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COMICS!!! |OT| September 2017 | 25 Years of wearing a smile to work!

Witchblade is relaunching at #1 with a new host to take advantage of a TV series maybe happening. Doesn't sound like there will be Sejic covers which surprises me somewhat.


Witchblade is relaunching at #1 with a new host to take advantage of a TV series maybe happening. Doesn't sound like there will be Sejic covers which surprises me somewhat.

He's a busy man now. He has two fanbases to keep happy and promises to keep.
In order to write in comics is it really about who you know? I talked to a famous author a couple weeks back and she told me she had a friend who does and she said that he says it's mostly about who you know. I started writing a script for one a little while ago since I'm struggling with my novel and this makes it sound like I shouldn't bother finishing it.
In order to write in comics is it really about who you know? I talked to a famous author a couple weeks back and she told me she had a friend who does and she said that he says it's mostly about who you know. I started writing a script for one a little while ago since I'm struggling with my novel and this makes it sound like I shouldn't bother finishing it.

To an extent, isn't that pretty much every business? Networking is pretty important.


In order to write in comics is it really about who you know? I talked to a famous author a couple weeks back and she told me she had a friend who does and she said that he says it's mostly about who you know. I started writing a script for one a little while ago since I'm struggling with my novel and this makes it sound like I shouldn't bother finishing it.

There are alot of writers that started out doing Novels and similar stuff first that helped get them in the door. Id finish the novel and attept to get it released/published and see what happens after that. I think Snyder started that way and then pitched a book to DC/Vertigo. Others go the Image route though which might be even easier since you control everything yourself. You have to find an artist though and manage the payments and everything yourself. Cons are probably the best place to start pitching your work though to artist looking to break into the industry too. Remender met Opena while working on animation before getting into comics.

I wouldnt just give up becuase your worried it would be too hard. Hell Hickman started out writting and drawing his own books for Image first just to get his name out there and then got picked up by Marvel and worked with Bendis for awhile before getting Secret Warriors. Plus it sounds like you already have an in with the authors freind. If your really serious id save his contact info for when you are really ready. Practice writing as much as possible though first.
Noah Van Sciver and Michael DeForge started making zines and are now doing really well for themselves. Some people start by working in animation. There's all kinds of ways to build your craft, make connections and get your work out there. Or, well, so it seems. I dont have experience as a cartoonist. I do think about doing it sometimes. Regardless of the approach, it seems people who make it have a consistent, serious work ethic.
Which I lack in spades.
I wonder if this will convince the people expecting a fake out.

In hindsight, with the Dark Phoenix moving coming out next year, Jean Grey kind of was the obvious choice for the "return of a fan-favorite" talk.

Oh great, so Teen Jean and Regular Jean are gonna exist in the same plane, that's gonna be weird? Is that also a Mini?

I actually wouldn't be surprised if she's fully taken over by the Phoenix Entity and just goes by that. I know a lot of people are predicting that Jane Foster will lose her human side and fully become Thor 24/7, so maybe something similar will happen with OG!Jean?


In order to write in comics is it really about who you know? I talked to a famous author a couple weeks back and she told me she had a friend who does and she said that he says it's mostly about who you know. I started writing a script for one a little while ago since I'm struggling with my novel and this makes it sound like I shouldn't bother finishing it.

My friend, when you're starting out, you HAVE to do it just to SEE if you can do it. Otherwise, it's not worth pursuing.


In hindsight, with the Dark Phoenix moving coming out next year, Jean Grey kind of was the obvious choice for the "return of a fan-favorite" talk.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if she's fully taken over by the Phoenix Entity and just goes by that. I know a lot of people are predicting that Jane Foster will lose her human side and fully become Thor 24/7, so maybe something similar will happen with OG!Jean?

We started to get a lot of Phoenix stories this year and even some of us noticed it lol. My guesses for the returning character was Jean and Wolverine with Hulk as a dark horse.

The teen Jean book sounds like it will be wrapping up soon as well. It makes sense given that the story was about preparing for the return of the Phoenix, which we now know is the return of Adult Jean.
Metal makes me wish I was far more knowledgeable of DC lore. This is for old school DC fans. It's like Morrison and Johns had a baby.

Also I enjoy how
the only word Baby Darkseid said was and Omega symbol and how Speed Force Batman talks similar to Hunter Zolomon. Also why is Baby Darkseid inside of an urn in a temple in a swamp?


teen jean was not awesome

original jean is the heart and soul of the X-Men

Teen Jeans current book is great. Granted I've always liked teen Jean but her current book is legit great.

Old Jeans story is enhanced by staying dead. Coming back cheapens it.
So according to Nightwing #28,
Spyral is a product of Cadmus and Checkmate? I mean, Minos was, and he ran Spyral for awhile. He was created by someone to do so.

Also Helena and Dick banging it out. Shawn was too good for you Dick.


Wasn't even everyone expecting adult Jean to come back eventually? Phoenix imagery and all, it was only a matter of time. Seems they wanna get stuff back to the status quo. I feel like the Xmen is gonna be a mess for a long time after they start bringing people back. I imagine Xavier is gonna be back in some way after Astonishing.
Wasn't even everyone expecting adult Jean to come back eventually? Phoenix imagery and all, it was only a matter of time. Seems they wanna get stuff back to the status quo. I feel like the Xmen is gonna be a mess for a long time after they start bringing people back. I imagine Xavier is gonna be back in some way after Astonishing.
At the very least, the O5 will leave the timeline. No reason to keep any of them.


At the very least, the O5 will leave the timeline. No reason to keep any of them.

I don't hate the original 5 as teens at all, but I do want them to either leave or completely replace their older counterparts. I don't like having two versions in the same timeline for so long.


Teen Jeans current book is great. Granted I've always liked teen Jean but her current book is legit great.

Old Jeans story is enhanced by staying dead. Coming back cheapens it.

Was the actual final Jean Grey death in Morrison's New X-Men? Or was it after?

I havent read New X-Men since it came out and I cant remember if it was in that run or not lol.

Shes been dead so long though that most new readers dont even care it seems like. These are the same people that think Wolverine is a girl or this super old dude. If Marvel wants to go back to their Legacy characters, OG Jean Grey is a great place to start imo. Hope Charles and OG Logan are next, but I seriously doubt they will be bringing back Logan (atleast not yet).

That Professor Thorgi Youtube guy seems to be doing a really great job on his idea for how Marvel should be handling the relaunch but I dont see them sticking the landing that well after these past few years. Ever since the MCU kicked off and selling off the X-Men/FF franchises to Fox, Marvel has really been shitting the bed with their comics.

The OG 5 X-Men were awesome in Bendis's All New X-Men book but I really feel like they should have just sent them back at the end of that series. If anyone sticks around though it should totally be Scott. Hes got the chance to right the wrongs of his older self and I think Marvel could do some great things with him if he stays while the others leave. Really wish Champions was better than it is. Hope it sticks around with a new writer after Legacy.


I want to see teen Cyclops meet with adult Jean.

Was the actual final Jean Grey death in Morrison's New X-Men? Or was it after?

I havent read New X-Men since it came out and I cant remember if it was in that run or not lol.

Shes been dead so long though that most new readers dont even care it seems like. These are the same people that think Wolverine is a girl or this super old dude. If Marvel wants to go back to their Legacy characters, OG Jean Grey is a great place to start imo. Hope Charles and OG Logan are next, but I seriously doubt they will be bringing back Logan (atleast not yet).

That Professor Thorgi Youtube guy seems to be doing a really great job on his idea for how Marvel should be handling the relaunch but I dont see them sticking the landing that well after these past few years. Ever since the MCU kicked off and selling off the X-Men/FF franchises to Fox, Marvel has really been shitting the bed with their comics.
Marvel sold the rights back in 1994, so that's going pretty far back lol.

Thorgi is mostly saying that he wants Marvel to keep stuff the same as it was pre-SE except with less books, the Spider-Man marriage coming back, and a few creative changes.
Supergirl #11 to #12 discrepancy:

The gun's glow was green at the end of #11, yet it's purple at the beginning of #12.

I don't hate the original 5 as teens at all, but I do want them to either leave or completely replace their older counterparts. I don't like having two versions in the same timeline for so long.
I don't either, but they've severely squandered them. Beast, Jean, and Cyclops have been great, but Angel and Iceman have been massively squandered.


I want to see teen Cyclops meet with adult Jean.

Marvel sold the rights back in 1994, so that's going pretty far back lol.

Thorgi is mostly saying that he wants Marvel to keep stuff the same as it was pre-SE except with less books, the Spider-Man marriage coming back, and a few creative changes.

Yeah I was mainly saying ever since the MCU started without the X-Men and FF franchises. Which leads Marvel trying to hype the Inhumans and killing off Professor X and OG Logan. Which leads to the All New relauch which got us into the mess weve been in for the past 3 years.

But his specific details about the books are really great. That Spider-man pitch alone sounds awesome!


Supergirl #11 to #12 discrepancy:

The gun's glow was green at the end of #11, yet it's purple at the beginning of #12.


I don't either, but they've severely squandered them. Beast, Jean, and Cyclops have been great, but Angel and Iceman have been massively squandered.

Bunn in an interview from this past week:

Marvel.com: Hang onto that Mojo guy for a Mojo-ment—who if anyone do you feel of your leads might get more focus going forward? Has any one of them been underserved, in your opinion?

Cullen Bunn: There are a couple of characters who haven't gotten the spotlight they deserve, namely Angel and Iceman, and I have plans for bigger stories for them in the future. There are also some really insane plans in place for Jimmy Hudson. Eventually, he's going to be getting a code name, but I think it'll surprise everyone how that comes about. It's not what you're expecting. I promise.

Yeah I was mainly saying ever since the MCU started without the X-Men and FF franchises. Which leads Marvel trying to hype the Inhumans and killing off Professor X and OG Logan.

But his specific details about the books are really great. That Spider-man pitch alone sounds awesome!
I actually don't have a problem with Xavier being dead lol. I expect him and Logan to come back relatively soon though.
Supergirl Annual annoying me with another art inconsistency:

Selena has a different outfit.

Other than that, there's some heavy stuff happening in Supergirl. Specifically regarding
the DEO and Oz. Although, Bones has always been the head of the DEO, yeah? So when did he lose it and have to take it back over?
Also, have any of the other original Task Force X members from JLvSS showed up since then? Emerald Empress is in Supergirl and Lobo is in JLA. What about the rest?
You were retroactively post ninja'd. Weird.

I also think having Jimmy around is superfluous. I don't get why they brought him over.
He's Bunn's baby, I believe.
There are alot of writers that started out doing Novels and similar stuff first that helped get them in the door. Id finish the novel and attept to get it released/published and see what happens after that. I think Snyder started that way and then pitched a book to DC/Vertigo. Others go the Image route though which might be even easier since you control everything yourself. You have to find an artist though and manage the payments and everything yourself. Cons are probably the best place to start pitching your work though to artist looking to break into the industry too. Remender met Opena while working on animation before getting into comics.

I wouldnt just give up becuase your worried it would be too hard. Hell Hickman started out writting and drawing his own books for Image first just to get his name out there and then got picked up by Marvel and worked with Bendis for awhile before getting Secret Warriors. Plus it sounds like you already have an in with the authors freind. If your really serious id save his contact info for when you are really ready. Practice writing as much as possible though first.

My friend, when you're starting out, you HAVE to do it just to SEE if you can do it. Otherwise, it's not worth pursuing.


I've been watching a lot of rogues gallery videos and fuck it makes me want to write a Batman story focusing on Scarface. No one in my Batman thread recommended me any Scarface comics so I assume no one has written a really good one yet. Makes me want to write the first one. I want to write a Zatanna story too. I got to finish the two stories I'm currently working on though.


Is Hack/Slash any good overall? I was reading through a few pages of a crossover that they did with Chucky, and I don't know if that's a good representation of what the rest of the series is like or not.

I've been watching a lot of rogues gallery videos and fuck it makes me want to write a Batman story focusing on Scarface. No one in my Batman thread recommended me any Scarface comics so I assume no one has written a really good one yet. Makes me want to write the first one. I want to write a Zatanna story too. I got to finish the two stories I'm currently working on though.

I'd imagine there aren't a lot of Scarface stories because he's a tough character to write for. He's got nuance, but he comes off as a one-trick pony. The kind of character that gets one fantastic story and that's it.


I'd imagine there aren't a lot of Scarface stories because he's a tough character to write for. He's got nuance, but he comes off as a one-trick pony. The kind of character that gets one fantastic story and that's it.

I generally can't STAND Ventriloquist/Scarface. I will admit he was used to very good effect in the I Am Suicide story by King, though.
I generally can't STAND Ventriloquist/Scarface. I will admit he was used to very good effect in the I Am Suicide story by King, though.

His episodes in Batman The Animated Series, particularly the one where he's reformed, are both solid. Otherwise I don't much care for him. He's just okay.


Was the actual final Jean Grey death in Morrison's New X-Men? Or was it after?

I havent read New X-Men since it came out and I cant remember if it was in that run or not lol.
Yeah Magneto killed Jean near the end of Morrison's run. Then Wolverine killed Magneto....
Supergirl Annual annoying me with another art inconsistency:

Selena has a different outfit.

Other than that, there's some heavy stuff happening in Supergirl. Specifically regarding
the DEO and Oz. Although, Bones has always been the head of the DEO, yeah? So when did he lose it and have to take it back over?
Also, have any of the other original Task Force X members from JLvSS showed up since then? Emerald Empress is in Supergirl and Lobo is in JLA. What about the rest?

He's Bunn's baby, I believe.
No(aside from Doctor Polaris in Green Lanterns), but SS is gearing up for a story about them which will probably involve Lord.
His episodes in Batman The Animated Series, particularly the one where he's reformed, are both solid. Otherwise I don't much care for him. He's just okay.
I liked the female one more.



A meow from Bellaire.
Wild Storm Week! I have resisted the preview, cannot wait till Wednesday.


Wait, did the cover change? I thought it was supposed to be this? I like the old one better. Ok, looks like this is now the #8 cover.

Also, I might double dip on the trade (and the eventual HC and Absolute) for this cover...

Marvel could learn a thing or two about cover, logo and trade dress design from this team.
Is the new Wildstorm any good?

I liked the look of it and enjoyed t he first issue but haven't kept up. Also one of the characters reminding me of Pharah helped.
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