Yeah I saw the Big Bang comics sales tweet nailing Marvel last night, the whole tweet thread just seemed like a mix of anger, frustration and sadness from the store on another Marvel screw you for them.
I will always say that Marvel are still doing some great series and whenever anyone tries to call them trash or that DC are destroying them in terms of the amount quality books they are wrong, but the line wide direction, advertising and how they treat the stores that sell there books just seems to get worse and worse.
For Legacy the two major problems I see are the obvious one with the lenticular cover, with Marvel going heavy on the lenticular covers across pretty much all there issues soon why on earth wouldn't you make sure the one your big landmark issue thats moving the line forward isnt a rushed/rubbish job. Then secondly with Legacy if you've read that as a new reader or a returning reader where do you go from there as the next jumping on point, all the Marvel series seem to be in the middle of stories or with the new numbering seem like they are deep in lore and story and are not a place to jump on. Plus the two big character returns that were done in Legacy,
have no new series on the horizon that people can pre order or get excited about. Seems like theres going to be Legacy, a gap whilst loads of series finish what there doing then a kind of reboot, but by the time they get it Legacy will be forgotten. Just all seems oddly planned