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COMICS! |OT| January 2013. "Read more comics"? Now that's a resolution I can keep!

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Bane was better.
Just read Aquaman 15 - Throne of Atlantis 2. I can't believe how unbelievably bad it is. From everyone's tone-deaf reaction to the attack ("he's a murderer!!"); to S/B/WW's ridiculous "you have one chance" turning into 2 sentences being exchanged before they change their mind. It feels so hollow and juvenile.


Just read Aquaman 15 - Throne of Atlantis 2. I can't believe how unbelievably bad it is. From everyone's tone-deaf reaction to the attack ("he's a murderer!!"); to S/B/WW's ridiculous "you have one chance" turning into 2 sentences being exchanged before they change their mind. It feels so hollow and juvenile.
I didn't think it was that bad. Your're right about that "one chance" shit though, it was a pretty poor way of raising the stakes.


I think this is the best place to ask here...

I remember seeing a screengrab a few years back of what might have been a captain america comic from the 60's or 70's. In it, he's knocking the shit out of and verbally thrashing what I think was a communist.

Can anybody tell me where it was from and if I can buy it in some form at a reasonable price?


Bane was better.
I didn't think it was that bad. Your're right about that "one chance" shit though, it was a pretty poor way of raising the stakes.

It was bad. Just falls into that typical old-school comic book gimmick of misunderstanding leading to heroes fighting the first time they meet. Old, tired, cliche. Part 1 was good, it was a HUGE letdown to go from that, to this.
MAN! I so love Rocafort's Superman!



I think this is the best place to ask here...

I remember seeing a screengrab a few years back of what might have been a captain america comic from the 60's or 70's. In it, he's knocking the shit out of and verbally thrashing what I think was a communist.

Can anybody tell me where it was from and if I can buy it in some form at a reasonable price?

I can't really help you on the specifics but that sounds like it's from either the Cap stories of the 50's (where he fights commies) or (maybe more likely) Steve Englehart's run where he retcons the 50's Cap into The Grand Director. Not really sure of the availability of either of those though (and of course, neither could be the thing you're looking for).
With as many plot lines Secret Avengers has, it's going a little TOO fast for it's own good. Even the figurework and such is a bit sketchy(well, more than usual). But it's a decent enough read, the driving plot of The Descendants and their GIANT ROBOT INVASION is energetic and exciting, while the Venom/Valkarie relationship continues to be charming and unexpected. It's a good comic book.

Really, the scale of what's happening in this book is so big, it seems like it could be an event, but it's largely been forgotten about. I don't even think Remender mentions this shit. Too busy on that Uncanny Avengers kick
Hey, can anyone find me trades that collect the entirety of Black Panther: Man Without Fear and Black Panther: Most Dangerous Man Alive? Or an Omnibus if there's one.

DoomWar should be easy enough to find...
That is EXACTLY how Bendis handled Wolverine in Avengers books as well. For him, Wolverine is the dude who Snikts. And that is it. Oh,and drinks beer and kills dudes.

It is a disgrace to UXF/WaTXM Wolverine, basically.

That's because the last thing 'Wolverine' that Bendis read was from the extreme 90s.


That is EXACTLY how Bendis handled Wolverine in Avengers books as well. For him, Wolverine is the dude who Snikts. And that is it. Oh,and drinks beer and kills dudes.

It is a disgrace to UXF/WaTXM Wolverine, basically.

I think Joss Whedon had that mindset for Logan when he wrote him in Astonishing X-Men...only he wrote Wolverine better in that comic =P

So I just saw this 40 second clip of the DC Nation short: Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld
Looks rather good IMO:
I love the way that looks. How is Superman?

First couple of Lobdell issues #0 & 13 were great. They're in the middle of the H'el on Earth crossover so it's hard to judge, but this latest Luthor issue this week was really a great read.

Believe it or not, Lobdell/Rocafort have a good spin on things.


I've recently have been getting into comics as a whole, and for the most part, I'll agree that I couldn't have picked a better time to come. I do hope to gradually expand my library and all, so here's hoping for a good year. :)


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
good luck. and hopefully you can keep up with the breakneck ball of rage that is comicsgaf


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Just read Ultimate Spider-man #19.
Still think they ought to develop Miles and the other new characters more and introduce new villains instead of relying on old ones (and not killing the new ones off after a few issues..).
So I found what I was looking for (Liss's run) and yeesh! Are there no hardcovers of Man Without Fear and Most Dangerous Man Alive?


I've recently have been getting into comics as a whole, and for the most part, I'll agree that I couldn't have picked a better time to come. I do hope to gradually expand my library and all, so here's hoping for a good year. :)

Welcome mate, don't feel ashamed about asking for any recommendations \m/

Magneto. Professor X. Batman. Robin.

I liked all those characters as the way Morrison wrote them. Especially Magneto, at least within the context he wrote him in.

MC Safety

I liked all those characters as the way Morrison wrote them. Especially Magneto, at least within the context he wrote him in.

Great. I'm glad you liked all those characters as written by Grant Morrison.

This is what I was responding to:

Is there ever a time when the Morrison and Quitely version of a character isn't the best? Not for my money.

Magneto as written by Grant Morrison was not the best version of the character. In fact, if it wasn't for the visual depictions of the character in the issues, I wouldn't believe Morrison even knew who Magneto was.

And I say this as a fan of the man's work.
Everyone write goodwill letters to Peter David. He is recovering from a stroke and had some damage to his eye and arm. Hope he recovers but not sure yet how permanent the damage is. :(


I actually think the Xorn retcon improves Morrison's characterization of Magneto than undermines it (and goes hand-in-hand with the overarching Sublime threat) but I'm probably in the minority on that one. Maybe because I went into it already knowing about Xorn, but it just worked for me.

anyone read remeders secret avengers run?

This page kind of sells me on it.

I've been reading it, it's ok but pretty messy and clearly not what the book had been building towards when it first started. The only worthwhile run on Secret Avengers was Ellis'.


Magneto. Professor X. Batman. Robin.

People don't like Morrison's Batman? Stop the world, I want off.

I understand the X-book criticism (I don't agree but I understand), especially Mags, but Batman? Morrison's is so good I can't even read anyone else's take on the character at this point. And no one writes Damian like Moz, to the point I won't be upset if he dies in Inc because no one else does the character justice.
People don't like Morrison's Batman? Stop the world, I want off.

I understand the X-book criticism (I don't agree but I understand), especially Mags, but Batman? Morrison's is so good I can't even read anyone else's take on the character at this point. And no one writes Damian like Moz, to the point I won't be upset if he dies in Inc because no one else does the character justice.

I have trouble reading many of Morrison's Batman books because the art has this weird tendency to be terrible in the books he does. Not all of them. But Batman Inc is a good example of something I've been avoiding because it's nails-on-chalkboards-to-my-eyes.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
And no one writes Damian like Moz, to the point I won't be upset if he dies in Inc because no one else does the character justice.

I agree that Damian is best when written by Morrison but Tomasi is doing a fine job as well. There are moments in Batman and Robin where his Damian shines. And that zero issue with Damian in the cape and cowl is heart-explodingly sweet.


MC Safety

People don't like Morrison's Batman? Stop the world, I want off.

I understand the X-book criticism (I don't agree but I understand), especially Mags, but Batman? Morrison's is so good I can't even read anyone else's take on the character at this point. And no one writes Damian like Moz, to the point I won't be upset if he dies in Inc because no one else does the character justice.

It's not like or dislike. Morrison's version of Batman, Robin, and Magneto is not superior. In the case of Magneto, Morrison did a character wholly unrelated to Magneto who just so happened to look Magneto. So, I guess everyone who ever wrote Magneto did Magneto better than Grant Morrison.


It's not like or dislike. Morrison's version of Batman, Robin, and Magneto is not superior. In the case of Magneto, Morrison did a character wholly unrelated to Magneto who just so happened to look Magneto. So, I guess everyone who ever wrote Magneto did Magneto better than Grant Morrison.

Uh, sorry, did you miss the part where the dead Magneto became a figure of mutant militants everywhere ? His shadow being all over the book and all that ? Did you miss the part where kids went around with "MAGNETO WAS RIGHT" T-Shirts ? Saying that Magneto isn't integral to New X-Men is one of the goddamn silliest things anyone has ever said in a comic book GAF thread.
Morrison's X-Men were good, but nobody has or ever will write them better than Chris Claremont. Everyone else is just trying (some admirably). To be written by the masterful hand of Chris Claremont is to blessed by god himself.


Moz's New X-Men is basically Claremont's greatest hits with a twist, so in that way yeah, but Claremont wasn't really that good a writer. DEAL WITH IT HATERS.
let me take this moment to do my monthly plug of the greatest comic of all time.

Uncanny X-Men #186
Lifedeath: A Love Story


If you haven't read it, it's in a collected edition with Barry Windsor Smith's other X-work. The X-Men Lifedeath HC. It's pure perfection.

Claremont should stick to prose. He doesn't trust or require an artist.

Bullshit. Read any of his collaborations with Barry Windsor Smith, Bill Seinkewicz, Paul Smith, Chris Bachalo, Mark Silvestri, Jim Lee... etc. The only time his prose overshadows art is when he's working with basics like Salvador Larocca and the dude who did X-Men Forever.
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