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Commercials you just despise

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Let's talk radio, TV, whatever... Anyway, what commercial(s) do you just abhor.

1. Six Flags Commercial
Who's idea was it to take a horribly madeup "old" man as the source of all things fun. He shuffles his feet, walks slowly, then breaks out in a dance. But oh, not just any song, but Venga Bus, which should have died 1998. And to top it all off, apparently little kids break into dance. The last time I was there, I saw crying children and angry parents telling them to shut up.

2. T.G.I. Fridays'
I've now crossed off What I Like About You by the Romantics as a song I once loved. And Fridays' is not the fun happy place they try to make it out to be, from my experience anyway. You have servers who relegated to wear as many stupid buttons and hats as possible, and there are no decent lookin' female servers. And they get angry when you're in their way.

Just some thoughts...


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
All the commercials mentioned above, except for the Six Flags and Fanta commercials. On the other side of the spectrum I LOVE Citibank's Identity Fraud Campaign and that bit Whoopi did in her Series Finale was fucking hilarious.

MC Safety

I hate:

1) Any ad for a sports drink where people sweat/bleed/what-have-you fluorescent colors.

2) Those horrible Chili's commercials where the untalented people sing.

I'm pretty sure I'll come up with more if I actually apply brain cells.
I can stand most commercials, but there's one that for whatever reason makes me want to kill everyone who had anything to do with it. I don't even remember what company it's for. All I remember is that it's for these vitamins for low-carb dieters. I don't have a problem with the low-carb diet; if you believe in it and follow it or whatever, more power to you. But this commercial pisses me off.

"We just switched to a low-carb diet, but I still worry that our diet is missing something." That's when I just want to scream "YEAH, THE CARBS YOU FUCKING IDIOTS.

I cannot watch that commercial. If it comes on I'll leave the room or turn off the tv. I don't even know why it bothers me so much, but it just does. I absolutely cannot stand it.



along with any local commercial from buffalo.

I also hate that wendy's unofficial spokesperson commercial. God I hate it!


Razor commercials, when the woman comes up from behind the man after he's shaven--as if a clean face is a ticket to a night full of wild sex.

One I find amusing, however, is the Coors Light commercial with basketball players and rap in the background, ignoring the obvious problems with mixing beer and basketball (at least as far as I know :D)


Bob's Furniture definitely has the most annoying commercials of all time. The guy's voice can shred a tank, and he's usually accompanied by a woman who's almost as annoying as he is.

Quizzno's singing zombie rats. On what planet are these things appetizing?

Third place goes to the Rogaine commercials a few years back that played on insecurities. The one where the guy would look horrified as he pulled a single hair out of the sink drain, or whatever.

Old navy and Enzyte are tied for distant fourth.


Whatever that commercial is with the whistling and the stupid 50's sitcom theme so guys can get bigger boners



xsarien said:
Three words:
"I'm lovin' it."

Those ones (or at least, the more annoying ones) didn't go for long, but that reminds me of those stupid ads where some black guy named Calvin gets a job at McDonalds.

And gets hit on by women while he's working at the drive-through window.

People who watch Chapelle's Show have probably seen the parody of those ads. Very annoying when they aired, simply because they were so damn stupid.


Hitokage said:
Enzyte. No contest.

I'll say it again... all I want is a ReplayTV box that will stop the live feed once it detects that stupid-ass Enzyte whistling and replace it with 30 seconds of nice, soothing jazz music and a black screen.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Thaedolus said:
Whatever that commercial is with the whistling and the stupid 50's sitcom theme so guys can get bigger boners


Is that the one they kept on running during the superbowl? They were saying vague statements and showing the name of the drug until about the 3rd quarter where they finally revealed that it was mouth melting viagra for faster action down below. It thinks its called Citacisl or something.
I'm sitting, watching television when a Red Roof Inn commercial comes on. I hear John Goodman's voiceover (who undoubtedly didn't do the commercial on Shabbos) talking about typical hotel features.

Then, a jingle, done by Goodman that goes something like "...a real good deal, so save yourself some dollar beals."

Afterwards, I think "What the hell is a 'beal'?" I think about it for a few minutes, then give up.

I'm at my friend's house a few days later when it comes on. I hear him groaning in displeasure over the commercial. Its over, I ask him "What the hell is a beal?" Then he informs me it's the commercial writers trying to be hip, and Goodman is actually saying "bills." Apparently, Goodman said it so "whitely" that I never connected the dots. At that very instant, my soul left my body and traveled into the future, where I looked down upon my rotting corpse. I tried in vain to jump into it, to somehow escape this life. Instead, I now must live with the knowledge that the Red Roof Inn commercial could come on at any time, and I'll become suicidal once again.

Oh yeah, and those piece of shit fake Lil Penny Sprite commercials, and as said earlier, Fanta.


Killthee said:
Is that the one they kept on running during the superbowl? They were saying vague statements and showing the name of the drug until about the 3rd quarter where they finally revealed that it was viagra that just mels in your mouth for faster action down below. It thinks its called Citacisl or something.
No, that's Cialis, the one that warns you that it's supposed to stop working after 4 hours or something went wrong


I don't know what the hell it's for, I change the channel before the end otherwise I have that stupid whistle song in my head for hours, like I do right now >:|
Ah, the Enzyte/Cialis/Levitra commercials, also the ones I can't stand. It's on ESPN all the time. Enzyte sponsors NASCAR as well. Levitra has the guy trying to throw a football through a swinging tire. Gee, I wanonder what they are referring to. Cialis has a psuedo-jazz/porn music in the background, and you see couples holding hands and eluding to something else...

For the most part, I think commercials can be very clever, especially the ones in the UK and Japan. Better use of humor over there. And I live for Super Bowl Sunday for the commercials as well as the games. But it can't hurt to rag on the really bad ones... Stupid TGI Fridays'
Knott's Berry Farm commercials....well, atleast the song. I remember last year being haunted by that damn song ("Cool! Cool! Cool! Cool rides at Knott's!" or some shit). This summer that have a new one, which might just beat last summer's commercial in being purely annoying.


ALL Truth.com commercials.

Most anti-drug ads.

"Always something there to excite me!"

AOL for Broadband radio ads.


well not really...yet
Ah yes, I hate every single one of those Truth anti smoking commercials. despise them


Unconfirmed Member
Cyan said:
That fucking motherfucker bastard-fucking kid who says "zoom zoom." Jesus forgive me, but I hate that fucker.

If I saw him on the street I would rip his eyeballs out and shove them down his throat, then kick him in the neck.

I would wisper "zoom zoom" in his ear as he took his dying breaths.

not realy :( but I still hate that commercial


I hate all radio commericals, because they just suck. Well except for the Sobe Drink radio spots. I like that guy Freddy, he makes me laugh. As far as TV, I dont really know. I mean I usually change the channel or FF through them. I just really hate all radio commercials, as I want to go through my radio and choke the life out of the people producing them.




That new Pepto Bismol commercial with the stupid "Macarena" thing, where they all grab their asses when it says "Diarrhea".

Fucking EW. I don't need to know that you're making brown lakes in your pants :p


That mitsubishi car commercial with that bitch waving her hands like a break dancer. I want to smash her face with a sledgehammer.



Rockman said:
That mitsubishi car commercial with that bitch waving her hands like a break dancer. I want to smash her face with a sledgehammer.


Did you see the Dave Chappelle parody of that commercial? It was HILARIOUS!! :D
Killthee said:
All the commercials mentioned above, except for the Six Flags and Fanta commercials. On the other side of the spectrum I LOVE Citibank's Identity Fraud Campaign and that bit Whoopi did in her Series Finale was fucking hilarious.

two things...you like the Fanta ads? you sick man. at least you like the Citibank ads. Those are just great.

How about the toilet paper ads? I know what it's used for, I don't need to see an animated bear's expression of joy as he wipes his ass!!
Meet Bob.

(stupid whistling)

Bob's got a new spring of CONFIDENCE.

(more stupid whistling)

A generous swelling of PRIDE.

(more whistling, kill me now)

Free samples of Enzy-

(sound of gunshot)
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