J Scott Campbell variant

J Scott Campbell variant
J Scott Campbell variant
Not silly at all! I think I just wrote in Samus Aran in the wrong box on my sheet. It should be yours.
I like that Spider-gwen's shoes don't look like slippers in that one.
Following up Fiona Staples with Rob Liefeld
nigga we made it
Ok Secret Wars, now you have my undivided attention.
I legitimately cannot wait to see this
J Scott Campbell variant
Sorry guys, I love JSC but I hate this "the suit is painted on" look... especially on Spider-Gwen.
F'reals, a belly button indent? GTFOuttahere...
Sorry guys, I love JSC but I hate this "the suit is painted on" look... especially on Spider-Gwen.
F'reals, a belly button indent? GTFOuttahere...
What???? You don't like a charac specifically designed to circumvent lazy cheesecake art being drawn in a cheesecake style directly incompatible with the character's design????
What's not to like?
could be worse
What???? You don't like a charac specifically designed to circumvent lazy cheesecake art being drawn in a cheesecake style directly incompatible with the character's design????
What's not to like?
That Birdie hyperbole goes both ways!That's seriously the worst fucking thing I've ever seen.
All of my shirts have belly button indents.
The thing I'm most curious about of "All-New Marvel" is if Spider-Gwen will become the Gwen Stacy of the main Marvel Earth or if her book will continue to take place in an alternative universe like the old Spider-Girl series did.
And if she does become the original Gwen Stacy then what would the backstory be? That she got bit by the same spider that bit Peter? But then wouldn't silk be a redundancy? Dan Slott better resolve his BS fast cuz All-New Marvel aint got time for that
when do we a get a Earth 13 book
She will be fridged or put on a bus like Carlie Cooper soon enough anyway.
The thing I'm most curious about of "All-New Marvel" is if Spider-Gwen will become the Gwen Stacy of the main Marvel Earth or if her book will continue to take place in an alternative universe like the old Spider-Girl series did.
And if she does become the original Gwen Stacy then what would the backstory be? That she got bit by the same spider that bit Peter? But then wouldn't silk be a redundancy? Dan Slott better resolve his BS fast cuz All-New Marvel aint got time for that
I want a book about these guys so bad.
Can someone tell me which person is which? I know Etrigan is in the front and I figure Swamp Thing is the big green dude in the back. But which one is Klarion, Ragman and that other dude?
Also I like that the Hellblazer of this earth is the one from Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol run
The first four issues of Wayward are 99 cents each on comixology, it's part of the Angouleme Sale but I wonder if it was a mistake or something.
No wonder the MU is getting reset bombed.
I don't think any of those dudes are Willoughby Kipling, but also, Jae Lee designs are perfect for this weird fucking universe. Also:
What should I read this weekend? Aside from SiP, which I'm still slowly going through...
Man, I forgot the Superbowl was a thing next week. Damn it. There's gonna be superbowl talk everywhere on Monday.
Can't wait to "read comics"All New X-Men #35 - Dropped after this issue
Amazing Spider-Man #13
Black Widow #14
Inhuman #11 - Dropped after this issue
New Avengers #29
Secret Avengers #12
Spider-Man 2099 #8 - Dropped after this issue
Thor #4
Uncanny Avengers #1
Uncanny X-Men #30 - Dropped after this issue
Batman #38
Batman Eternal #42
Batman Eternal #43
Gotham Academy #4 - Dropped after this issue
Harley Quinn #14
Justice League #38
Multiversity Guidebook #1
Teen Titans #6 - Dropped after this issue
Wonder Woman #38
Casanova Acedia #1
Dying And The Dead #1
Sex Criminals #10
Theyre Not Like Us #2
Wicked & Divine #7
Zero #14
Yeah, I couldn't give two shits about american football.
Yeah, I couldn't give two shits about american football.
That being said, there is a Barcelona match this Sunday and I won't miss that.
Yeah, I couldn't give two shits about american football.
That being said, there is a Barcelona match this Sunday and I won't miss that.