Just read the details about the guy at Phoenix Comicon and holy crap! First of all how the hell did he get in with real guns, knives, and a freaking shot gun! I know everyone that cosplays is going to have fake weapons that can look as real as possible but come on. Secondly why would anyone want to kill the White Ranger... Apparently the kid wanted to kill him so bad that "he had even gone so far as to set a phone reminder to himself to kill Frank on the 25th". You know, just in case he forgot lol.
This kid seriously needs help mentally and I hope he gets the proper representation to do so. Not that he shouldnt be in jail, but I think a mental institution would be able to help him more than prison. This is going to have serious repercussions for every event and con going forward, so If you cosplay please keep this in mind when carrying prop weapons. It would probably be a good idea to just not do it from now on to be honest. I didnt see how they were able to identify the shooter before he was able to hurt anyone, but thank god they did.