Are you challenging my crown of old man of ComicsGAF?
God ain't that the truth. Planet Hulk was amazing, it seemed like WWH would be a slam dunk. But nope, in typical Marvel event style they found a way to fuck it up.
Planet Hulk/WWH to me feels like an even more extreme example of GL Sinestro Corps/Blackest night. Where it starts off as this small deal that could be its own self contained deal and turned out amazing. And then when the teased follow up showed up the execs/editors got in the way and bloated up the thing. While Blackest night wasn't as good as Sinestro Corp I felt it fought its way through the "Event comic nonsense" to still deliver something pretty good. While WWH was a mess
Done with 52. Very satisfying ends for the Luthor, Renee,Kory/Buddy/Strange and Booster Gold arcs. Love Ellen's line -
Did Roger hire a stripper?
. Makes me want to track down the Countdown to Adventure mini-series. Could be some fun hijinks.
And for the Black Adam arc. Hey, why not
introduce interesting new characters born out of adversity. Characters that might be changing who Black Adam is as a person. And tear it all down by having one of them eaten by a crocodile and the other by maggots. And have one of the characters completely invert who they were at the time of their death. All to set up two issues where a thousand different superheroes try to punch Black Adam in the face. The Oolong island scenes were the only saving grace of the arc. But then the ending was them building the "Four Horsemen". How originial.
It's really a shame. There are a lot of great Batman villains out there that go under used because writers want to make their own marks on the Batman mythos and make new villains.
Annihilus had both of the bands (one in the negative zone, one in the regular universe), and he was using them to abduct people and port them into the negative zone. He needed both bands to make this work. They needed to take the band he was wearing to control the portal and get everybody out of the zone.
It's just unclear at this point. Only reason Tony remembers the Nega-Bands was because of Mar-Vell and that was back in the day. Like, way back in the day. SO as for who has it? No one fucking knows. The Quantum Bands are on Earth as well and the one SHIELD agent who has them has done fuck all with them.
The idea behind taking it away was to both A) use it was transportation home and B) to keep Annihilus' cannon from wrecking Earth, since that's how Annihilus was going to open up a portal to do it.
Annihilus had both of the bands (one in the negative zone, one in the regular universe), and he was using them to abduct people and port them into the negative zone. He needed both bands to make this work. They needed to take the band he was wearing to control the portal and get everybody out of the zone.
has them both. If you go back to #10, one of them is in the lighthouse on the alien planet. He's wearing the other one so he obviously has them both.
And in the new issue, Tony explains it like this:
"But he could swap places with anyone in our universe who wore the nega-bands! That's how Annihilus is opening his gateway! He's linked one band in our universe -- to the one he's wearing!"
Remind me(I haven't been reading ANAD Avengers but will probably grab the cosmic issues later): Didn't
Mar-Vell's kids have Bands as well(Phyla even had Quasars before he came back)? How many Bands have there even been in 616? Quasar had his(that I remember from Annihilators) until he was retconned into a mess and gave his up to that recently created agent .
Remind me(I haven't been reading ANAD Avengers but will probably grab the cosmic issues later): Didn't
Mar-Vell's kids have Bands as well? How many Bands have there even been in 616? Quasar had his until he was retconned into a mess and gave his up to that recently created agent .
Okay yeah you're right I forgot about that. But! I maintain that they are distinct from and, indeed, vastly inferior to the quantum bands. They don't have the same power set at all.
Okay yeah you're right I forgot about that. But! I maintain that they are distinct from and, indeed, vastly inferior to the quantum bands. They don't have the same power set at all.
Captain Marvel/ANAD Avengers/GotG crossover/annual with a story following the history of each band and then ending it with Phyla coming back and taking up the Nega Bands.
has them both. If you go back to #10, one of them is in the lighthouse on the alien planet. He's wearing the other one so he obviously has them both.
And in the new issue, Tony explains it like this:
"But he could swap places with anyone in our universe who wore the nega-bands! That's how Annihilus is opening his gateway! He's linked one band in our universe -- to the one he's wearing!"
I'm really angry that no comic shops in Stockholm have had the Annihilation/Conquest/Guardians of the Galaxy omnibuses ever.
Luckily I'll be in NYC for a few days starting the 20/7 so I'll be able to swing by a place like Midtown or Forbidden Planet and grab them. How's the quality of the omnibuses if anyone owns them btw?