Am I a terrible person if I drop Captain America?
No you are just a communist
Am I a terrible person if I drop Captain America?
In honor of our fallen brah Rafa, the 90s cover gimmick renaissance continues!
How far away are we for lithograph cards coming with the covers? Or how about some fucking metallic covers? (I kind of really like cover gimmicks).
Pretty sure one of the Age of Ultron covers was chromium, that's metallic.
Personally, I want a return of the Fatal Attractions hologram cards.
Invincible 100 had a chromium cover brah.How far away are we for lithograph cards coming with the covers? Or how about some fucking metallic covers? (I kind of really like cover gimmicks).
Dude, I had the raddest holo-Silver Surfer card from some comic I had as a kid. It looked like the surfer was trying to touch you.
I still have this bad boy squirreled away somewhere. awesome.
For covers, though, I have to say that The Dark Angel Saga's conclusion with the polybagged comic made me super hyped when I walked in and saw it at my lcs.
Despite loving them, I'm also happy that the cover gimmicks aren't ubiquitous. Sometimes a simple, clean, well drawn/colored cover is perfect. Immediately, that Paolo Rivera Spidey cover comes to mind.
How far away are we for lithograph cards coming with the covers? Or how about some fucking metallic covers? (I kind of really like cover gimmicks).
90s covers were wild, y'all! I still have all these (and many more) in my collection. BESTera for comics.worst
Has there been a solicit for Fury MAX V2?
I still have this bad boy squirreled away somewhere.
I have a digital code for X-Men #1 up for grabs.
To get it you have to find an awesome panel/page from Chew and post it. It better be awesome.
You're a worse version of Hitler.This is a trick, there isn't anything awesome about Chew.
This is a trick, there isn't anything awesome about Chew.
Wasn't Captain Marvel already in the DCAU before Justice League Beyond?
He was. But Batman Beyond is the future of the DCAU. So this is Shazam in the future.
It's pretty awesome they're taking JLB seriously, expanding the cast and all that.
I agree. It always felt weird how "small" the JLB felt at times. I could never tell if it was supposed to be just a representation of a "bleaker" future or not or simple lack of effort put into rounding out the league of the future.
Probably the latter. Odds are they weren't sure if they should put in the effort, cancellation being a popular option among DC's editorial staff.
Dark Horse app Mignola sale....1946, 1947, 1948.
Hard to resist even with the bad app. $9 for a trade vs $5 for the digitals.
Haha that's great, will check it out.
Really? Because shit, I used the Dark Horse app once and that was all it took for me to never do that again. It was soooo bad. Never again.
So after reading n52 JL and JLA, they keep refering to when MMH was on the JL. I remember a brief snippet of him fighting the rest of the JL in a previous issue...but it was very brief and presented as a memory.
Is there another issue out there somewhere that has a more detailed account of his time with the JL?
The whole run of JL so far has felt very brief and forced honestly.
I just read the entirety of Locke and Key in one day.
Maybe my favorite comic book ever-what an amazing story-Joe Hill is such an amazing writer-a chip off the old block. I noticed several King references throughout the books too...
No. All we know is there was a 5 year gap between the first JL arc and the rest of the series (although the way it's written doesn't seem that way). So we just have to assume Martian Manhunter spent time with the league between that time period. I haven't read Stormwatch which MMH was heavily involved in in the beginning so maybe that comic explains more?
Thats what I was thinking, but I really dont want to read Stormwatch.
I know this isn't talking about the current topics at hand but there's one thing that always bothered me about Wolverine that never seems to be brought up. How can he bend his wrists without his claws completely destroying his upper arm? They're not collapsible due to the adamatium and the only way his retractable claws could even work is if they were 3 to 4 inches and they're clearly twice that length. What's the deal?
I know this isn't talking about the current topics at hand but there's one thing that always bothered me about Wolverine that never seems to be brought up. How can he bend his wrists without his claws completely destroying his upper arm? They're not collapsible due to the adamatium and the only way his retractable claws could even work is if they were 3 to 4 inches and they're clearly twice that length. What's the deal?