Man, I don't ever see anyone talking about him or the Flash and he's been doing layouts like that since the beginning of the N52. So from my perspective, yeah, finally.
I've got to get a tablet. I've got to get a damn tablet.
Slowing down and digging in to ANXM a bit more now, and overall I find myself not liking how Bendis has been handling Wolverine in this series. First, there was the "mind whammy for laughs" thing a few issues back; and now comes this issue, with its... confrontation. I mean, the wholeI'm hoping once things settle down a bit his characterization will improve... was his Wolverine like this in his Avengers books too?seeing Young Scott and going "all those years I was this close and never snikt'd ya" part I'm actually okay with; to me, that's heart over brain, it's emotion ruling you, and that's definitely a Logan character trait. But then Bendis follows it up with "show of hands, who wants me to kill this little sh*t?", and that doesn't sit right. We're meant to feel for Young Scott being put in that situation, sure, but the vote to kill a kid thing was just overkill and it doesn't seem like something the Logan we're seeing in other X-books would do, especially after UXF and WatXM.
Loved thesmall little moment between Young Jean and Logan there, though; it wasn't much but my old shipper's heart will take it. ;p
*hugs iPad*
We welcome you!
That is EXACTLY how Bendis handled Wolverine in Avengers books as well. For him, Wolverine is the dude who Snikts. And that is it. Oh,and drinks beer and kills dudes.
It is a disgrace to UXF/WaTXM Wolverine, basically.
Ugh, I do not like nu Beast at all. Terrible. Bendis is being allowed to fuck with the X-Universe way too much. It makes literally no sense for Scott to start up an Xavier School when he killed him. Thats abysmal writing.
Hickman's not making a compelling argument for his second book yet, other that perhaps him getting to continue his F4 stuff without being on that book anymore.
Floppies 4 lyfe!Seriously, I could never go back to floppies.
Comixology says everything is back to normal but my copy of Secret Avengers #31 i redeemed is still not showing up. I emailed marvel last night, but comixology says to email them if there are any unresolved problems, should i go ahead and do so?
Floppies 4 lyfe!
Peeling off that sticker and tossing the book aside is a great feeling mang.
Seriously, I fucking love it. Support my LCS and then kick the flopz to the curb.
I wish Hawkguy and DD were $3.99 just so I could get the code.
That and these books are so good I feel like they could justify the extra dollar.
My confidence in digital copies is eroding and i am now wondering when will be the day i look at my "purchases" column and nothing is there.
My confidence in digital copies is eroding and i am now wondering when will be the day i look at my "purchases" column and nothing is there.
Why would you think that would happen? Comixology goes out of business?
As a new Comixology user: What's the sales situation over there in general? Are there good sales? Older stuff "boxes"? Omnibuses? Is it Steam for comics?
Edit: There's no way of storing your collection somehow on your device? You really need to be online to access your books? That's kind of a bummer.
Same here. You almost have to look at them as being disposable media as it stands. I could only imagine the fallout than would happen if Comixology were to ever fold.
Or gets sold. Or changes their terms in some weird way.
Precedent? Just curious why anyone would think there's even the remotest chance of this ever happening.
Just minor issues like yesterday when i redeem a comic, it says it redeemed, then magically it just disappears never to be added to my purchase list, that shakes my confidence. Not being able to download something is fine, but not having any record that it even exists is not.
I'm never letting go of physical media until it's just not offered all together.
I'm never letting go of physical media until it's just not offered all together.
As a new Comixology user: What's the sales situation over there in general? Are there good sales? Older stuff "boxes"? Omnibuses? Is it Steam for comics?
Edit: There's no way of storing your collection somehow on your device? You really need to be online to access your books? That's kind of a bummer.
I'm never letting go of physical media until it's just not offered all together.
Almost sounds like you're getting memories of Crimson and Spy Boy mixed up.
Why are you so afraid to embrace our Star Trek future???
Hm? Not sure where you got this idea. You can read your comics online or offline - they're stored on your device. They do, however, have DRM and need to be read through the app itself. Comics publishers haven't come around to just selling CBRs yet. I imagine it'll happen eventually, just like it did for MP3s.
The sales situation is pretty good. There's always one or two $0.99 Sales at any given time. Marvel Mondays are weekly and spotlight a specific arc / character / series at $0.99 per issue.
The real delights are when Comixology does their 101 Sales. They'll pick a character or team and showcase 101 issues for $0.99 a piece. Their Green Arrow and Justice League sales were amazing - I spent TONS of cash.
Precedent? Just curious why anyone would think there's even the remotest chance of this ever happening.
I'm going to be buried in a coffin made of VHS tapes on a bed of floppies.Why are you so afraid to embrace our Star Trek future???
Thanks for reminding me, I wanted to ask the thread for opinions on Lobster Johnson. Pretty good?Mike Mignola should draw more stuff.
I'm going to be buried in a coffin made of VHS tapes on a bed of floppies.
Just caught up with Spidey. I think Peter some how won but it's going to take some time or him to take he body over. Spidey Doc is already confused if Avenging is anything to go by. The ending of 700 was great though.
I am trying to figure out the name of this comic I read when I was younger and google is failing me.
It was a western comic, by a smaller publisher. It was about a teenage boy who became a demon, or maybe a vampire, and then there were angel warriors involved, and I think the boy fought other demons from hell or something. He also had a friend who was a chick with short hair who threw bombs or something. She was pretty scantily clad I remember. The comic was pretty stylized, with lots of blood.
I know that is not much to go on, but any ideas would be awesome!
Digital people; How do you feel about paying the same price for less control over what you buy? I've turned around and resold comics before but you obviously can't do that digital. How does it justify itself? Maybe I'm weird but digital content has very little value to me because making more of it is just a matter if copy and pasting a data file.
As a matter of my thoughts, I'd probably value a digital comic at $0.99 baseline.
Doesn't bother me at all. I actually reread comics more now that I've gone fully digital so I'm getting more for my money than when I waa buying print.
I buy trades, but singles are all digital. I can't deal with these flimsy, ad-filled monstrosities. My apartment is already cramped as it is.
Digital people; How do you feel about paying the same price for less control over what you buy? I've turned around and resold comics before but you obviously can't do that digital. How does it justify itself? Maybe I'm weird but digital content has very little value to me because making more of it is just a matter if copy and pasting a data file.
As a matter of my thoughts, I'd probably value a digital comic at $0.99 baseline.