed originals lads. Tell people he is Bendis certified.
I've read up to almost the current issue I think and its been good. Apart from some shite crossover in the middle. Deadpool is well written and not annoying. Rogue is good and so is Cable.

Damn I'm really out of the loop, I didn't even know Cable and Deadpool were a part of the team. I guess, it was a lot longer than I thought. Last thing I remember Good Sabertooth was with them.


Damn I'm really out of the loop, I didn't even know Cable and Deadpool were a part of the team. I guess, it was a lot longer than I thought. Last thing I remember Good Sabertooth was with them.

Uncanny Avengers rebooted after that anc with a new team.


Snyder talking about the DC Summer 2017 event : http://www.newsarama.com/32547-snyder-capullo-s-2017-dc-event-to-be-celebratory-huge-crazy.html

“Above all, what I really want it to be for fans is to not have it feel like the kind of event that we’ve seen before. I love DC events. They’re bonkers and wonderful, but generally, they refer back to continuity, or they are all about where the line is at that moment in time,” said Snyder. “Geoff’s best ones have been plain-out great stories, but I think “Crisis,” for example, is in conversation with what we need to do with the line, as good as they are. What I want this one to be is different. I want it built out of the stories happening now and creating new material and giving everybody a place to tell stories that fit what they’re doing on their books, and feels really modern and different and above all fun. I don’t want it to be grim. I don’t want it to be superheroes arguing over something. Superheroes won’t be fighting superheroes. I want it to be celebratory, and huge, and crazy. I am going for out of control dinosaurs and lasers. It should be fun.”

I like how quickly the mememakers work after the Captain Hydra memes.
I read through Sheriff of Babylon Vol 1 and about 9-10 issues of Stray Bullets over the weekend. Sheriff I thought was really interesting and better than similar stories I'd read (IE, the Activity), but I didn't like Stray Bullets at all.


Marvel should never have let Bendis venture out into anything and everything. He's genuinely a GREAT writer of solo street-level characters. He's just not that good with teams. They're trying to make him Geoff Johns and they just can't. He's NOT Geoff Johns. Johns can write pretty much anything at least well, especially big events (arguably Bendis' worst aspect of writing).

Speaking of Johns, I got this in just now:


I'm actually really mad, because I bought Justice League Vol. 4 The Grid a couple of weeks ago. I got two or three issues into it and then it started Trinity War part 1. I held off reading it because I was like, "wait, isn't there a Trinity War trade?" So I skip past and and then there's Trinity War Conclusion. I was like, WHAT? So basically that Grid trade was only good for two or three issues. Ugh. Anyway, I'm excited to read this.
I like the sounds of that. It's time to take a break from heroes fighting each other and super grim event books. Those things by themselves aren't bad or shouldn't be explored but it's a well both sides have gone too a bit too often the last decade and it's time to mix it up

So why are we gonna fight the Watchmen?


I'm actually strongly positively surprised by IvX #1, after not liking #0.

It gives voice to issues and approaches that I wanted to see for a long time. This is giving me exactly what I wanted, especially with Emma and Erik. The name of the event still makes me cautious but now I'm slightly more optimistic.


Marvel should never have let Bendis venture out into anything and everything. He's genuinely a GREAT writer of solo street-level characters. He's just not that good with teams. They're trying to make him Geoff Johns and they just can't. He's NOT Geoff Johns. Johns can write pretty much anything at least well, especially big events (arguably Bendis' worst aspect of writing).

Speaking of Johns, I got this in just now:


I'm actually really mad, because I bought Justice League Vol. 4 The Grid a couple of weeks ago. I got two or three issues into it and then it started Trinity War part 1. I held off reading it because I was like, "wait, isn't there a Trinity War trade?" So I skip past and and then there's Trinity War Conclusion. I was like, WHAT? So basically that Grid trade was only good for two or three issues. Ugh. Anyway, I'm excited to read this.

Trinity War is a bad example. Its only redeeming quality is that it sets up what happens in the much superior Forever Evil event.


Are any of the Rebirth Green Lantern books worth a read? I was going to pick up Johns run before the sale ends and thought I'd see what the new crop is like while I'm at it.


I dislike sales that arent on a bulk of content. I don't want three issues of seven to eternity, I'd rather wait another six months for a sale that has more issues involved so if I like it I can buy a bunch.
Yay, survived a trip to the dentist. Typing up my year end list with half my face numb.

My top ten comic reads in 2016!

10) Fantastic Four - Lee/Kirby - Just read the first omnibus, might climb higher next year as I go through the rest of the run. Great trip through the creation of the marvel universe. Each character has such a distinctive voice and it is fun to see them interact! Kirby's art is up and down through the series but the ups are definitely amazing. Loved the running Yancy Street Gang gag. Pirate Thing was awesome. A little less Namor would have been nice.

9) Scud: The Disposable Assassin - Schrab - Very funny and well drawn comic with some of the best action/motion art I've seen in western comics. Great side characters (Drywall!), creative character designs and a constantly progressing plot makes for a quick and fun read.

8) The Eternaut - Hector German Oestergeld - Long awaited translation of the Argentine work. Ran as a comic strip originally but collected into one of this years best designed HCs by Fantagraphics. Reads like a rather standard post-apocalyptic tale but the pacing, atmosphere and the political/social commentary undertones elevates it to a must read. And the art is amazing too.

7) Shang-Chi: The Master of Kung Fu - Englehart/Moench/Gulacy/Starlin - Another series that I might bump up next year once I read more. This is pure 70s Kung Fu movies/tv show aesthetic. You get the ornate and "mystic" dialogue. The first person narration. Hackneyed plots of one-note evil villains. Great action. And it is just pure fun. If you are a fan of Liu/Lee/Kar Leung type movies from that time, don't skip this. Some brilliant art from a lot of different artists in the first volume.

6) Squirrel Girl Beats Up the Marvel Universe - North/Henderson: And OGN from the team working on one of the best on-goings in the industry right now. What could be more fun than on SG? Two SGs! If Marvel ever release Deadpool's Guide to Super Villains cards in blind bags, I am going to go bankrupt.

5) Animal Man - Morrison - Is it a super hero run trying to re-imagine Animal Man , the extent of his powers and his origin by using meta-narrative? Or is it an unraveling of what makes super hero comics using Animal Man and his family and their travails? However you take it, it is a great run and just issue #5 puts it high up on the list of great runs.

4) The Art of Charlie Chan Hock Chye - Sonny Liew - It could be that having read this later in the year pushed it up the list but something about it really clicked for me. It is a telling of Singapore's history via the life of struggling artist Charlie Chan, a character created by Liew. (a la This is Spinal Tap). The premise gives free reign over art styles to Liew and he utilises that to the fullest extent possible. Great read.

3) Plastic Man - Jack Cole - Been making my way through the archives through 2016 and this is one of the most fun super hero comics I've read. It holds up against anything being published today, be it the art or the panel layouts or story telling. This + Baker's run + Plastic Man in Morrison's JLA have made him one of my favourite DC characters.

2) Fourth World - Jack Kirby - Another series I was very LTTP on but it was definitely worth tracking down the four omnibuses. There might be some nitpicks in that pacing from one series to another was a bit off and that the ending was a bit rushed but that doesn't stop this from being one of the best super-hero runs I've read. Brilliant world building, great characters and art that fits the epic nature of the action and story telling.

And Big Barda/Mr Miracle. <3.

1) Love and Rockets: Locas - Jaime Hernandez - This was on my list last year too but I read a lot more of it this year. Continues our look into Maggie and Hopey's lives. Jaime does not like status quos so we get a fast moving story and a good look at all the highs points and lows. Great art as always. Definitely my most memorable read this year.

(borrowing Tyrant's image here...)

Other notable reads this year that didn't get into my top 10 - The Longest Day of the Future, Black Panther (Priest), How to Talk to Girls at Parties, JLA (Morrison), Killing & Dying, American Flagg!.

Favourite physical edition of the year - The Eternaut. (Though I might have actually bought it in 2015...)


Favourite DC ongoing - Astro City (Had started my reread earlier in the year and am now one trade away from catching up!)

Favroutie Marvel ongoing - Squirrel Girl


Doom Patrol by Morrison is insanely good. Six issues in and it's incredible. Love the artwork, the completely ridiculous stories, and the bizarre characters. I may stop reading once I get to the "suggested for mature readers" in the run at issue #37, depending on how much mature content there actually is (I don't read books with "mature content" for the most part). But yeah, overall, incredible stuff here.


My god, the last weeks were so busy that I had not time to read more then one comic... I pray that I have more time next week when I have vacation...

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I read the newest Batgirl and hey, I really really like it. Might be my new favorite DC series, actually.
All caught up on DC. Bombshells. This series is way better and way more fun than you'd expect on the surface. Plus some fun and crazy deep cuts of which characters show up. Good stuff, hope it continues for a while.
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