Spike Spiegel
Reminder, the deadline for casting ballots is 6pm EST today.
At this point I still don't have enough ballots. Maybe ten more and I will, but we'll see.![]()
Here's How It Works
In the last week of the month (or earlier, if you're confident about your choices), any GAF member can send me a private message with their personal picks for the three best single issues released that month, from any publisher. These picks should be arranged in order of rank -- first, second, and third place -- and each ranking will be worth a specific point value. A first place ranking for a comic is worth 5 points; a second place is worth 3 points; a third place, 2 points. Then before next month's COMICS! OT goes live, I'll tally the results and point values from each ballot, and post the top three overall winners in the next OP as last month's, GAF-approved, best of the best. Then, maybe at the end of the year, we'll have a showdown between the year's top finishers or something similar.
A Sample Ballot
This is an example of how a sample ballot submitted by you might look. You don't have to use this formatting but I do ask that, however you send it to me, you are CLEAR on which comics you are voting for and in what order they are ranked.
The Voting Rules
1. Only single issues released that month are to be considered for voting; no trade collections, and no "just caught up" considerations for issues released one/two/however many months ago. Sorry if this excludes you from the voting process, trade-only readers and mail-order folk. I didn't see any other way.
2. Each GAF member is allowed one ballot, and once that ballot has been cast you are done for the month. If an issue comes out and you think it's the best comic you've ever read or will ever read, but you already cast your vote the week before, that's too bad. In other words, there are no take-backs so VOTE THOUGHTFULLY.
3. Three comics per ballot, and no more. You could send me a list of the ten best comics that month, with full paragraph summaries on why you ranked them in what order; but in the end, I'm only going to tally points for the top three and ignore the rest. You CAN pick just one book as the best that month... but that one vote is still worth only 5 points.
4. No ties on the ballots, please. You have to pick three comics as the best that month, and you have to rank them "1st, 2nd, 3rd" so that I can assign points to each. If you're torn between two issues of two different series as the best that month, and you can't decide which one you loved more than the other, TRY.
5. To make things a bit easier on me when it comes to making the OP, I'm establishing a deadline for casting ballots of 6pm Eastern Standard Time on the last day of the month. You can cast your ballot at any time during the month that you wish; however once that deadline has passed, any ballots sent to me will be ignored.
6. Again, to make things easier I would prefer that your votes be cast via private message sent to me, rather than through an open post in the OT. In addition to keeping the voting process a secret, using the PM method means I won't have to search through thread pages for someone's vote posted as an afterthought to an unrelated discussion.
Failure to comply with any of the above rules MAY result in your ballot getting thrown out.
Other rules and stipulations may follow, but for now we'll roll with these for the first round and see how it goes. Have fun voting!