dont worry, echo is the official old ComicsGAF man here
GD right
dont worry, echo is the official old ComicsGAF man here
Just read the first two issues of God of Thunder. Aaron may be turning me into a Thor fan. I'm frightened.
To be fair I think that set came out in like 1996. I'm not that old.
Better luck next time Timdont worry, echo is the official old ComicsGAF man here
That's such a great story. I'm insanely jealous. Definitely one of those "if I could erase this from my memory to experience it again for the first time I would even if I forgot a whole bunch of other stuff too it would be worth it" stories.
My most disappointing marvel event. I actually went into that one with hopeEwww, World War Hulk was garbage
Ewww, World War Hulk was garbage
I hope you read Planet Hulk first. It's the best part.
Planet Hulk was fantastic. Sakaar was a great setting. I highly suggest reading Son of Hulk after.
^ I feel like that's bad art.
Or bad paneling.
Or at the very least bad background art.
So I got a little project for you peeps soon. I think. To be continued
^ I feel like that's bad art.
Or bad paneling.
Or at the very least bad background art.
So I got a little project for you peeps soon. I think. To be continued
Uncanny Inhumans and Captain Marvel
I wish Civil War II tie-ins were there own mini series because these issues were so boring and dumb. Captain Marvel I sorta expect, it wasn't that good to begin with.
But Uncanny just has hit a new low after continuously dropping in quality since the first arc.
Ugh, what a dreadful followup to Secret War.
Uncanny Inhumans and Captain Marvel
I wish Civil War II tie-ins were there own mini series because these issues were so boring and dumb. Captain Marvel I sorta expect, it wasn't that good to begin with.
But Uncanny just has hit a new low after continuously dropping in quality since the first arc.
Ugh, what a dreadful followup to Secret War.
Chris Claremont is good. Like damn.
Except when he's not. New Exiles lololol
Just read the first two issues of God of Thunder. Aaron may be turning me into a Thor fan. I'm frightened.
Aaron the goat. I need another Aaron/Bachalo joint one day
it would be sick if they did a doctor strange ongoing together
...I totally forgot Strange was a Aaron thing. Dont judge man ive been working 2 weeks straight with no days off its been hectic ;_;
...I totally forgot Strange was a Aaron thing. Dont judge man ive been working 2 weeks straight with no days off its been hectic ;_;
People fuck with the Inhumans and get surprised when they fuck with them back. Everyone was surprised during Atlantis Rising. The humans were surprised during the siege on Attilan after Atlantis Rising and again during Silent War (though that time it was the USA). The Skrull were shook after Secret Invasion and the Shi'ar got rocked in the wake. Thanos had a "WTF?" moment during Infinity after the bomb was set off, and literally no one was prepared for them after the establishment of New Attilan post-T-Bomb.Uncanny Inhumans #11 - The Inhumans do not fuck around!
AMAZING. One of my favorite teams.Man, I loved that Uncanny team when I was a kid. I can vividly remember the day my brother bought me this out of the blue for no reason.
Blew my fucking mind.
Leo did that shit a lot too.messi is a lot like raph. they always leave then come back later to apart of the team
Yes it was. Aside from a couple cool spreads during the fight with Sentry and the moment where Ben Grimm steps up and is like, "I'm probably gonna die, but someone has to stop this motherfucker," that book is terrible.Ewww, World War Hulk was garbage
Maximus been calling that shit since day one. He keeps repeating, but nobody listens.Inhumans was okay if only because Lockjaw is dope.STARK DICK PICS
Cap Marvel was kinda pointless.
Oh by the way I went to the doctor yesterday and read some offline comics in the waiting room. And since I only keep shit in the offline section on MU (shit I dont care about not reading on a tablet at least), here is my shit report:
Ultimate End #5 - lol. Fuck you Bendis. And make more splash pages with nothing but faces because only 7 or 8 full pages isnt enough. You hack.
Ive read the first three Issues of Hickman New Avengers last night and shit was it amazing.
GD right
Ewww, World War Hulk was garbage
My most disappointing marvel event. I actually went into that one with hope